
Zadetki iskanja

  • blanket [é] moški spol (-a …) das Blankett; za ček: der Scheckvordruck
  • blankét form (to be filled in); blank
  • blankét imprimé moški spol , formule ženski spol (en blanc)

    izpolniti blanket remplir une formule (ali une fiche)
  • blankét (-a) m modulo, formulario
  • blankét m (fr. blanguette) blanketa, blanket
  • blankét formulario m

    izpolniti blanket llenar un formulario
  • golíca ž
    1. travom obrasla kosa iznad šumske granice
    2. strma golet gdje je nekoč rasla šuma
    3. golica, šišulja, pšenica s kratkim osjem
    4. blanket, bjelica (bel-): brzojavna, čekovna golica
  • kòc coarse rug, blanket
  • odéja blanket; (debela, groba) rug; cover; coverlet

    konjska odéja horse rug
    potovalna odéja travelling rug
    prešita odéja (vatirana) (wadded) quilt, ZDA comforter, (eletrična) electric blanket
    volnena odéja woollen blanket
    ledena odéja ice-sheet
    snežna odéja blanket of snow
    zaviti se v odéjo to wrap a blanket round oneself
    metati koga kvišku z napete odéje to toss someone in a blanket
  • puščóba (oseba) bore, sulk, wet blanket; (stvar) desert
  • zgágar troublemaker, killjoy; (figurativno) wet blanket
  • belica4 ženski spol (blanket) das Blankett
  • blazína (zglavnik) pillow; cushion; pad

    okrogla blazína bolster
    blazína za na zofo sofa-cushion
    blazína za poklekniti hassock
    prevleka za blazíno pillowcase, pillow slip
    mehek kot blazína pillowy
    električna grelna blazína electric blanket
    zračna blazína air mattress
    vozilo na zračni blazíni hovercraft, (cestno) hovercar
  • ček [é] moški spol (-a …) der Scheck, -scheck (cirkularni Zirkularscheck, gotovinski Barscheck, imenski Rektascheck/Namensscheck, imetniški Inhaberscheck, obračunski Verrechnungsscheck, po odredbi Orderscheck, poštni Postscheck, potovalni Reisescheck/Travellerscheck)
    ček brez kritja ungedeckter Scheck
    … čeka, čekov Scheck-
    blanket ček der Scheckvordruck
    koristnik čeka der Schecknehmer
    ponareditev čeka die Scheckfälschung
    ponarejevalec čeka/čekov der Scheckfälscher
    preklic čeka der Scheckwiderruf/ die Schecksperre
    vnovčenje čeka die Scheckeinlösung
    plačevanje/plačilo s čekom die Scheckzahlung
    preklicati ček einen Scheck sperren lassen
  • grélen warming

    grélna steklenica hot-water bottle; foot-warmer
    grélna ponev arhaično warming pan
    grélne cevi (v vagonu) hot-water pipes pl
    grélna blazin(ic)a electric blanket
  • ígra play; (biljard, karte, šport) game; šport (tekma) match

    odločilna ígra šport key game, decider; (radio, slušna) play; (predstava) performance; (lutkovna) puppetry; (teniška partija) set; (zabava) amusement, pastime; (igralcev v gledališču) acting, playing; glasba (manner of) playing
    olimpijske ígre the Olympic Games pl, the Olympics pl
    družabne ígre parlour games, party games pl
    hazardna ígra gamble, gambling
    ígre na prostem outdoor games pl
    besedna ígra a play on words, pun
    neodločena ígra draw
    poštena, odkrita ígra fair play
    nepoštena, zahrbtna ígra foul play
    tvegana ígra a risky (ali a bold) game
    nema ígra (pantomima) dumb-show
    otročja ígra child's play, kid's play
    (čudna) ígra narave (npr. tele z dvema glavama) beak (of nature)
    ígre v spretnosti games pl of skill
    tovariš pri ígri partner, playfellow, playmate
    dolgovi pri ígri gambling debts, gaming debts
    čas za ígro playtime
    izguba pri ígri loss at play
    podaljšanje ígre extra time
    prekinitev ígre (odmor) ZDA time-out
    prepoved ígre playing ban
    pravilo (kake) ígre rule (of a game)
    trajanje ígre length (ali time) of play
    izid, rezultat ígre (nogomet itd.) score(s pl)
    kakšen je izid ígre? what's the score?
    kvarilec ígre killjoy, spoilsport, wet blanket
    ígra mačke in miši cat-and-mouse game
    igrati dvojno ígro (figurativno) to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
    njegovo življenje je v ígri (na kocki) his life is at stake
    imeti srečo v ígri to have a lucky break (ali streak), to strike lucky
    izgubiti ígro to lose the game
    predati ígro (kot izgubljeno) to give up the game as lost, (figurativno) to throw in the sponge (ali the towel)
    to je otročja ígra v primeri z... it's child's play compared with...
    dobiti ígro to win the game
    goljufati pri ígri to cheat (at gambling), not to play fair, arhaično to sharp
    pokvariti komu ígro (figurativno) to put a spoke in someone's wheel
    poskusiti (svojo) srečo v ígri to try one's luck at gambling
    igrati nevarno ígro to play a dangerous game
    igrati visoko ígro to play for high stakes
    spregledal, spoznal sem njegovo ígro (figurativno) I understood his little game, I saw through his tricks
    to je otročja ígra (figurativno) this is an easy task
    to je bila otročja ígra šport, lahka zmaga this was a walkover (ali child's play)
    zapraviti svoje premoženje pri ígri to gamble away one's fortune
  • kónjski horse(-), horse's, horses'; horsy, horse-like; equine

    kónjski bič horsewhip
    udariti s kónjskim bičem to horsewhip
    kónjska dirka horse race
    kónjsko dirkališče racecourse, hippodrome
    kónjski dreser horsebreaker
    kónjski gnoj horse dung, horse manure
    kónjski hlev stables pl, for horses
    kónjski hrbet horseback
    kónjska koža horsehide
    kónjska muha horsefly, gadfly
    kónjska odeja horse blanket, horsecloth
    kónjsko meso horsemeat
    kónjski okras trappings pl caparison
    kónjska oprava harness, gear
    kónjska podkev horseshoe
    kónjska pijavka zoologija horse-leech
    kónjska moč horsepower (krajšava: HP)
    kónjski tat horse thief
    kónjski trgovec horse dealer, horse coper, coper
    kónjska železnica horse-railway, tramway
    kónjska žima horsehair
  • nezakónski illegitimate, spurious, bastard, evfemizem natural

    nezakónski otrok child born out of wedlock, bastard, illegitimate child, evfemizem natural child; (žargon) love-child, child born on the wrong side of the blanket, arhaično by-blow, out-of-wedlock baby
  • pokváriti to render unfit for use; (poškodovati) to damage; (posel) to botch, to bungle; (moralno) to corrupt, to deprave, to pervert, to demoralize; (zrak itd.) to pollute, to foul

    pokváriti veselje to spoil someone's pleasure; to be a killjoy
    pokvaril nam je veselje he spoiled our pleasure (ali fun), he was a wet blanket
    pokváriti račune to upset (ali to frustrate, to thwart) someone's plans (ali calculations, ironično little plan)
    pokváriti upanja to dampen someone's hopes
    pokvaril si boš oči you will ruin your eyes (ali your sight)
    pokváriti si tek (apetit) to spoil one's appetite
    pokváriti si želodec to ruin (ali to upset) one's stomach
    vročina je pokvarila ribo the fish has gone off in the heat, the heat has tainted the fish
    pokvaril mi je račune (figurativno) he spiked my guns
    pokváriti se to go bad, to be spoilt, to spoil, to change for the worse, to grow worse; (stroj itd.) to break down; (meso) to go bad, to go off; (moralno) to become depraved (corrupted, demoralized); (segniti) to rot
    motor se mi je pokvaril I had engine trouble
    vreme se je pokvarilo the weather has turned nasty
  • pŕha shower, shower bath

    stopiti pod hladno pŕho to take a cold shower; douche
    mrzla pŕha figurativno wet blanket
    to je bila (kot) mrzla pŕha za moje načrte that threw cold water on my plans