
Zadetki iskanja

  • túš1 (prha) shower, shower bath; medicina douche

    mrzel túš (figurativno) wet blanket
    politi koga z mrzlim túšem (figurativno) to pour cold water on someone, to throw a wet blanket over someone
  • vesêlje joy, gaiety; joyfulness; gladness; pleasure; delight

    komu v vesêlje to the delight (ali to the joy) of someone
    z vesêljem with plesure
    solze vesêlja tears pl of joy
    kvarilec vesêlja killjoy, wet blanket
    bil je ves iz sebe od vesêlja he could not contain himself for joy
    imam veliko vesêlje s svojimi otroki my children give (ali afford) me much pleasure
    ne maram vam kvariti vesêlja I won't spoil your pleasure
    radi bi ji napravili nekaj vesêlja we would like to give her some pleasure
    skakati od vesêlja to leap for joy
    z vesêljem sem sprejel vaše vabilo I gladly accepted your invitation
    vriskati od vesêlja to shout with joy
  • volnén woollen; wool(-); (nogavice) worsted

    volnéni atlas (tkanina) woollen satin
    volnéno blago woollen material (ali cloth), wool drapery, woollen articles (ali goods pl)
    trgovec z volnénim blagom wool draper
    trgovina z volnénim blagom wool drapery
    volnéna jopica jersey
    volnéna obleka woollen clothing
    volnéna odeja woollen (ali wool) blanket
    volnéna preja woollen yarn; worsted
    volnén sukanec woollen yarn
  • zasílen provisional, temporary; jury; emergency(-)

    zasílni izhod emergency door (ali exit)
    zasílno jadro jury sail
    zasílni jambor jury mast
    zasílno krmilo jury rudder
    zasílni most provisional (ali temporary) bridge
    zasílna postelja makeshift bed
    zasílni pristanek (letala) forced landing
    zasílno zaklonišče emergency shelter
    zasílna zavora (v vlaku) communication cord
    zasílna odeja emergency blanket
  • zvíjati to fold, to roll; to twine, to twist; to curve, to bend, to crook; to distort

    zvíjati odejo, preprogo to roll a blanket, a carpet
    zvíjati se to wind, to curve, to twist; (črv) to squirm; to wriggle; (les) to warp
    zvíjati se od bolečin to writhe with pain
    zvíjati se skozi goščavo to wriggle one's way through a thicket
    kača se zvija (okoli svoje žrtve) the serpent coils itself (round its victim)
  • zvíti to fold, to roll; to furl; (skriviti) to curve, to bend, to crook, to contort

    zvíti odejo (preprogo) to roll up a blanket (a carpet)
    zvíti si cigareto to roll a cigarette
    zvíti (svoj) dežnik to fold one's umbrella
    zvíti jadra to furl the sails
    nogo si je zvil he wrenched his foot, he twisted his foot
    zvíti si gleženj to wrench (ali to twist) one's ankle
    zvíti se od bolečine to writhe in pain
    zvíti se skozi goščavo to wriggle one's way through a thicket
    vročina je zvila knjigi platnice the heat has warped the cover of the book
    jež se je zvil v klobčič the hedgehog rolled itself into a ball