
Zadetki iskanja

  • zavihtéti to swing; (bič) to flourish; (kopje ipd.) to brandish

    zavihtéti se to swing oneself
    zavihtéti se na konja (v sedlo) to leap (ali to vault) into the saddle
  • zavít wrapped (v papir in paper)

    zavít v kopreno skrivnosti wrapped in a shroud of mystery
    zavít v skrivnost shrouded in (ali wrapped up) in mystery
  • zavíti to wrap up (v papir in paper); to envelop (v in); (kam) to turn

    zavíti okrog vogala to turn (round) the corner
    zavíti na desno (na levo) to turn (ali to take a turning) to the right (to the left), to turn right (left), to take a right (left) turn
    zavíti v stransko ulico to turn into a side street
    zavíti v stran, s prave smeri (kolo ipd.) to swerve
  • zavléči to protract; to drag out

    zavléči se (stvar) to drag on; to be delayed (ali retarded), to be prolonged
    zavléči se (nekam) v to creep (ali to crawl) into
    pogajanja so se zavlekla the negotiations have dragged on
  • zavrtéti to turn round; to spin; to whirl; to twirl; to rotate, to wheel round

    zavrtéti kolo to turn a wheel
    zavrtéti (zmešati) komu glavo to turn someone's head
    koga, da se vrti okoli svoje osi to send someone spinning
    zavrtelo se mi je v glavi my head is swimming, I feel giddy
  • zazíbati to rock; to cradle

    zazíbati otroka v spanje to rock a child to sleep
    potres je zazibal tla an earthquake shook the ground
    zazíbati se v upanje, da... to comfort oneself with (ali to find comfort in) the hope that...
    zaziban v varnosti lulled by a sense of security
  • zbádati to prick; to sting; figurativno to tease, to taunt, to gibe, to needle, to rail (at, against)

    zbada me v boku I have (ali pogovorno I've got) a stitch (in my side), I feel a twinge in my side
  • zbòr meeting, assembly; gathering; convention

    državni zbòr parliament
    častniški zbòr officer corps
    pevski zbòr choir, chorus, ZDA glee club
    cerkveni pevski zbòr church choir, choir
    učiteljski zbòr teaching staff
    (ekumenski) cerkveni zbòr (oecumenical) council
    redni letni občni regular annual general meeting (ali assembly)
    zbòr delavcev workers' assembly
    zbòr delovnih ljudi assembly of working people and citizens
    zbòr proizvajalcev producers' council
    zbòr uporabnikov (koristnikov) consumer council
    zbòr volilcev assembly of voters, meeting of voters
    zbòr združenega dela chamber of associated labour
    družbeno-politični zbòr the sociopolitical chamber
    zbòr občin chamber of communes
    zbòr krajevnih skupnosti chamber of local communities
    zbòr republik in pokrajin chamber of republics and provinces
    peti v zbòru to sing in chorus, to chorus
    v zbòru recitirati, peti to chorus
    deček, ki poje v cerkvenem zbòru choirboy, chorister
    zaklicati v zbòru to cry in chours
  • zbórnica parlament chamber; assembly hall

    Zvezna zbórnica Federal Chamber
    gospodarska zbórnica Chamber of Economy
    trgovinska zbórnica Chamber of Commerce
    učiteljska zbórnica (v šoli) teachers' staff room
    spodnja zbórnica lower house, VB House of Commons, ZDA House of Representatives
    zgornja zbórnica upper house, VB House of Lords, ZDA Senate
  • zdihljáj sigh

    zdihljáj olajšanja a sigh of relief
    biti v poslednjih zdihljájih to be breathing one's last
  • zdírjati to rush

    zdírjati na postajo to rush to the station
    zdírjati z avtom v X. to rush over to X. by car
  • zdráha discord, dissension; warfare; variance

    delati, povzročiti zdráho to cause dissension
    to je naredilo zdráho med njima that set them at variance
    biti v zdráhi z to be in conflict (ali at loggerheads) with someone, to be constantly warring (ali feuding) with someone
  • zdráv healthy, sound, in good health, healthy-looking; (duševno) sane; wholesome, healthful (za for), salubrious

    zdráva pamet common sense, good sense, horse sense, mother wit, pogovorno gumption
    zdrávi zobje sound teeth
    zdrávo sadje sound fruit
    zdráv kot riba (as) sound as a bell, in the pink (of condition), in fine fettle
    zdráv na duši in telesu sound in body and mind
    cel in zdráv, zdráv in živ hale and hearty
    zdrávo podnebje salubrious climate
    zdráva hrana (zrak) wholesome food (air)
    zdráv duh v zdrávem telesu a sound mind in a sound body
    zdráva kritika sound (ali judicious) criticism
    biti zdráv to be well, to be healthy, to be in (ali to enjoy, to have) good health
    zdráv je kot riba v vodi he is as right as a trivet, he is as fit as a fiddle
    biti duševno zdráv to be sound in mind, to be of sound mind
    imeti zdráve nazore to have sound views
    to je zdráva vaja this is a healthy exercise
    odnesti zdrávo kožo (figurativno) to escape unscathed, to save one's bacon
    ostanite zdrávi! I wish you continued good health
    vrniti se živ in zdráv to return safe and sound
    to je zdrávo zanj! (figurativno) (= prav mu je!) it serves him right!
    gorski zrak je zelo zdráv the mountain air is very wholesome
    videti je zdráva she looks well
  • zdravilíšče health resort; spa; watering place

    gorsko, klimatično zdravilíšče mountain resort
    gôst v zdravilíšču patient at a health resort
    zdravnik v zdravilíšču doctor at a health resort
  • zdravílo medicine; medicament; remedy; (redko) physic; figurativno (odpomoček) remedy; (za okrepitev) tonic, cordial; (za odvajanje) laxative, purgative, aperient; (za draženje) stimulant; (za ublažitev, pomirilo) sedative

    zdravílo za zunanjo uporabo remedy for external use
    domače zdravílo household remedy, nostrum
    specialno zdravílo specific; patent medicine
    zdravílo za bljuvanje emetic
    zdravílo za vse panacea, cure-all
    pripravljanje zdravil pharmaceutics pl (s konstr. v sg), pharmacy
    prodajalec zdravil pharmacist, (pharmaceutical) chemist, dispensing chemist, druggist
    dati zdravílo to administer a medicine, to give someone his medicine
    napraviti zdravílo to make up a medicine
    predpisati zdravílo to prescribe a medicine
    vzeti zdravílo to take one's medicine
  • zdravník (splošno) doctor, physician; (krajšave) ZDA doc, medic

    zdravník specialist specialist; (kirurg) surgeon; (porodničar) obstetrician; (splošne prakse) general practitioner
    očesni zdravník eye specialist; oculist
    zdravník za ušesa ear specialist, aurist
    zdravník bolniške blagajne panel doctor
    tovarniški zdravník factory doctor
    vojaški zdravník (army) medical officer
    mornariški zdravník surgeon
    ladijski zdravník ship's doctor
    višji, polkovni zdravník vojska surgeon major
    (kraljev) osebni zdravník physician in ordinary (of the king)
    v zavodu stanujoči zdravník resident physician
    moj zdravník my medical adviser
    poklicati zdravníka to call a doctor
    poslati po zdravníka to send for the doctor
    posvetovati se z zdravníkom to take medical advice
    zdravník stažist ZDA intern
  • zdravníški doctor's; medical

    zdravníška pomoč medical assistance, (na domu) outdoor relief
    zdravníški poklic medical profession
    zdravníški pregled medical examination
    zdravníški recept (medical) prescription
    zdravníško spričevalo, potrdilo medical certificate, pogovorno doctor's note
    zdravníška veda medical science
    biti pod zdravníško kontrolo to be under the doctor
    biti v zdravníški oskrbi (negi) to be under medical care
  • zdrávstvo health service, health care; medical service; sanitation; sanitary measures pl; hygiene

    nauk o zdrávstvu hygiene, hygienics pl (s konstr. v sg)
  • zdrážba quarrel, dissension, warfare; strife; variance

    biti v zdrážbi z to be in bitter conflict with
    živeti v zdrážbi z to be constantly feuding (ali warring) with someone, to be at daggers drawn with someone
  • zdrúžen associated; joint; united

    zdrúženno delo associated labour
    zdrúženna kontrola joint control
    zdrúženno podjetje joint enterprise
    zdrúženni delavci associated workers pl
    zdrúženni proizvajalci associated producers pl
    zdrúženno upravljanje joint management
    zdrúženni v delu associated in labour
    zdrúženne zavezniške sile the united forces pl of the allies
    Združeni narodi United Nations pl
    Združene države Amerike (ZDA) the United States of America (the U.S.A., USA)
    Združeni tisk ZDA United Press
    osnovna organizacija zdrúžennega dela basic organization of associated labour