Zadetki iskanja
- révica (-e) f poveretta
- révica ž jadnica, sirotica
- révica pobre f ; pobre mujer f
- prestáti prestajáti to stand; to endure, to suffer, to undergo, to experience
mnogo prestáti, prestajáti to go through a great deal
prestáti, prestajáti preizkušnjo to stand a test, to undergo a trial
prestáti, prestajáti muke to be in torment, to suffer torments
mnogo sem prestal I have been through much trouble
veliko je prestal he had a rough time, he had it rough
revica je mnogo prestala the poor woman was sorely tried
prestáti, prestajáti (hude) bolečine to suffer (great) pain
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Število zadetkov: 4