pleasure1 [pléžə] samostalnik
veselje, radost, zadovoljstvo, užitek, slast, čutna naslada; volja, želja; ugajanje, všečnost; razvedrilo, oddih, odmor
at pleasure po mili volji
at the court's pleasure po volji sodišča
man of pleasure nasladnik
it's a pleasure v veselje mi je
to do s.o. a pleasure ustreči komu
to give s.o. pleasure razveseliti, zadovoljiti koga
to submit to s.o.'s will and pleasure izročiti se komu na milost in nemilost
to take one's pleasure zabavati se
to take pleasure in uživati
with pleasure z veseljem
what is your pleasure? kaj želiš?, s čim ti lahko ustrežem?
they will not consult his pleasure ne bodo ga vprašali za njegovo željo
Zadetki iskanja
- pléšast bald, bald-headed; hairless
pléšasta glava bald head, bald pate
nekoliko pléšast balding, baldish
popolnoma pléšast as bald as an egg (ali a coot, a billiard ball)
posta(ja)ti pléšast to grow bald (ali hairless), to lose hair - plítev shallow; low; not deep, shoaly; figurativno superficial, platitudinous; (oseba) shallow, shallow-brained
posta(ja)ti plítev to shoal - pobrígati se
pobrígati se za kaj to take care of something, to see to something, to look after something, to take something upon oneself, to attend to something, to provide for something
pobrigal se bom za vstopnice I'll see to the tickets
ti bi se bil moral pobrigati za to you ought to have seen to it
pobrigaj se, da bo to narejeno! see to it!, see that it's done!
pobrigajte se, da bo vse nared, ko pridejo! see to it that everything is ready before they come! - podáti to hand; to give; to pass; to administer; (ponuditi) to offer, to reach; to extend
podáti roko to offer (ali to hold out) one's hand
podaj mi knjigo, prosim! reach me that book, will you?
podáti se (iti) to go (k to), arhaično to repair (to); (pristajati) to become, to suit, to fit
klobuk se ti lepo poda the hat suits you well
podáti se na potovanje to undertake a a journey, to set out on one's journey - podóben resembling, similar, alike, like
podóben kot jajce jajcu as like as two peas
na podóben način likewise, in like manner
podóbni trikotniki similar triangles pl
bolj podóben bogu kot človeku more like to god than man
podóbna sta si they are cast in the same mould
biti podóben to be alike, to look like, to resemble, to bear a likeness (ali resemblance) (komu to someone)
podóbna vsota a similar sum, a like amount
biti komu zelo podóben to bear (ali to have) a strong resemblance to someone
fant je podóben očetu the boy takes after his father
podóben ti je kot jajce jajcu he is the dead spit and image of you
niti najmanj si nista podóbna there is not the slightest resemblance between them
to mu ni prav nič podóbno that is very unlike him
to je (čisto) njemu podóbno that is just like him
portret je čisto podóben originalu (osebi) the portrait is a speaking likeness
in (ali) podóbno and (or) suchlike, and (or) the like
briga se le za (mar so mu le) karte, biljard in podóbno he cares for nothing but cards, billiards and suchlike - podpóra support, aid, help, relief, sustenance; assistance; (miloščina) charity, alms; (dotacija) subsidy, (denarna) subvention
s podpóro with the support (of)
državna podpóra state support
brezposelna podpóra dole
dobivati brezposleno podpóro to draw the dole, to be on the dole
prošnja za podpóro application for support
podpóra industriji bounty, allowance
da(ja)ti podpóro to grant support
imeti krepko podpóro to have the staunch support (of)
živeti od javne podpóre to live on public assistance
potreben podpóre needy
brez podpóre unassisted, unaided, unsupported, unseconded
dobivati socialno podpóro to be on relief
prejemnik podpóre person on benefit - pogódu after one's own heart
to ni pogódu it goes against the grain
biti pogódu to please, to be agreeable, to suit
ti je pogódu, da prideš jutri? does it suit you to come tomorrow? - pokázati to show; to demonstrate; to indicate; to point (na at); to expose to view, to exhibit; to manifest, to display
pokaži mi to! let me see it!, show it to me!
ti bom že pokazal! I'll teach you!, I'll show you!
pokázati s prstom na koga to point one's finger at someone
pokázati svoje načrte, namere to show one's plans, intentions
pokázati svoje dokumente to show one's papers
pokázati svoje karte to show one's cards (tudi figurativno)
pokázati pête (zbežati) to show someone a clean pair of heels
pokazali so mi sobo I was shown the room
pokazal je veliko spretnost he displayed great skill
pokázati svojo strahopetnost (figurativno, arhaično) to show the white feather
pokázati svojo zlobno naravo (figurativno) to show one's cloven hoof
pokázati slab okus to show bad taste
pokázati znake utrujenosti to show signs of fatigue
pokázati (opozoriti) na kaj to point out something
pokázati zobe to show one's teeth (tudi figurativno)
pokázati komu vrata to show someone the door
pokaži, kaj znaš! do your stuff!
pokázati se (v javnosti) to show someone; to appear, to turn up; to become manifest, to come to light; (izkazati se) to prove (oneself)
pokazal se je (prišel je) šele ob desetih he didn't show up until ten
pokazal se je hvaležnega he showed himself grateful, he proved to be grateful
on bi rad pokazal, kaj zna he wants to show off
se bo že pokazalo! time will show!
pokazalo se je, da... it turned out (ali it became evident, it was found) that...
kmalu se bo pokazalo, ali imate prav we shall soon see if you are right - pomágati to help, to aid, to assist; to support, to succour, to lend a hand; to be of assistance, to sustain, to relieve, to back up, figurativno to give a hand; (koristiti) to avail, to be of avail, to profit, to be good for, to be of use; (sredstvo, zdravilo) to remedy, to cure, to be efficacious
pomágati si to find a way (iz težave out of a difficulty)
sam si pomágati to help oneself, to shift for oneself
pomágati si brez česa to go without something
moram si pomágati, kot vem in znam I must shift as well as (ali as best) I can
moram si pomágati s slovarjem I have to use the dictionary
pri hoji si pomaga s palico he walks with the help of a stick
ne si znati pomágati to be at a loss
ti si znaš pomágati (si iznajdljiv) you are resourceful
pomágati si medsebojno to aid (ali ta help, to assist) one another (oziroma each other) mutually
pomagaj si sam in bog ti bo pomagal God helps those who help themselves
prisiljeni smo, da si pomagamo, kot vemo in znamo we are reduced to expedients
on si zna pomágati na vse načine he knows all the answers, he's up to all the tricks
kaj to pomaga? (čemú to?) what is the use of it?
tu se ne da nič pomágati it can't be helped
temu je lahkó pomágati this is easily remedied
kaj pomaga razlagati? what is the use of explaining?
to nam prav nič ne pomaga that does not help us a bit
ne vem si več pomágati I am at my wits' end, I do not know what to do
kaj pomaga to? what is the use of that?, arhaično what will it avail?
to mi nič ne pomaga that leaves me no better off, I am no better off for it
kaj ji bo to pomagalo? what good will it do her?
pomágati komu do česa to help someone to get something
vam nekoliko pomagam? may I offer you some assistance?
hočete, da vam pomagam? shall I give you (ali lend you) a hand?
pomagaj mi, da vstanem! help me up!
pomagal ji je preko potoka he helped her across the stream
pomagal sem mu nesti paket I helped him to carry (ali I helped him with) his parcel
vse skupaj ni nič pomagalo it was all no use
vse moje pritožbe mi niso nič pomagale all my complaints were useless (ali of no avail)
tako mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
pomagali so mi na noge they helped me up, they helped me back on my feet
pomágati vdovi in siroti to befriend the widow and the orphan
to zdravilo mi je pomagalo this medicine has done me good
komur ni svetovati, temu ni mogoče pomágati he who cannot be advised, cannot be helped; where counsel fails no cure prevails - pomén meaning; sense; (važnost) importance, significance, import
brez poména meaningless, insignificant, of no account, void of importance
v najširšem (najožjem) poménu besede giving the word its broadest (its strictest) meaning
v dobesednem (prenesenem) poménu in the literal (in the figurative ali in the metaphorical) meaning
v običajnem poménu besede in the usual sense of the word
dejavnosti posebnega družbenega poména activities pl of special social interest
biti največjega poména to be of the greatest significance
stvar je brez poména the matter is of no importance
nima poména it's of no account
nima poména govoriti z njim, iti tja there's no point in speaking to him, going there
to vprašanje je vitalnega poména this question is of vital importance (ali concern)
ne razumeš poména teh besed you misunderstand the meaning of these words
temu pripisujete prevelik pomén you make too much of it
razširiti (zožiti) pomén to broaden (to narrow) the meaning
ti obračaš, sprevračaš pomén mojih besed you are distorting the sense of my words - ponôsen proud (na of); (ohol) haughty, lofty, stuckup
biti ponôsen na kaj to pride oneself on something, to be proud of something, to take pride in something
ponôsen na imetje purseproud
na to si lahko ponôsen (figurativno) that's a feather in your cap
na to ti res ni treba biti ponôsen that is nothing to be proud of - póper pepper
potresti s póprom to pepper, to sprinkle with pepper
ti bom že dal pópra! (figurativno) I'll give you what for!
dati komu pópra (figurativno, žargon) to give someone beans
suh je ko póper pogovorno he's skint - pôrok warrantor, -ter, guarantor, guarantee; (za denar) surety; (na sodišču) bailsman
biti pôrok za to vouch for someone, to answer for, to stand security, to give security; to stand (ali to be) surety for; (na sodišču) to go bail for, to bail
jaz ti bom za pôroka I'll stand security for you, I'll be your guarantor, I'll vouch for you
najti pôroka to find surety - pôsel2 (delo) work, (fizičen) manual labour; (izučèn) skilled work, (neizučen) unskilled labour; (priložnosten) job; (neprijeten, dolgočasen) drudgery; (površen) bungling, dabbling; (težak, mučen) toil, toiling and moiling, pains pl; (zaposlitev) employment, employ; (trgovina) business; (bančni, denarni) transaction, deal
donosen pôsel remunerative business, paying proposition
nedonosen pôsel losing proposition
brez pôsla out of work, unemployed
po pôslih on business
postranski pôsli minor occupation, sparetime work, moonlighting
tekoči pôsli current business
nujen pôsel urgent work
nadurni pôsel overtime work
nečisti pôsli foul dealing
pôsli so slabi business is slack
to je njegov pôsel, ne moj that's his job (ali lookout), not mine
to ni tvoj pôsel it's no business of yours
brigaj se za svoj pôsel! mind your own business!
pôsli mu cvetijo he is doing (ali carrying on) a roaring trade
dajati mnogo pôsla to give much trouble
da(ja)ti komu pôsla (dela) to keep someone busy, to employ someone
to mi je dalo mnogo pôsla it was a hard task
pôsel je pôsel business is business
imam drugega pôsla dovolj (figurativno) I have other fish to fry
imam pôsla čez glavo I am being overworked
imeti mnogo pôsla to be up to the eyes in work, to be fully occupied (ali engaged)
z njim ne maram imeti nobenega pôsla več I'll have no further dealings with him
večkrat sem imel pôsla z njim I have had several dealings with him
imaš pôsla z lopovom you are up against a scoundrel
če boš še enkrat to napravil, boš imel pôsla z menoj! if you do it again, you'll hear from me!
krepko se lotiti pôsla to tackle a job, to fall to, pogovorno to get stuck in
pôsli gredo slabo business is slack (ali depressed), there is a lull in business
pôsli gredo zelo dobro, so v polnem razmahu business is in full swing, (ali is doing fine)
iti za pôslom to follow a trade (ali profession)
ne moči obvladati pôslov, biti preobremenjen s pôsli to be overwhelmed with work, to be unable to cope (ali manage), pogovorno to be rushed off one's feet
ostati brez pôsla (dela) to be thrown out of work
sumiti nečist pôsel (figurativno) to smell a rat
ubijati se s pôsli (z delom) to overwork, to overdo it
on se vtika v tuje pôsle he meddles in other people's affairs, he is a meddler, he is a busybody (ali pogovorno a nosy parker) - posréčen felicitous; (dobro izbran) well-chosen
posréčen izraz a felicitous expression
posréčen tip (figurativno) a comical fellow
ti si pa posréčen! you are funny!, you are a one!
posréčeno (zelo spretno) izraziti kaj to phrase something with felicity - poúk lesson (s pl); school; instruction
imeti poúk to have lessons
prisostvovati poúku to attend classes
to naj ti bo v poúk let this be a lesson to you
imam poúk do enajstih I have lessons till eleven o'clock
poúk se bo začel 1. septembra the school meets on September 1st
neopravičeno izostati od poúka to play truant, to stay away from school, ZDA to play hooky; to cut school
danes ni poúka there is no school today
poúka je konec school is over - povédati to tell; to say
povedali so mi tako I was told so
nekaj ti bom povedal (izdal) I'll tell you what
povédati svoje ime to give one's name
ne povej nikomur o mojem prihodu! don't tell anyone I've come
med nama povedano (pogovorno) between you and me (and the gatepost)
česa (kaj) ne poveste! you don't say!, you can't be serious!
komu to poveste (pravite)! you're telling me!
povédati resnico to tell the truth
povédati (reči) geslo to give the password
povej to obzirno! (žargon) put it gently!
to veliko pové that says a great deal, that tells its own tale - práti (perilo) to wash, to launder, (lase) to shampoo
da(ja)ti prat (svoje) perilo v pralnico to send one's washing to the laundry
kje si daješ prat perilo? where do you get (ali have) your washing done?
ona pere za nas she does our washing
ona pere (hodi prat) za druge she does other people's washing
to blago se dobro pere this material washes well - práv just, right; (zelo) very
práv zdaj just now
práv rad with (great) pleasure, very (ali most) willingly, gladly
práv! all right!, okay! (krajšava: O.K., OK)
takó je práv that's right, all right
práv dobro quite well
práv takó! just so!, quite!, quite so!
práv nič nothing at all
práv škoda je, da... it is a great pity that...
práv nobenega denarja nimam I have no money whatever
nimamo práv nobenih izkušenj we have no experience whatsoever
ta klobuk mi je práv this hat suits (ali fits) me well
moja ura gre práv my watch goes well (ali keeps good time)
moja ura ne gre práv my watch is going wrong
ravno práv prihajaš you come just in time
práv blizu stanujemo we live quite close by
ne razumeš me práv you do not rightly understand me, you mistake my meaning
ne vem práv, kaj naj naredim I hardly know (ali I am at a loss) what to do
to mi je ravno práv it is just what I want
če vam je to práv if it is convenient for you, pogovorno if it's all right by you
če ti je práv ali ne whether you like it or not
práv ti je; práv se ti je zgodilo (se ti godi) it serves you right; you got what you deserved
práv mu je! serves him right!
imeti práv to be right
imaš práv you are right
práv napraviti, delati to do right, to do what is right
komu práv napraviti to suit, to please someone
vsem ne moreš práv narediti you can't please everybody
to ni práv od tebe you are wrong there
meni je práv I don't mind (ali object), that's all right with me, I agree
vam je práv, če pridete jutri? does it suit you to come to-morrow?
to mi je práv (mi ustreza) that suits me fine
práv priti (koristiti) to come in handy
vse práv pride every little helps
to utegne práv priti it may come in useful
práv tako bi lahko rekli, da... we might just as well say that...
ta vrvica utegne pozneje práv priti this string may come in handy later on
priti ravno práv (kot nalašč) to be most welcome
práv takó likewise
práv nocoj (še nocoj) this very night
práv na začetku at the very beginning