večéren evening(-)
večérni hlad cool of the evening
večérni list, časopis evening paper
večérna molitev religija evening prayer
večérno nebo evening sky
večérna obleka evening dress, evening clothes pl
večérni pouk evening classes pl
večérna predstava evening performance
večérno sonce setting sun
večérna šola night school
večérni vetrič evening breeze, west wind
večérna zarja sunset glow, the light of the setting sun
večérni zrak night air
večérna zvezda evening star, Hesperus
večérni zvon evening bell, angelus
Zadetki iskanja
- ženírati to trouble, to disturb, to embarrass; to bother
ženírati se to feel embarrassed
ne ženirajte se! make yourself at home!, don't be bashful!, this is Liberty Hall
ženírati se (da bi nekaj naredili) to scruple (to do something), to refrain (from doing something)
res, ti se ne ženiraš! well, you are a cool customer!