kmálu soon, (v kratkem) shortly; before long; early; presently
bom kmálu nazaj I'll be back soon
kmálu po moji vrnitvi soon after my return
knjiga bo kmálu izšla the book will be published shortly, the book will be out soon
kmálu se vrni! come back soon!
kmálu bom prejel pismo I'll receive a letter shortly
ti bi kmálu to obžaloval you'd soon regret it
kmálu bi bil padel I nearly (ali almost) fell
ne boš tako kmálu našel boljšega prijatelja! you won't find a better friend in a month of Sundays!
kmálu nato, kmálu potem soon afterwards
kar najbolj kmálu (čim prej) as soon as possible, at your earliest convenience
Zadetki iskanja
- knob1 [nɔb] samostalnik
gumb (vrata, radio, predal itd.); izrastek, grča, grba, bradavica; košček (sladkorja, premoga itd.)
arhitektura glavič, kapitel (stebra)
sleng glava, "buča"
ameriško okrogel vrh griča
sleng with knobs on kaj vse bi še rad! - know*2 [nóu]
1. prehodni glagol
vedeti, poznati, znati prepoznati; razpoznati, ločiti (from)
2. neprehodni glagol
vedeti (of za, o)
spoznati se (about na)
to know one's bussiness; ali to know a thing or two about, to know all about it, to know what is what, to know the ropes dobro se na kaj spoznati, vedeti vse o čem, biti izkušen v čem
to be known to biti komu znan
to be known as biti znan po čem
I know better than to nisem tako neumen, da bi
to know by heart znati na pamet
to know by sight poznati na videz
to know one from the other razločiti med dvema, razpoznati
to know a hawk from a handsaw biti dovolj bister
don't know him from Adam nimam pojma, kdo je
to get (ali come) to know spoznati, zvedeti
to let s.o. know sporočiti komu
to make known razglasiti, oznaniti
to make o.s. known to predstaviti se komu, seznaniti se s kom
to know one's own mind vedeti, kaj hočeš, ne omahovati
not to know what to make of a thing ne razumeti česa, ne znati si česa razložiti
not that I know ne da bi vedel, kolikor je meni znano ne
to know one's place vedeti, kje je komu mesto, ne riniti se naprej
to know one's way around znajti se, spoznati se
to know which side one's bread is buttered vedeti kdo ti reže kruh, vedeti, kaj ti koristi
to know from a bull's foot znati razlikovati, znati ločiti
before you know where you are hipoma, preden se zaveš
don't I know it! pa še kako to vem!
he wouldn't know (that) težko, da bi vedel, ne more vedeti
I would have you know that rad bi ti povedal, da; rad bi ti pojasnil
I have never known him to lie kolikor jaz vem, ni nikoli lagal
after I first knew him potem ko sem ga spoznal
he has known better days doživel je že boljše čase
I know of s.o. who vem za nekoga, ki
pogovorno not that I know of ne da bi vedel
pogovorno do (ali don't) you know? ali ni res? - knowledge [nɔ́lidž] samostalnik
znanje, poznavanje, vednost, spoznanje; izkustvo, veščina; poznanstvo; obvestilo, vest
carnal knowledge of s.o. spolno občevanje s kom
general knowledge splošna izobrazba
it is common knowledge splošno je znano, vsi vedo
to the best of my knowledge and belief po moji najboljši vednosti in vesti
not to my knowledge ne da bi vedel
to my certain knowledge za gotovo vem
to come to one's knowledge zvedeti, priti na ušesa
without my knowledge brez moje vednosti
it has grown out of all knowledge ne da se več prepoznati - ko when; as; (= če) if, in case of, in the event of; (= kot, kakor) than; as
ko ne bi bilo tega »ko« if ifs and ans were pots and pans
šli bomo, ko boste pripravljeni we shall start when you are ready
to boš naredil, ko bo prepozno you'll do it when it's too late
strese me, ko samo pomislim na to I shudder even to think of it
ko ga človek samo vidi, bi mislil, da... if you only saw him, you'd think that...
aretirali so ga, ko je odhajal iz hiše he was arrested as he was leaving his house
močnejši sem kot ti I am stronger than you
več ko ima, več hoče imeti the more he has the more he wants - konvenírati to suit; to fit; to be suitable (for); to be appropriate (for)
ta klima mi ne konvenira this climate does not suit me
kar enemu konvenira, drugemu ne (figurativno) one man's meat is another man's poison
pridi jutri, če ti konvenira come tomorrow if that suits you
bi ti konveniralo, da bi se sešla ob...? would it be convenient for you to meet me at...? - kòt2 as, like; (za primernikom ter za other, otherwise, else, rather) than; (za nikalnicami) but
čisto tako kòt just like
ne tako kòt unlike
več kòt 500 ljudi more than 500 people
bolje je to naredila ona kòt on she did it better than he (did) (ali pogovorno than him)
rajši kòt rather than
noben drug kòt ti none other than you
kòt kompliment by way of a compliment
to je lažje rečeno kòt storjeno it is easier said than done
prav kòt, baš kòt just as, just like, just the same as
kòt da as if, as though
kòt po maslu, kòt namazano (figurativno) like clockwork, swimmingly, without a hitch
kòt za stavo fast, quickly, hard
delal sem kòt za stavo I worked hard and fast
toliko je star kòt jaz he is old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
ni toliko star kòt jaz he is not so old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
kòt primer by way of example
kòt vedno as usual, as always
umreti kòt berač to die a pauper
kòt na primer as for instance
ona to jemlje, kòt da se to samo po sebi razume she takes it for granted
znan je kòt oderuh he is a notorious usurer
jaz bi rajši šel peš, kòt pa da bi se peljal I would rather walk than drive
ni ga bolj priljubljenega človeka, kòt je on there is no one more popular than he is (ali than he, pogovorno than him) - kozláti (bruhati) to vomit, to puke, to be sick; žargon vulgarno to spew one's guts up
človek bi (kar) kozlal ob tem that's enough to make you sick - kóža skin; (odrta z živali, za izdelovanje usnja) hide; (polt) complexion
brez kóže skinless
debela kóža thick skin
kóža z dlako fell
kóža z glave scalp
surova kóža rawhide
strojena kóža dressed skin, tanned hide, (z lasmi) coat; (kačji lev) slough
občutljiva kóža sensitive skin
zunanja kóža epidermis
le kost in kóža nothing but skin and bone
do kóže moker, premočen wet to the skin, soaked (ali drenched) to the skin, dripping wet, sopping wet, wringing wet
barva kóže colour (of the skin), (obraza) complexion, (temna) tanned (ali bronzed) complexion, (svetla) fair complexion
krema za kóžo skin cream, cold cream, face cream
mazilo za kóžo skin ointment
presaditev kóže medicina skin-grafting
vnetje kóže medicina skin inflammation, dermatitis
srbenje kóže itching, medicina prurigo; pruritus
ne bi hotel biti v njegovi kóži I wouldn't like to be in his shoes (ali in his skin)
braniti svojo kóžo to defend oneself
sama kost in kóža ga je he is nothing but (ali he is only) skin and bone, he is as thin as a lath, he is a bag of bones
iz kóže dati to skin, to flay; to strip the skin off
za kóžo mi gre my life is at stake
on ima debelo kóžo (figurativno) he is not thin-skinned, he is thick-skinned
kóža se mi je ob tem naježila it made my flesh creep
na lastni kóži občutiti to learn something to one's cost
nositi svojo kóžo na prodaj (figurativno) to do something at one's personal risk
odnesti celo (zdravo) kóžo to escape safely, to escape without a scratch; to save one's bacon, to escape unscathed; to get away scotfree; to escape with life and limb; to get off with a whole skin; to come out of something with a whole skin
gre za mojo kóžo my safety (ali my life) is at stake (ali is in danger)
iz kóže skočiti (figurativno) to jump out of one's skin
kóžo odreti to flay
strojiti kóže to dress (ali to tan, to curry) skins (ali hides)
ustrojiti komu kóžo (figurativno) to tan (ali to curry, to warm) someone's hide - krémpelj claw; talon
krémpelji pl (figurativno) clutches
sem v njegovih krémpeljih I am in his clutches
ne bi mu rad prišel v krémpelje I do not want to fall into his clutches
pasti komu v krémpelje to fall into someone's clutches
pokazati krémpelje (figurativno) to show one's claws (ali talons) - kúga medicina plague; pestilence; figurativno pest
živinska kúga cattle plague; rinderpest; murrain
črna kúga black plague
da bi te kúga! a curse upon you!
da bi ga kúga! plague on him (oziroma it)!
bela kúga (upadanje števila rojstev) race suicide - lás lasjé hair; (ščetina) bristle
brez las hairless, (plešast) bald
kratki (dolgi) lás, lasjéje short (long) hair
gosti (redki) lás, lasjéje thick (thin) hair
kodrasti (gladki) lás, lasjéje curly (straight) hair
tanek kot lás, lasjé hair-thin; as fine as a hair
za las natančno to a hair, to a T
niti za las boljši not a bit (ali whit) better
beljeni lasje bleached hair
valoviti lasje wavy hair
rdeči lasje red hair, žargon carrots pl
na balin ostriženi lasje hair cut close to the skull
negovani lasje well-groomed hair
plavi (blond) lasje fair hair
umetni lasje false hair
za lasé privlečen (figurativno) far-fetched, strained
za lás, lasjé within (ali by) a hair's breadth; narrowly, nearly
beljenje las bleaching of hair
barva las colo(u)r of hair
barva za lase hair dye
sredstvo za krepitev lás, lasjé hair restorer
čop las tress, braid, pigtail
kita las braid of hair
čop las tuft of hair
izpadanje las hair loss, loss of hair, fall of the hair
pranje las shampoo, shampooing
losjon za lás, lasjéé hair lotion, hair tonic
pomada za lás, lasjéé pomade
puder za lás, lasjéé hair powder
navijač za lás, lasjéé wave clip, curler, curl clip, (iz papirja) curlpaper
klešče za kodranje lás, lasjé curling tongs pl, curling iron
rast las growth of hair
striženje las haircut, haircutting
sušílec za lás, lasjéé (fen) electric hairdryer, dryer
mrežica za lás, lasjéé hairnet
nakit za lás, lasjéé ornament for the hair
ščetka za lás, lasjéé hairbrush
trak za lás, lasjéé ribbon, bow for the hair
koder las curl, ringlet, lock
sredstvo za odstranjevanje las depilatory
biti si v lás, lasjééh z to be at loggerheads with, to be at daggers drawn with, (gledé, zaradi) over
lasje mi izpadajo my hair is thinning
delati sive lás, lasjéé komu (figurativno) to prove a headache for someone, to turn someone's hair grey
ne si delati sivih las glede, zaradi not to distress oneself about something
lás, lasjéé si puliti to tear one's hair
izgubiti lás, lasjéé to lose one's hair
(po)česati si lás, lasjéé to comb one's hair
urediti si lás, lasjéé, sfrizirati si lás, lasjéé to do (ali to dress) one's hair, ZDA to fix one's hair, to set one's hair
pristriči lás, lasjéé to trim the hair
razpustiti (si) lás, lasjéé to let one's hair down
(po)vleči koga za lás, lasjéé to pull someone's hair
imeti plave, blond lás, lasjéé to have fair hair
dati si ostriči lás, lasjéé to have (ali to get) one's hair cut
skočiti si v lás, lasjéé (figurativno) to come to blows; VB žargon to get stuck in
to je nekoliko za lás, lasjéé privlečeno that's a little far-fetched
lasje se mi ježé I feel my hair standing on end
lasje so se mi ježili my hair stood on end
pepelnato pobarvati lás, lasjéé to dye the hair grey
za lás, lasjé je manjkalo it was a close shave, it was within a hair's breadth, it was a near thing
za las je šlo! that was a touch too near (for comfort)!
niti lás, lasjéú ji niso skrivili they didn't harm a hair of her head, not a hair on her head has been touched
on ne bi nikomur skrivil lasá he would not hurt (ali harm) a fly
za lás, lasjéé privleči to drag in by the head and shoulders, to force in
oprati si lás, lasjéé to wash one's hair
za las uiti to have a narrow (ali a hairbreadth) escape, to have a narrow (ali close, tight) squeeze
za las smo ušli smrti we were within a hair's breadth of being killed, we just escaped death by the skin of our teeth
za lás, lasjé zgrešiti to miss by a hair
ni vredno, da si delate sive lás, lasjéé glede tega it is not worth while worrying yourself to death over it
to visi (je) na lás, lasjéu zdaj it is touch and go now
ta otrok mi dela sive lás, lasjée (figurativno) this child is a great worry (ali trial) to me - lásten own; proper; of one's own
lástno ime proper noun
imate lástno hišo? have you a house of your own?
na lástno pest on one's own (account)
na (svoj) lásten rizik at one's own risk
na lásten račun on one's own account
na moje lástne stroške at my own expense
rad bi imel lástno sobo I should like to have a room of my own
iz lástnega nagiba on one's own impulse (ali inclination)
to so njene lástne besede those are her very (ali own, very own) words
njegovi lástni otroci ga sovražijo his own (ali his very own) children hate him
s svojimi lástni očmi with one's own eyes
z lástnimi rokami sem to naredil I did it with my own hand - lè (samó) only; (edino) merely, solely
lè on only he, nobody but he
lè da... only that...
lè tega ne! anything but this!
lè tokrat, to pot (for) this once
lè nekaj minut just a few minutes
lè zaradi solely because of
lè malo only a little, not much
lè počasi, dečki! easy, lads (ali boys)!
vse, lè denarja ne everything except (ali but) money
ne lè..., temveč tudi... not only... but also...
ne lè on, tudi ti not only he, but you also
pa je lè res! it is true all the same!
kdo (kje) lè...? who (where) on earth...?
če lè provided (that)..., only if...
lè kdo je to naredil? whoever could have done it?
prišel sem ti lè povedat, da... I have come solely to tell you that...
kolikor lè moremo just as much as we can
prosim te lè, da mi obljubiš... I merely ask you to promise me...
če lè ne bi toliko govorila! if only she did not talk so much! - lép -a, -o beautiful, fine; pretty, nice, handsome; sweet; (obraz) good-looking; pesniško beauteous; (vreme) fair, fine, favourable; (rast, stas) wellmade, well-proportioned, well-formed, wellshaped, shapely; (ljubek) lovely, graceful, charming
lép, -a, -o kot slika as pretty as a picture
lép, -a, -oo darilo (premoženje, kompliment) a handsome present (fortune, compliment)
lép, -a, -oa godlja, zmeda a nice mess
lép, -a, -oa pot good road
lép, -a, -oi spol the fair sex
lép, -a, -oa priložnost (znesek) a fair chance (amount)
lép, -a, -oa vsota a round (ali respectable) sum
lép, -a, -oe goré beautiful mountains pl
lép, -a, -oo vreme fine weather
lép, -a, -oe umetnosti fine (ali liberal) arts pl
lép, -a, -o začetek a nice beginning
lép, -a, -oe pozdrave tvoji sestri! best regards to your sister!
lép, -a, -oega dne one fine day
lép, -a, -oa pisava a fair hand
imeti lép, -a, -oo pisavo to write a fair hand
od lép, -a, -oih besed se ne da živeti fine words butter no parsnips
lép, -a, -oo mnenje boste imeli o meni you will have a fine opinion of me, what are you going to think of me?
barometer kaže "lepo" the barometer stands at fair
to ni lepó od tebe that's not nice of you
ta je pa lép, -a, -oa! a fine (ali story), this is!
to je vse lép, -a, -oo, toda... that's all very well (ali fine), but...
kar praviš, je vse prav lép, -a, -oo, toda... what you say is all very fine, but...
to bi bilo še lepše! that would beat everything!, that would cap it all! - less1 [les] pridevnik (primernik od little)
manjši, manj važen, manj pomemben
in a less degree v manjši meri
of less value manjše vrednosti
in less time v krajšem času
no less a man than (the senator) najmanj, vsaj, sam (senator)
may your shadow never be less da bi ti nikdar česa ne zmanjkalo, vse najboljše!
your shadow hasn't grown any less nisi shujšal - letéti to fly
letéti z lastnimi krili (figurativno) to paddle one's own canoe, to stand on one's own feet, to shift for oneself
"leteti" iz službe (biti odpuščen) to be fired, pogovorno to get the sack
letéti komu na pomoč to fly to someone's help
čas letí time flies
šala je letela name the joke was turned against me
lahko bi bil slišal muho letéti you could have heard a pin drop - let in prehodni glagol
spustiti noter; vstaviti; objasniti, razodeti komu, zaupati komu (on kaj)
oslepariti (for za)
spraviti v težave
it would let in all sorts of evils to bi na stežaj odprlo vrata zlu
to let s.o. in for obesiti komu kaj na vrat
to let o.s. in for spustiti se v kaj - li
je li res? is it true?
rad bi vedel, je li srečna I should like to know whether she is happy - lief [li:f] prislov
rad, z veseljem
I had (ali would) as lief go there as anywhere else prav tako rad bi šel tja kot kam drugam
I would (ali had) a lief die as betray him rajši bi umrl kot da bi ga izdal
I'd liefer (than ) rajši (kot)