Zadetki iskanja
- segníti to putrefy, to rot, to become putrid; to go rotten; to decay; to decompose; to fester
- pokváriti to render unfit for use; (poškodovati) to damage; (posel) to botch, to bungle; (moralno) to corrupt, to deprave, to pervert, to demoralize; (zrak itd.) to pollute, to foul
pokváriti veselje to spoil someone's pleasure; to be a killjoy
pokvaril nam je veselje he spoiled our pleasure (ali fun), he was a wet blanket
pokváriti račune to upset (ali to frustrate, to thwart) someone's plans (ali calculations, ironično little plan)
pokváriti upanja to dampen someone's hopes
pokvaril si boš oči you will ruin your eyes (ali your sight)
pokváriti si tek (apetit) to spoil one's appetite
pokváriti si želodec to ruin (ali to upset) one's stomach
vročina je pokvarila ribo the fish has gone off in the heat, the heat has tainted the fish
pokvaril mi je račune (figurativno) he spiked my guns
pokváriti se to go bad, to be spoilt, to spoil, to change for the worse, to grow worse; (stroj itd.) to break down; (meso) to go bad, to go off; (moralno) to become depraved (corrupted, demoralized); (segniti) to rot
motor se mi je pokvaril I had engine trouble
vreme se je pokvarilo the weather has turned nasty
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Število zadetkov: 2