utíšati to silence (koga someone)
utíšati koga s kričanjem, vpitjem to shout someone down
utíšati glas vesti to silence the voice of conscience
utíšati sovražnikove baterije to silence the enemy's batteries
z največjim trudom smo jih utišali we had enormous trouble in silencing them (ali in putting them to silence)
Zadetki iskanja
- vést1 (novica, sporočilo) piece of news; news pl (s konstr. v sg); arhaično tidings pl; (piece of) information; report, account; advice; (važna) intelligence
najnovejše vésti the latest news, red-hot news
imam sijajno vést za vas I have a splendid piece of news for you
pričakujem od njih nadaljnjih vésti I am awaiting their further news
prišla je vést, da je sklenjen mir news arrived that peace had been concluded
lažna vést false (ali fabricated) report, canard
to je dobra vést this is good news
domače vésti home news, local news
kratke vésti news items
raznašalec vésti (klepetulja) gossip, newsmonger
povedati mu morate to slabo vést you must break this bad news to him
slabe vésti se kaj hitro izvejo bad news travels fast
že dolgo nimam vésti od njega I've had no news from him for a long time
o njem ni nobenih vésti nothing has been heard of him
zadnje vésti latest (ali last-minute) news, (v časopisu) stop-press
če ni vésti, je vse v redu no news is good news - vést2 conscience
brez vésti conscienceless
čista vést clear (ali good) conscience
slaba vést guilty (ali bad) conscience
z mirno vestjo with an easy conscience
proti moji vésti contrary to my conscience
kosmata vést elastic conscience
glas vésti the voice of conscience
izpraševanje vésti examination of one's conscience
grizenje vésti twinges pl of conscience, pangs pl of remorse, qualms pl of conscience, scruples pl
oseba, človek brez vésti conscienceless (ali unscrupulous, unconscionable, unprincipled) person
za pomirjenje vésti for conscience(') sake
izprašati si vést to examine one's conscience
imeti koga na vésti to have someone on one's conscience
imeti kosmato vést to have an easy-going conscience
vest ga grize his conscience is bothering him
ima dva umora na vésti he has two murders on his conscience
ne maram imeti tega na vésti I don't want to have that on my conscience
vést me peče I am conscience-stricken; my conscience is tormenting me (ali is giving me no peace), I am stung with remorse
vést ga je pekla his conscience troubled him, he had qualms of conscience, he was conscience-stricken
olajšati si vést to get something off one's conscience
pomiriti si vést to appease (ali to soothe, to salve, to quieten) one's conscience
z mirno véstjo lahko to storite you may do it with an easy conscience - voice1 [vɔ́is] samostalnik
glas (politika & figurativno človeški)
ton, zvok; izraz
slovnica način; sposobnost ali moč govora; mnenje, odločitev
fonetika zven
glasba petje (kot stroka)
zastarelo govorica; sloves
with one voice enoglasno, enodušno, kot eden
at the top of one's voice na ves glas, na vse grlo
in a loud (low) voice glasno (tiho)
active, passive voice slovnica tvorni, trpni način (glagola)
the still (ali small) voice glas vesti
the voice of God glas vesti, vest
in a prophetic voice s preroškim glasom
voice system (vesolje) naprava za ustno komuniciranje z astronavtom
use of one's voice uporaba pravice glasovanja
he is not in good voice on ne govori (poje) tako dobro kot običajno
to give voice to one's indignation dati izraza svojemu ogorčenju
to give one's voice for izjaviti se za, glasovati za
to find (ali to recover) one's voice priti spet do glasu
to have a voice in the matter imeti besedo pri zadevi
to lift up one's voice povzdigniti svoj glas, spregovoriti, javiti se
to lose one's voice izgubiti glas (zaradi prehlada itd.)
to love the sound of one's voice rad se poslušati
to raise one's voice povzdigniti svoj glas, govoriti glasneje
to study voice študirati petje - vojáški military; army; soldierly, soldierlike, soldier's
vojáška akademija military academy
vojáška blagajna war chest
vojáška disciplina military discipline
vojáška ekspedicija military expedition
vojáški duhovnik (kurat) army chaplain, žargon sky pilot
vojáški dobavitelj army contractor
vojáški poklic military profession
vojáška policija military police
vojáška obveščevalna služba military intelligence service
vojáška služba military service
nesposoben za vojáško službo unfit for active service
vojáške oblasti military authorities pl
vojáški obveznik national service man
splošna vojáška obveznost national service
vojáški stan profession of arms
vojáški pozdrav military salute
vojáška šola military college
vojáška sila, moč military power
vojáški kazenski zakonik pravo military code
vojáški službeni list army gazette
oseba, ki se zaradi vestí upre vojáški službi conscientious objector
sposoben za vojáško službo fit to serve, able-bodied, eligible for military service
vojáški zapor military prison
vojáška zdravstvena služba army medical service
vojáška vozovnica soldier's reduced-rate railway ticket
vojáška plača army pay
splošna vojáška obveznost universal conscription, ZDA universal military training (krajšava: UMT)
vojáški prestopek military offence
vojáška izdaja, izdajstvo military treason
vojáška znanost military science - vsebína contents pl; purport; tenor
kratka vsebína glavnih vesti radio headlines pl
kratka vsebína (rezimé) summary, abstract, résumé, epitome
vsebína knjige table of contents
brez vsake vsebíne (govor, knjiga) empty, wanting substance, lacking content
prijava vsebíne (na pošti) declaration of contents - worm1 [wə:m] samostalnik
zoologija črv, črv deževnik, glista
tehnično orodje spiralne oblike, vzvoj na vijaku, cevasta naprava za kondenziranje, za hlajenje, kita (vez) pod pasjim jezikom
figurativno podel, potuhnjen človek (kreatura)
figurativno notranja muka, trpljenje, glodajoča žalost, skrb
množina, medicina gliste, glistavost
worm of conscience grizenje vesti; pekoča vest
book-worm knjižni molj (hrošček ali oseba)
earth worm deževnik
glow worm kresnica
silk worm sviloprejka
tapeworm trakulja
food for worms hrana za črve, mrlič, mrtvec
I am a worm today slabo se počutim danes
a worm will turn figurativno še taka potrpežljivost ima svoje meje - yearn [jə:n] neprehodni glagol
hrepeneti, koprneti (after, for po)
težko čakati, želeti; imeti ali čutiti sočutje (to, towards do, za, z)
he yearned for news of his family težko je čakal vesti od svoje družine
prehodni glagol zastarelo it yearns me muči me, skrbi me - zarádi owing to, because of, on account of; for; for the sake of
zarádi jokanja ni mogla govoriti she could not speak for weeping
zarádi tega for this reason
zarádi mene (meni na ljubo) for my sake
zarádi nas vseh for all our sakes
zarádi tvoje neubogljivosti because of your disobedience
zarádi mene in vas for my own sake as well as yours
zarádi ljubega miru for the sake of peace (and quiet), for a quiet life
zarádi vestí for conscience's sake
zarádi starih časov (starega prijateljstva) for old time's sake
zarádi dežja smo se morali vrniti domov owing to the rain we had to come back home
prav zarádi tega for that very reason
zarádi močnega deževja je promet ukinjen in consequence of the heavy rains communications are interrupted
umetnost zarádi umetnosti art for art's sake - želéti to desire, to want; to wish; to be desirous (of), to long for
zelo želéti to long, to yearn, to thirst, to crave, to hunger (after), to be dying for
želéti lahko noč (zbogom) to bid good night (goodbye)
kaj želite od mene? what do you want from me?
ali želiš, da on pride? do you want him to come?
on želi dobiti to mesto he wants to get that post
želite, gospod? (v trgovini) what can I do for you, sir?
želéti komu dobro (slabo) to be well (ill) disposed to someone
želéti si to long for, to yearn for
zelo si želéti domov to long for one's home
želel si je vesti od svoje družine he longed for news of his family
vsi želimo, da bi se kmalu vzpostavil mir we all wish that peace may soon be restored
želéti komu srečo to wish someone luck, to wish someone, well
kakor želite as you please, just as you wish
tega ne bi še psu želel! (ZDA) it shouldn't happen to a dog!
želim van srečno novo leto! I wish you a happy New Year!
želim ti vse najboljše k rojstnemu dnevu! many happy returns of the day!
kaj si želiš za svoj rojstni dan? what would you like for your birthday?
hoteti in želéti je dvoje, ni isto willing and wishing are not the same thing