nature [néičə] samostalnik
narava, priroda; čud, vrsta, lastnost
vojska kaliber, premer; življenjska sila, primitivizem
botanika drevesna smola
against (ali contrary to) nature proti naravi, nadnaravno
by nature po naravi
to ease (ali relieve) nature opraviti potrebo
law of nature naravni zakon
to go the way of nature umreti
from nature po naravi (v slikarstvu)
good nature dobrodušnost
in the nature of kot, po, zaradi, v svojstvu, podoben
of a grave nature resen
of the same nature iste vrste
to pay the debt of nature; ali to pay one's debt to nature umreti
ia a state of nature nag, divji, primitiven
true to nature realističen, naraven
Nature Conservancy urad za varstvo narave
it has become second nature with him to mu je prešlo v meso in kri
things of this nature stvari te vrste
Zadetki iskanja
- neràd reluctantly, with reluctance, unwillingly; with a bad grace; (z nevoljo) grudgingly
rad ali neràd whether willing or not, willing or unwilling, willy-nilly
neràd pišem I am averse to writing
neràd to napravim I am reluctant to do it
le neràd privoliti to give (a) reluctant consent
neràd to priznam I am unwilling to admit it
neràd te nadlegujem I am loath to trouble you - neužíten uneatable; inedible; unfit to eat
meso te živali je neužítno the flesh of this animal is unfit for human consumption - none3 [nən] prislov
nikakor ne, niti najmanj, nič
none the less vendar, kljub (temu)
I'm none the better for (seeing you) nič boljše se ne počutim, ker (te vidim)
none too, high niti najmanj previsoko
none too soon nič prekmalu, niti najmanj prezgodaj
none too well tako, tako; nič kaj dobro - norčávost farcicality, zaniness, clownishness; jocularity
te norčávost še ni minila? haven't you got over that folly yet? - notice1 [nóutis] samostalnik
obvestilo, objava, oglas; opazovanje, zaznanje; zaznamek, opomin; pozornost; odpoved; pismena opomba ali kratek članek v časopisu; ocena (knjige, filma itd.)
ekonomija notice of assessment davčna odločba
previous notice predhodna objava
this is to give notice that s tem obveščamo, da
pravno to give notice of appeal vložiti priziv
parlament to give notice of motion dati iniciativen predlog
obituary notice osmrtnica, obvestilo o smrti
to attract (ali come into) notice obrniti pozornost nase
to be under notice to quit biti blizu smrti
to bring to s.o.'s notice opozoriti koga na kaj
to escape notice ostati neopazen
to give s.o. notice odpovedati komu službo
to give s.o. notice of s.tb. sporočiti komu kaj
to give notice to quit odpovedati (stanovanje, službo)
to have notice zvedeti, biti obveščen
pravno to serve notice upon s.o. pozvati koga (na sodišče)
at a minute's (ali moment's) notice takoj
a month's notice enomesečna odpoved
without notice brez odloga (odpuščen itd.)
at short notice v kratkem roku
to put up a notice objaviti (na oglasni deski)
šaljivo to sit up and take notice iti na bolje (zdravje)
until further notice do nadaljnjega
baby takes notice otrok se začenja zavedati stvari okoli sebe
to take notice of opaziti, ozirati se na kaj
take notice that opozarjam te, da
to take no notice of ne zmeniti se za kaj, ignorirati
not worth s.o.'s notice nevreden upoštevanja - omelet(te) [ɔ́mlit] samostalnik
savoury omelet(te) omleta z zelenjavo
sweet omelet(te) omleta z marmelado
figurativno one's can't make an omelet(te) without breaking eggs brez truda in muje se še čevelj ne obuje - once1 [wans] prislov
enkrat, nekoč, svojčas
once and again, once or twice od časa do časa, ponovno
once again, once more še enkrat
once a day enkrat na dan
once (and) for all enkrat za vselej
pogovorno once in a blue moon zelo redko
once bit twice shy kdor se enkrat opeče, ne bo več poskušal; izkušnja te nauči previdnosti
not once niti enkrat, nikoli
once (upon a time) nekoč
once in a while (ali way) tu in tam, včasih, redko
once and away enkrat za vselej; včasih
all at once nenadoma, istočasno
at once takoj
more than once večkrat - onto [ɔ́ntu] predlog
na (gibanje)
sleng to be onto izvohati kaj
sleng he is onto you spregledal te je - opozoríti to warn
opozoríti koga na kaj to call (ali to direct), to drawl someone's attention to something, to point something out to someone
opozarjam vas, da... I give you warning that...
opozorili so ga, da je v nevarnosti he was warned that he was in danger
on te je bil lepo opozoril he had given you fair warning - out4 [áut] medmet
poberi se!, izgini!
arhaično out upon you! sram te bodi! - pámet (um) intellect, intelligence, sense, brains pl, wits pl; (duh) reason, mind; prudence; mother wit; (razumevanje) understanding; (spomin) memory; pogovorno gumption
na pámet by heart
zdrava pámet common sense, sanity
si ob pámet? are you out of your senses?, have you lost your wits?
ali si pri pámeti? are you in your right mind?
sem pri kraju s svojo pámetjo I am at my wit's end
bodi no pri pámeti! be sensible!, be reasonable!, have a bit of common sense!
on ni pri pravi pámeti he is not in his right mind, he is out of his mind
nisem bil pri pravi pámeti I had not my wits about me
on je počasne pámeti he is slow-witted, pogovorno he is slow on the uptake
ona je kratke pámeti she is rather slow (ali dull, slow on the uptake)
še (vedno) mi je na pámeti... it is still fresh in my mind...
nima toliko pámeti, da bi (u)videl... he has not the wits to see...
to se krega s pámetjo it is thoughtless (ali senseless)
si se s pámetjo skregal? have you taken leave of your senses?
padlo mi je na pámet it occurred to me, the idea struck me, the thought crossed my mind
na kraj pámeti mi ne pade, da bi (rekel) far be it from me to (say)
reči, kar človeku pade na pámet to say whatever comes to mind
imeti več sreče kot pámeti to have more luck than brains
izgubiti pámet to go out of one's mind (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali one's reason)
to presega mojo pámet this is beyond me, that's over my head, that passes my comprehension
priti k pámeti to come to one's senses
kdo, ki je pri pravi pámeti, bi šel...? who in his senses would go...?
moram ga spraviti k pámeti I must make him see reason (oziroma see sense)
spraviti koga ob pámet to drive someone out of his mind (ali pogovorno up the wall, round the bend)
sklicevati se na zdravo pámet to appeal to reason
(iz)računati na pámet to calculate mentally
učiti se na pámet to learn by heart, to commit to memory
znati na pámet to know by heart (ali from memory), (vlogo) to be word-perfect
ko te bo pámet srečala... when you see reason... - par (dvojica) pair, couple, two; (psov, divjadi) brace; set of two; (volov) a yoke (ali ZDA span) of oxen; (nekoliko) one or two, some, a few, several
po parih by twos, by pairs, two by two
par dni a couple of days, a day or two, (več kot dva dni) a day or so
v par dneh in a couple of (ali in a few) days, in a matter of days
par vrstic a line or two
par rokavic a pair of gloves
izgubil sem par te rokavice I have lost the companion to this glove
poročen par married couple, wedded couple
par zaročencev an engaged couple
vrsta šolark, ki hodijo v parih (pogovorno) a crocodile
ni mu ga para (ni mu enakega) there is no one to equal him, he has no equal; he is matchless; he is unrivalled - pazíti (biti pozoren) to pay attention (to), to observe, to mind, to be mindful (of), to look around, to look out (for), to watch, to be watchful, to keep watch; to take care, to be careful (ali cautious, wary, wide-awake, on the alert, on one's guard); (hraniti) to have in custody; (skrbeti za) to take care of, to have in one's care (ali charge); (negovati) to nurse, to look after, to tend; (pobrigati se) to look (to), to see (to), to attend (to)
pazíti na otroke v odsotnosti staršev to baby-sit
ne pazíti na to take no heed (ali no notice) of, to disregard, to be mindless of, to be unmindful of, not to bother, to pay little or no attention to; to lose sight of
pazi(te)! look out!, attention!, mind!
napeto pazíti to be all attention
pazi na otroka! look after the child!
pazite na mojo prtljago! take care of my luggage!
pazite na stopnice! mind the steps!
pazite bolje! take more care!
pazi nase! take care of yourself!
pazite, da vas ne vidijo! mind they do not see you!
niso pazili na moje besede my words were ignored
pazite na žeparje! beware of pickpockets!
pazíti na formalnosti to be a stickler for the formalities
pazíti z budnim očesom na to keep a watchful eye on
pazi se! mind what you are about
otroci, pazite nase! children, look after yourselves!, be careful!, take care! - písec writer; penman, pl -men; author; (pamfleta) pamphleteer
písec tega pisma the undersigned
písec teh vrstic, te knjige the present writer - please [pli:z]
1. prehodni glagol
ugajati komu, narediti veselje, razveseliti; ustreči, zadovoljiti
ironično blagovoliti (to do kaj narediti)
2. neprehodni glagol
dopasti se, ugajati, prikupiti se, biti po volji
it pleases me, I am pleased with ugaja mi
I'll be pleased veselilo me bo
I'm only too pleased to do it to naredim z največjim veseljem
I'm pleased to say veseli me, da lahko rečem
to please o.s., to do what one pleases delati, kar se komu zljubi
please yourself postrezi si, kot želiš
only to please you samo tebi na ljubo
please God če bog da
if you please če dovoliš, če ti je prav
and now if you please zamisli, lepo te prosim
please prosim
please not prosim ne - pléntati
bes te plentaj! confound you!, devil take you! - počákati to wait
počakaj malo! wait a bit!, wait a while!
ta zadeva lahko počaka this matter can wait! (ali can be left pending)
kar (ali le) počakaj! (bomo videli, kaj bo) wait and see!
počákati na priložnost to bide one's time
počákati na izid to await the outcome
počakal te bom I'll wait for you
počakaj, da pridem nazaj! wait till (ali until) I come back
počákati koga na postaji to meet someone at the station - pogréšati to miss; to do without
lahkó pogréšati to spare, to do (ali manage) without
dve osebi se pogrešata two persons are missing
zelo ga pogrešamo we badly miss him
zelo jih bomo pogrešali we shall much regret their loss
ne morem pogréšati te knjige I can't do without this book
lahkó pogrešam njegove nasvete I can do (ali manage) without his advice
lahko pogrešaš (svoj) avto danes? can you spare the car to-day?
zdaj ne moremo pogréšati nobenega delavca we can ill spare any hands now
lahko pogrešam (se odrečem, sem brez) I can dispense with
ničesar ne pogrešam (nič mi ne manjka) I lack nothing - pométati to sweep, to brush; to clean by sweeping; (ulice) to scavenge
pometaj(te) pred svojim pragom! sweep before your own door!, mind your own business!
pométati s kom (figurativno) žargon to wipe the floor with someone