
Zadetki iskanja

  • inšpektorát inspectorate; inspectorship; body of inspectors
  • karoseríja bodywork, coachwork, car body

    izdelovalec (avto)karoserij car-body builder, carbody maker
    pločevina za (avto)karoserijo automobile car-body panel
  • kolégij (učilišče) college; (vrsta predavanj) course of lectures; (svèt, odbor) collegiate body

    kardinalski kolégij religija the College of Cardinals
    sveti kolégij religija the Sacred College
    volilni kolégij body of electors, constituency
  • komisíja commission; board of commissioners, body of persons entrusted with some investigation; committee; (naročilo) commission, order

    v komisíji on commission
    kupiti in prodati v komisíji to buy and sell on commission
    dati (vzeti) v komisíjo trgovina to give (to take) in commission
    biti v komisíji to be (ali to sit) on a committee
    imenovati, postaviti komisíjo to appoint, to set up a commission, a committee
    imeti blago v komisíji trgovina to have goods on commission
    seja komisíje committee meeting
    arbitražna komisíja arbitration committee (ali board)
    izpitna komisíja board of examiners
    komisíja izvedencev committee of experts
    nadzorna komisíja supervisory committee
    posebna komisíja special committee
    stalna komisíja permanent committee, standing committee
    preiskovalna komisíja committee (ali commission) of inquiry
    mandatno imunitetna komisíja credentials commission
    komisíja za volitve in imenovanja commission for elections and nominations
    mešana komisíja joint commission
  • korporácija corporation; body corporate; corporate body; (ceh) guild
  • mnóštvo a great number, a great (ali a good) many; a large body; mass, plenty, abundance; pogovorno heaps pl (of); (obilje) profusion, ful(l)ness, exuberance, abundance
  • mrlič dead person, dead body, corpse; cadaver

    bedenje, straža pri mrliču wake; deathwatch
    on je samó še živ mrlič (figurativno) he is only a ghost of his former self
  • mrtvák dead body; dead person; corpse
  • mŕtvec dead person, dead body; corpse

    mŕtveci pl the dead
  • nékdo somebody; someone; one; a certain person, a particular person; pesniško, narečno a body; Mr. Soand-so
  • notariát office of a notary, duties pl of a notary; body of notaries
  • orgán anatomija organ, part of body; (glas) voice; (časopis, glasilo) party newspaper; organ; agency

    orgáni družbeno-političnih skupnosti agencies of socio-political communities
    kolegijski poslovni orgán busines board
    pristojni orgán competent agency
  • pasjeglávec cynocephalus, creature with dog's head and human body; slabšalno brute
  • predstávništvo representation; representative body

    konzularno predstávništvo consular mission
  • prestrelína (prestrelna rana) bullet hole, wound made by bullet entering and leaving the body
  • razsodníštvo arbitration; body of arbitrators
  • reprezentánca representation; representative body
  • skúp skúpaj together; jointly, conjointly; collectively; in a body; (v družbi) in company with, accompanied by, in common with, united, associated; (vključno) including, inclusively, taken all in all; all told

    vse skúp, skúpaj all together
    vsega skúp, skúpaj totalling
    skúp, skúpaj z together with, in union with
    boriti se skúp, skúpaj z to make common cause with
    priti skúp, skúpaj to meet
    vse te knjige sem kupil skúp, skúpaj I have bought all these books at one go
    te barve gredo dobro skúp, skúpaj these colours go well together (ali are well-matched)
    kako gre to skupaj? how does it fit in?
  • telésce little body; corpuscle

    rdeča (bela) (krvna) telésca red (white) corpuscles
  • trúplo (človeško) corpse; (človeško, živalsko) dead body; (živalsko) carcass