cracking [krǽkiŋ] pridevnik
pogovorno sijajen; bliskovit
Zadetki iskanja
- cracking tujka angl. kem. krekanje
- cracking glej kreking
- kréking | cracking (-a) m kem. produzione di idrocarburi col cracking
- krekíranje (-a) n kem. angl. cracking (termico), piroscissione
- get*1 [get]
1. prehodni glagol
dobiti; pridobiti zaslužiti; vzeti, jemati; preskrbeti, nabaviti, omisliti si, kupiti; spraviti, spravljati (pridelke); doseči; ujeti; razumeti, naučiti se, doumeti; zvedeti; dati si narediti
ameriško, sleng razjeziti, razdražiti
2. neprehodni glagol
postati; priti, dospeti; napotiti se; navaditi se
ameriško, sleng popihati jo
to get acquainted seznaniti se
to get to be postati
to get better okrevati
to get the better of s.o. premagati koga
to get the best of najbolje opraviti
to get one's back up razjeziti se
to get the bullet (ali boot, sack, mitten) biti odpuščen
to get clear of znebiti, otresti se
sleng get cracking! loti se posla!
to get dressed obleči se
to get done dati si narediti
there's no getting around nič ne pomaga
to get drunk opijaniti se
to get a glimpse of bežno zagledati
to get even with s.o. obračunati s kom
to get one's eye in navaditi se, prilagoditi se
to get on a fair treat zelo dobro napredovati
sleng to get s.o.'s goat razjeziti, razdražiti koga
get you gone! proč od tod, izgini(te)!
to get the goods on s.o. dobiti dokaze proti komu
to get a grip of obvladati, premagati
sleng to get a big hand zelo ugajati, doživeti velik uspeh
to get the hang of razumeti, doumeti kaj
to have got to (z nedoločnikom) morati, biti prisiljen
to get by heart naučiti se na pamet
ameriško, sleng to get in Dutch with zameriti se komu
to get hold of polastiti se
pogovorno to get the kick out of uživati nad čim
to get to know spoznati
sleng to get left razočarati se, podleči
to get lost zgubiti se
to get to like vzljubiti
to get it (in the neck) biti grajan, kaznova
to get a move on pohiteti
to get married poročiti se
to get on s.o.'s nerves dražiti koga
to get nowhere nič ne doseči
to get possession of polastiti se česa
to get a sight of zagledati
to get the sow (ali pig) by the tail (ali ear), to get the wrong sow by the ear zmotiti se
to get over (ali round) s.o. pregovoriti koga
to get s.o. razumeti koga; imeti koga za norca
sleng to get the raspberry biti zasmehovan
sleng to get rattled zmesti se, postati živčen
to get ready pripraviti se
to get rid (ali quit) znebiti se
to get a rise out of s.o. razdražiti koga
to get one's second wind oddahniti si
to get one's shoes soled dati si podplatiti čevlje
to get to sleep zaspati
to get a slip pelin dobiti, biti zavrnjen
to get the start of s.o. prehiteti koga
to get there doseči uspeh
to get well ozdraveti
to get the wind of zvedeti, zavohati, zaslutiti kaj
figurativno to get the wind up prestrašiti se
to get to work lotiti se dela
to get the worst of the bargain zgubiti, biti premagan
to get s.o. wrong napačno koga razumeti
to get used to doing navaditi se česa
to get the upper hand of s.o. premagati koga - léd ice
umeten léd artificial ice
plavajoči léd floating (ali drift, loose) ice
topeči se léd melting ice
hokej na lédu ice hockey
drobilec lédú ice-crusher
jadranje na lédu ice-yachting, ice-boating
jadrnica na lédu iceboat, ice yacht
plast lédú na ribniku a sheet of ice on the pond
mrzel kot léd ice-cold, frigid
v léd ujeta ladja icebound ship
dati na léd, pokriti z lédom to ice
iti komu na léd to allow oneself to be taken in
ne moreš me speljati na léd you can't take me in
léd prebiti to break the ice
léd se udre the ice gives way
sekati stopinje v léd to cut steps in the ice
spremeniti se v léd (o vodi) to turn into ice
léd se lomi, poka the ice breaks, cracks (ali is breaking, cracking)
léd se topi the ice melts (ali is melting)
léd ne drži the ice won't hold you, the ice is giving way
upati si na tanek léd (figurativno) to skate on thin ice - zbíjanje nailing (ali riveting, joining, dovetailing) together
zbíjanje šal cracking jokes; making fun (of), making game (of), poking fun (at)
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Število zadetkov: 8