cool1 [ku:l] pridevnik (coolly prislov)
hladen, svež; miren, hladnokrven; brezbrižen, neprijazen; predrzen, nesramen
pogovorno okrogel (znesek); nejasen (sled divjačine)
as cool as cucumber hladnokrven, zbran, miren
cool chamber hladilnica
to lose a cool hundred zgubiti cel stotak
ameriško cool egg hladnokrvnež
cool cheek predrznost; predrznež, -nica
a cool hand (ali customer, fish) nesramnež, -nica, predrznež, -nica
Zadetki iskanja
- cool2 [ku:l]
1. neprehodni glagol
(o)hladiti se
figurativno pomiriti se
2. prehodni glagol
ohladiti, osvežiti
figurativno pomiriti
to cool s.o.'s heels pustiti koga čakati
keep your breath to cool your porridge molči(te)
to cool down (ali off) pomiriti, iztrezniti se
to cool one's coppers s pijačo hladiti po pijančevanju izsušeno grlo - cool3 [ku:l] samostalnik
hlad, svežina
figurativno hladnokrvnost - cool hladnokrven, miren; (sehr gut) odličen, dober
- cool [kúl] m; adj. inv. angl. muz. cool (jazz)
- hlád hládnost cool, coolness; fresh, freshness; cool air; coldness; shade
v jutranjem hlád, hládnostu in the cool (ali arhaično pesniško the fresh) of the morning
uživati večerni hlád, hládnost to enjoy the cool of the evening
biti v hlád, hládnostu to be in the cool - hláden cool; fresh; (mrzel) cold, chilly, frosty; (brezčuten) unfeeling, insensible; (mlačen) lukewarm, indifferent, unconcerned, equanimous; (neusmiljen) as cold as charity
hládno orožje cold steel, (tudi revolver) side arms pl, side arm; figurativno (nedostopen ipd.) cold-mannered, frigid; reserved, distant; (brez razburjanja) (as) cool as a cucumber
hláden pozdrav frigid greeting
hláden sprejem a cold reception
hláden val cold snap(s pl)
hládna ondulacija cold wave
hláden kot mrlič cold as death, cold as clay
hládno mi je I am cold, I feel cold
hládno postaja it's getting cool
ostati hláden to keep cool, to keep one's temper
to me pusti hládnega that leaves me cold
hládno koga sprejeti to give (ali to show) someone the cold shoulder, to give someone a cold reception, humoristično to give someone the frozen mitt - hladnokŕven cold-blooded; cool; imperturbable; unruffled; deliberate; self-possessed, composed; calm; cool-headed; keeping one's temper, keeping one's presence of mind; calm, unmoved; cool as a cucumber
ostati hladnokŕven to keep cool
hladnokŕven človek a cool hand
ostal je popolnoma hladnokŕven he remained as cool as a cucumber, he didn't turn a hair
kaj takega hladnokŕven človek ne bi mogel napraviti a thing one could not do in cold blood - míren (nevznemirjen) peaceful, self-possessed, undisturbed, unruffled, unperturbed; (mirujoč) tranquil, at ease, at rest; dormant; (tih) still, quiet, mum; (nepremičen) motionless; (miroljuben) peaceable; (hladnokrven) cool, composed, cold-blooded; (morje) calm; (značaj) placid, even, even-tempered
biti míren to keep quiet
ostati míren to keep one's temper
mírno jezero still lake
mírna, mirujoča voda still water
mírna poravnava pacific settlement
mírna vožnja (čez Rokavski preliv) a smooth (ali quiet, calm) crossing (of the Channel)
míren tek tehnika smooth running
mírna soba a quiet room
míren značaj an even temper
bolnik je prebil mírno noč the patient has had a quiet night - svéž fresh; new; recent; (hladen) cool, chill, chilly, refreshed
svéžega datuma of recent date
svéže čete fresh troops pl
svéž kruh new bread
svéže mleko new milk
svéža jajca new-laid eggs pl
svéže meso fresh meat
svéže perilo clean linen
svéža srajca clean shirt
svéž sir fresh cheese
svéž vetrič brisk gale
svéž zrak fresh (ali bracing) air, crisp air
svéža sled live scent
svéža voda fresh water
imamo ga v svéžem spominu he is still fresh in our memories
svéža je kot rožica (figurativno) she is (as) fresh as a daisy
počutim se čisto svéžega I feel as fresh as paint
svéže (po)barvano! wet paint - hladíti to cool, to make cool (ali chilly); to freshen; to refresh; (z ledom) to ice, to freeze
hladíti meso to refrigerate meat
hladíti se to become (ali to get ali to grow) cool (ali cold ali chilly), to cool down
hladíti se v senci to sit (oziroma to lie) in the shade - hladnokŕvnež figurativno cool customer
- ohladítev cooling; (vremena) cool spell; (prijateljstva) estrangement
- ohladíti to cool (off, down); to chill; to refrigerate; to refresh; (z ledom) to ice, to freeze
ohladíti se to cool (off, down), to grow cool (ali chilly, cold); (čustveno) to become estranged; (marljivost) to cool, to cool off; (po jezi) to calm down - píhati to blow; to puff; (hladiti s pihanjem) to cool (with one's breath)
veter piha the wind blows, is blowing
píhati od jeze to burst with anger, to fret and fume
píhati kot lokomotiva to puff like a steam engine - popustíti (ceno) to reduce, to rebate, to make an allowance for, to lower (a price), to deduct, to allow (ali to grant, to make) a reduction (ali concession), to lower one's figure; (bolečina, vročica) to pass off, to ease, to abate; (marljivost) to cool down, to relax, to abate, to fail, to flag; (sili) to yield, to knuckle under (ali down); (mraz) to abate; (napetost) to ease, arhaično to slake off; (veter) to abate, to subside, to calm; (struno, žico) to slacken (and lower the pitch of) a string
popustíti komu to indulge someone
ne popustíti (= odbiti) to persist in, to insist on, not to yield one iota, not to relent, not to remit a point
diciplina je popustila discipline has slackened (ali has weakened)
učenec je popustil v svoji marljivosti the pupil has been slacking
popustíti v ceni to make a reduction in the price
cene so popustile the prices have dropped (ali have come down)
nadzorstvo je popustilo control has been relaxed
nič ne popustíti v svojih zahtevah not to abate one iota of one's pretensions
od naših zahtev ne moremo popustíti we can abate none of our demands
popustíti strastem to give way to one's passions
popustíti vrv to slacken (ali to loosen) a rope - razhladíti to cool; to refresh
razhladíti se to cool down - shladíti (se) to cool; to refrigerate
- skadíti se to go up in smoke; to evaporate; figurativno to cool down
- breath [breɵ] samostalnik
dih, dihanje, sapa; sapica, pihljanje, pihljaj; vonj
figurativno življenje; odmor
figurativno sled; namig; šepet(anje); mrmranje
above one's breath polglasno, komaj slišno
to catch (ali bate, hold) one's breath zadržati dih
breath analysis alkotest
to gasp for breath sapo loviti
to draw breath dihati, živeti
to draw the first breath roditi se, priti na svet
to draw one's last breath izdihniti, umreti
to knock out s.o.'s breath presenetiti, osupiti koga
with bated breath napeto (poslušati)
out of breath brez sape, zasopel
pogovorno keep your breath to cool your porridge prihrani nasvete zase
that knocks the breath out of me (ali takes my breath away) nad tem mi zastane sapa
to spend one's breath in vain zaman se truditi
below (ali under) one's breath tiho, šepetaje
the breath of one's nostrils najljubši; nujno potreben
in the same breath v isti sapi, hkrati
to save one's breath ne zapravljati energije
shortness of breath težko dihanje, sopihanje