
Zadetki iskanja

  • feather1 [féðə] samostalnik
    pero, perje; čopek; pena na morskem valu; vrsta; razpoloženje

    birds of a feather flock together enak se druži z enakim, ene vrste ptiči skupaj letijo
    to be in full feather imeti dosti denarja
    a feather in one's cap hvalevredna odlika
    to crop s.o.'s feathers pristriči komu krila, ponižati ga
    in grand feather v svečani obleki, našemljen; odličnega zdravja
    in high feather dobre volje; dobrega zdravja
    to knock down with a feather močno presenetiti
    ameriško, sleng feather merchant zmuzne; vojska, sleng civilist
    fur and feather zveri in ptice
    to ruffle s.o.'s feathers dražiti koga
    to show the white feather popihati jo; biti strahopeten
    to smooth s.o.'s ruffled feathers pomiriti koga
    a broken feather in one's wing napaka v značaju
    the vessel cuts a feather ladja pluje s polno paro
  • sword knot [sɔ́:dnɔt] samostalnik
    čopek pri sablji
  • sáblja sabre, ZDA saber, (cavalry) sword; sword

    kriva sáblja scimitar
    kratka, zakrivljena sáblja cutlass
    bridka sáblja keen-edged sabre
    ročaj sáblje hilt
    jermen pri sáblji sword belt
    čopek pri sáblji sabre (ali sword) knot
    rezilo sáblje sabre blade
    urez, udarec s sábljo sabre cut
    ples s sábljami sword dance
    rožljanje s sábljo sabre rattling
    mahati s sábljo to brandish the sabre
    usmrtiti s sábljo to put to the sword
    opasati (odpasati) sábljo to gird on (to ungird) one's sabre
    posekati s sábljo to cut down with the sabre, to sabre (down)
    rožljati s sábljo to rattle one's sabre
Število zadetkov: 3