
Zadetki iskanja

  • future2 [fjú:čə] pridevnik
    bodoči, prihodnji, kasnejši

    slovnica future tense prihodnji čas, prihodnjik
    the future life posmrtno življenje
  • to-come [təkʌ́m] pridevnik
    bodoči, prihodnji
  • bodóč future; coming; next

    v bodóče in the future, in times to come, for the future; henceforth; from this time on; hereafter, henceforward
    moj bodóči mož, moja bodóča žena my intended
    njen bodóči mož her future husband, her intended, her husband to-be
    njegova bodóča žena his wife-to-be
    bodóči župan the mayor elect
  • succeed [səksí:d]

    1. prehodni glagol
    slediti (komu, čemu), priti za (kom, čem); biti naslednik, naslediti; podedovati

    2. neprehodni glagol
    slediti, priti (to za kom, čem)
    uspeti, posrečiti se, imeti uspeh, doseči svoj cilj (in pri čem, with pri)

    succeeding ages bodoči časi (pokolenja)
    autumn succeeds summer za poletjem pride jesen
    a calm succeeded (to) the tempest po nevihti je sledila (nastopila) tišina
    he succeeded as a doctor kot zdravnik je imel uspeh
    he succeeded in doing posrečilo se mu je, nekaj napraviti
    Edward VII succeeded Victoria Edvard VII je sledil Viktoriji
    they succeeded with him dosegli so svoj cilj pri njem
    he succeeded to his father's estate podedoval je očetovo posestvo
    he succeeded his uncle as heir podedoval je po stricu
    the plan did not succeed načrt se ni posrečil
    we did not succeed in seeing him ni se nam posrečilo, da bi ga videli
    we succeeded (very badly) imeli smo (zelo slab) uspeh
    to succeed to the throne slediti na prestolu
    to succeed to a title (a fortune) podedovati pravni naslov (premoženje)
    nothing succeeds like success za enim uspehom pride drugi, uspeh rodi uspeh
  • that2 [ðæt, ðət] oziralni zaimek (množina that)

    ki; kateri, -a, -o; ki ga, ki jo, ki jih; katere, katera


    all that everything that vse, kar
    the best that najboljše, kar
    much that mnogo (tega), kar
    nothing that nič, kar
    no one that nihče, ki
    the book that I sent you knjiga, ki sem ti jo poslal; ki
    the man that bought the house (tisti) človek, ki je kupil hišo
    the lady that he is acquainted with gospa, s katero se pozna
    it is the ideas that matter ideje so važne
    the fool that he is! takšen bedak!
    grboslovje husband that is to be njen bodoči mož (soprog)
    Mrs. Black, Miss Brown that was pogovorno gospa Black, rojena Brown
    Mrs. Jones that is sedanja gospa Jones
    for the reason that iz razloga, zaradi katerega
    the day (that) I met him na dan, na katerega (ko) sem se seznanil z njim
  • unborn [ʌnbɔ́:n] pridevnik
    (še) nerojen; bodoč

    ages unborn prihodnji, bodoči, čas(i)
Število zadetkov: 6