
Zadetki iskanja

  • nadzóren supervisory, superintending; controlling, control

    nadzórni odbor inspecting committee, supervisory committee
  • nadzórstven controlling, supervisory; of inspection; superintending

    nadzórstveni uradnik controlling officer
  • interest1 [íntrist] samostalnik
    interes, zanimanje (in za)
    udeležba; važnost, pomen
    ekonomija udeležba, delež, pravica do deleža (in)
    ekonomija, (samo ednina) obresti; vpliv (with na)
    oblast (with nad)
    prid, korist, dobiček
    pravno pravica, zahteva (in)

    interest account obrestni račun
    simple interest navadne obresti
    compound interest obrestne obresti
    interest charged franko obresti
    interest due zamudne obresti
    ex interest, free of interest brez obresti
    interest from (ali on) capital obresti od kapitala
    and (ali plus) interest z obrestmi
    to charge interest zaračunati obresti
    interest on debit balances debetne obresti
    interest rate obrestna mera
    interest pro and contra obresti na dolg in imetje
    to bear (ali carry, pay, yield) interest obrestovati se
    to lend out money at interest posojati denar z obrestmi
    figurativno to return with interest vrniti kaj z obrestmi
    controlling interest odločilna udeležba kapitala
    the banking interest bančni krogi
    the business interests poslovni svet
    the landed interest veleposestniki
    the shipping interest lastniki ladij
    the interests interesenti
    to be in (ali to) s.o.'s interest biti komu v korist
    to be of interest to biti zanimiv za, mikati koga
    of great interest zelo važen
    of little interest malopomemben
    to look after one's own interests skrbeti za svojo korist
    in your interest vam v korist
    to study the interest of s.o. imeti korist nekoga pred očmi
    a matter of interest važna zadeva
    to have an interest in imeti delež v čem
    to take an interest in sth. zanimati se za kaj, potegovati se za kaj
    to make interest with s.o. vplivati na koga
    to have interest with s.o. imeti vpliv pri kom
    to excite s.o.'s interest zbuditi zanimanje pri kom
    to obtain through interest with s.o. dobiti kaj po zvezah
    to use one's interest with one for s.o. zavzeti se za koga pri kom
    politika sphere of interest interesna sfera
Število zadetkov: 3