síla (moč) power, might; (krepkost) vigour; (potreba) necessity; (jakost) strength; (silovitost) vehemence; (nasilje) violence, force; (težava) difficulty, trouble; (prisila) compulsion, constraint, coercion; (beda) want, need, pinch; (stiska) emergency, neediness; (pritisk) pressure; (nevarnost) danger, emergency; (nuja) urgency, necessity
v síli in case of emergency (ali of need, of necessity)
s sílo by force, forcibly, with violence, by strong-arm methods
z vsemi sílami with might and main
pod sílo okoliščin, razmer under the stress of circumstances
po síli (nerad) forced, under compulsion, unwillingly, reluctantly, perforce
če je síla if need be, if need arise
to je višja síla it is a case of needs must (ali of overwhelming odds, of vis maior)
groba síla violence
konjska síla horsepower (krajšava: HP)
gonilna síla motive power
višja síla force majeure, Act of God
naravne síle natural forces, forces of nature
kopne síle vojska land forces pl
pomorske síle vojska naval forces pl, navy
pomorska síla naval power
síla (ogromno) ljudi a great number of people
enota síle unit of force
moment síle moment of a force
delovna síla manpower
politika síle power politics pl
vodna síla water (ali hydraulic) power
oborožene (vojaške) síle armed (military) forces pl
Kraljeva Zračna Sila Royal Air Force
klic v síli emergency call
izhod v síli emergency exit
biti v veliki síli (stiski) to be in great distress (ali need)
ni mu síle he is not in bad circumstances, he is doing well
ni síle (= ne mudi se) there's no hurry, it is not urgent
ni nobene síle there is no hurry
to je za sílo (= začasno) this is a makeshift, this is a stopgap, this is a temporary substitute
síla (strašno) vroče je it is extremely hot
síla ima večjo moč kot pravica might before right
napeti vse (svoje) síle to do one's utmost, to make every effort, to do one's best, to do all one can; to tax one's powers to the utmost; to use every exertion; to stir heaven and earth; to leave no stone unturned
síla kola lomi needs must when the devil drives, necessity knows no law
v síli hudič muhe žre (figurativno) drowning men catch at straws, beggars can't be choosers
(tudi) s sílo se ne da vsega doseči (figurativno) you can take a horse to the water but you can't make him drink
ukloniti se síli to give way to compulsion, to act under compulsion (ali duress)
v síli spoznaš pravega prijatelja a friend in need is a friend indeed
Zadetki iskanja
- sín son
edini sín, sín edinec only son
prvorojeni sín first-born son
Brown, sin Brown, junior (krajšava: jr.)
Brown in sin Brown and Son
najstarejši sín (in dedič) son and heir
zakonski sín legitimate son
nezakonski sín illegitimate son, natural son
Apolonovi sínovi (= pesniki) the sons of Apollo
izgubljeni sín long-lost son, biblija prodigal son
sín božji (Kristus) religija Son of God
to je pravi sín svojega očeta he is his father's son
kakršen oče, takšen sín like father, like son - slavíti to glorify, to celebrate, to extol; to praise
svečano slavíti to solemnize; (praznovati) to keep a holiday, to fête a person
slavíti obletnico to observe an anniversary (god someone's name day, rojstni dan someone's birthday) - sódba sentence, judg(e)ment; (porotnikov) verdict; condemnation; (razsodba) arbitrament, arbitration; (mnenje) judgment, opinion, estimation, thinking
poslednja sódba religija Judgment Day, Doomsday, the Last Judgment
božja sódba judgment of God, zgodovina ordeal
napačna sódba error of judgment, wrong verdict
oprostilna sódba porotnikov verdict of not guilty
smrtna sódba death sentence, (listina) death warrant
po moji sódbi in my opinion (ali judgment)
sódba v korist tožnika verdict for the plaintiff
izvršitev sódbe execution of a sentence
pravnomočna sódba final judgment
izvršiti sódbo to carry out (ali to execute) a sentence
izreči sódbo to give (ali to pass, to deliver, to pronounce) sentence (nad on)
razveljaviti sódbo to quash a sentence
spodbijati sódbo to impugn a judgment
spremeniti sódbo to commute a sentence
sprejeti sódbo to submit to a sentence
napraviti, ustvariti si sódbo to form an opinion (ali judgment)
vzdržati se vsake sódbe o neki zadevi to abstain from giving any opinion on a matter - sónčen sunny; of the sun, sun; sunshiny; solar
sónčni bog sun god
sónčna energija solar energy, power
elektrarna, ki deluje s pomočjo sónčne energije solar (energy) power station
sónčna kura medicina sun cure
sónčna lega sunny aspect
sónčna korona (obstret) corona
sónčno leto solar year
sónčna luč, svetloba sunlight
sónčni mrk solar eclipse
sónčna očala sun spectacles pl, sunglasses pl, (temna) dark glasses
sónčna pega sunspot, (na obrazu) freckle
sónčni sij sunshine
sónčna (lepa) stran the sunny side
sónčna soba sunny room
zelo sónčna soba ZDA sun parlor
sónčni sistem solar system
premikanje sónčnega sistema solar motion
sónčna terasa sun deck
sónčna ura sundial, dial
sónčna steklena veranda ZDA sun parlor
sónčna toplota solar heat, warmth of the sun
sónčni vzhod sunrise, sunup
sónčni zahod sunset, sundown
sónčna (japonska) zastava the Rising Sun
sónčni žarek sun ray, sunbeam
ne prepusten za sónčne žarke sunproof - šíba rod; switch; (brezovka) birch; wand
šíba strahovalka, leskovka rod
šíba božja figurativno (Atila) the Scourge of God
udarec s šíbo lash
(na)tepsti s šíbo to birch
kaznovati koga s šíbo to give someone the birch
imeti pripravljeno šíbo za koga to have a rod in pickle for someone
šíba novo mašo poje (figurativno) spare the rod and spoil the child - takó prislov so, like this, like that, thus, in this way, in such a manner
takó takó so-so, so so, fairly well, tolerably
takó ali takó in one way or other, this way or that (way)
prav takó likewise
točno takó! just so!, quite so!
zakaj takó? why so?
kaj takega! of all things!
ah, takó! oh, I see!, so that's it!
ne takó kot not so... as
takó da... so that...
takó velik kot... as big as...
takó malo? as little as that?
takó imenovan so-called
takó rekoč so to speak, so to say, as it were
kakor ti meni, takó jaz tebi pogovorno if you play ball with me, I'll play ball with you
in takó dalje and so on, etc (= et cetera, etcetera), and so forth
nikoli poprej takó koristen kot sedaj never before as (ali so) useful as now
takó bogat človek such a rich man, a man so rich
takó je! (popolnoma točno!) exactly!, quite so!, just so!
je to takó? (je to res?) is that so?
takó mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
če je to takó if that be the case
takó je na svetu so goes it
bodite takó dobri in odprite okno! be so kind as to open the window!
takó mi delamo that is our way of doing things
stori takó kot jaz! do as I do!
takó ne bo šlo! that won't do!
takó se je končalo moje potovanje thus ended my journey
nisem takó mislil I didn't mean that, that's not what I meant
zadeva je takó rekoč urejena the matter is as good as settled
dolgočasil nas je takó, da ga nismo nikoli več povabili he annoyed us so much (that) we never asked him again
kakor si boš postlal, takó boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie! - varováti to safeguard; to protect (pred from), to preserve (pred from); to shield, to shelter (pred from), to guard (pred from, proti against)
bog varuj! God forbid!
varováti ustavno ureditev to safeguard constitutional order
varováti se to take care of oneself, to beware (of), to guard (against)
varujte se žeparjev! beware of pickpockets!
varujte se psa! beware of the dog!
on se ne varuje (zdravstveno) he neglects his health - verováti to believe
verováti v kaj, v boga to believe in something, in God - vôjna war; warfare
v vôjni in the war, at war, in wartime
na robu vôjne on the brink of war
na koncu vôjne at the end of the war
v primeru vôjne in case of war, in the event of war
hujskanje k vôjni warmongering
napoved vôjne declaration of war
bog vôjne war god
izbruh vôjne outbreak of war
opustošen od vôjne ravaged by war, war-ravaged
besedna vôjna war of words, wordy warfare
bliskovita vôjna lightning war (= w.), blitzkrieg, blitz
državljanska vôjna civil w., intestine w.
ameriška državljanska vôjna American Civil War, War of Secession, War between the States
gospodarska vôjna economic w.
gverilska vôjna guerilla warfare
hladna vôjna cold w.
križarska vôjna crusade
tridesetletna vôjna Thirty Years' War
stoletna vôjna Hundred Years' War
napadalna vôjna war of aggression
narodnoosvobodilna vôjna war of (ali struggle for) national liberation
osvajalna vôjna war of conquest
obrambna vôjna defensive w.
osvobodilna vôjna war of liberation
podmorniška vôjna submarine warfare
papirnata vôjna paper w.
pomorska vôjna naval warfare, war at sea
pozicijska vôjna static warfare
popolna, splošna (nepopolna, omejena) vôjna allout (limited) warfare
preventivna vôjna preventive w.
psihološka vôjna psychological w.
vôjna do popolne izčrpanosti sovražnika war of attrition
nasledstvena vôjna war of succession
vôjna za neodvisnost war of independence
vôjna do uničenja, do iztrebljenja war of extermination
sveta vôjna holy war
ves svet zajemajoča vôjna global warfare
prva (druga) svetovna vôjna the first World War, World War I, the Great War (the second World War, World War II)
totalna vôjna total w.
verska vôjna religious w.
vôjna v zraku war in the air
živčna vôjna war of nerves
vôjna na življenje in smrt war to the death
to (takšna) je (pač) vôjna such is war
biti tik pred vôjno to be on the eve of war
biti v vôjni to be at war with, to make war upon
iti v vôjno, začeti vôjno, spustiti se v vôjno to go to war (z, proti against), to wage war (z upon, against)
napovedati vôjno to declare war (neki državi on a country)
izzvati vôjno to provoke a war
biti potegnjen v vôjno to drift into war
prenesti vôjno v sovražnikovo deželo to carry the war into the enemy's country
preprečiti vôjno to avert a war
pripravljati vôjno to prepare for war
sprožiti atomsko vôjno to unleash an atomic war
stopiti v vôjno to enter a war, to come into a war
ščuvati k vôjni to incite to war, to agitate for war
voditi vôjno to war, to wage war
v ljubezni in v vôjni je vse dovoljeno all is fair in love and war
vôjna prinese s seboj mnogo zla war brings many evils in its train - voščílo félicitation ženski spol , vœu moški spol
novoletno voščilo vœu (ali souhait moški spol, compliment moški spol) de bonne année
voščilo za god (za rojstni dan) vœu (ali souhait) de bonne fête (de bon anniversaire)
moja prisrčna voščila! (toutes mes) félicitations! - zaščíten protective; shielding
zaščítna barva zoologija protective colouring
zaščítna carina protective tariff
zaščítni bog tutelary god
zaščítna čelada safety helmet, protective helmet, crash helmet
zaščítni pokrov avtomobilizem bonnet, ZDA hood, aeronavtika cockpit cover
zaščítno cepljenje protective inoculation
sistem zaščítne carine protectionism
zagovornik zaščítne carine protectionist
zaščítna mera, ukrep protective (ali preventive) measure
zaščítna ograja guard rail, parapet
zaščítna plast protective layer
zaščítna prevleka protective coating
zaščítno spremstvo safe-conduct, escort, (na morju) convoy, aeronavtika air cover
zaščítno sredstvo (proti) preservative, preventive, preventative (against)
zaščítna streha protective roof, shed, shelter, penthouse
zaščítna straža escort, safeguard
zaščítni zid, stena safety wall
tovarniški zaščítni znak trademark
zaščítna obleka protective clothes pl
zaščítna očala (a pair of) protective (ali safety) goggles