šáh (igra) chess; (perzijski vladar) shah
igrati šáh to play chess, to have a game of chess
šáh kralju! check!, your king's in check
dati šáh kralju to put the king in check, to check
dati šáh in matirati to checkmate
držati koga v šáhu to hold someone in check, (figurativno) to keep (ali to hold) someone at bay, to thwart, pogovorno to stymie, to snooker
šáh mat checkmate
partija šáha a game of chess
Zadetki iskanja
- šála joke, fun, jest; sport; pleasantry; buffoonery
šále pl jokes
v šáli in jest, jestingly, in sport, for fun, jokingly
za šálo, zaradi šále for fun, by way of a joke
brez šále!, šálo na stran! joking (ali jesting) apart!
stara, obrabljena šála stale (ali ancient) joke, chestnut
nespodobna, obscena šála indecent (ali risqué, blue) joke, dirty (ali ribald, obscene) story
pisec šál za radio ali televizijo gag writer, ZDA gag man, žargon gagster
surova, neslana šála horseplay, practical joke
to ni šála (figurativno) this is no (ali not a) laughing matter
nisem razpoložen za šále I am not in the mood for trifling
on je predmet šál he is the butt (of ridicule)
z njim ni šále he is not to be trifled with
bila je samo šála it was only in (ali for) fun
govoriti v šáli to be jesting
to sem naredil za šálo I did it for a lark
on razume šálo he knows how to take a joke
on ne razume šále he can't take a joke, he's got no sense of humour
reči v šáli to say something in jest
pretiravati šálo to carry a joke too far
vzeti za šálo to treat as a joke
ni razloga za zbijanje šál there is no cause for laughter, this is no laughing matter
zbijati šále to crack jokes
zbijati šále s kom to poke fun at someone, to make merry with someone, to make sport of someone
šála leti nanj, na njegov račun the joke is on him - še still; yet, as yet
še ne not yet
še vedno still
še nikoli never yet
še enkrat once more
še več still more
še danes this very day
še do danes, še zdaj this very day, even now
še nocoj this very night
še do pred kratkim, do nedavnega until very recently
še isti dan on the very same day
še pred enim tednom sem govoril z njim it is only a week since I spoke to him
še dolgo pozneje for a long time after
še ta teden before this week is over
še oni teden sem jo videl I saw her only last week
še včeraj only yesterday
še zadnjega maja as late as last May
še letos bodo prišli they will still arrive this year
še leta 1960 as late as 1960
še lani only last year
še boljši better still
še močneje kot even stronger than...
še enkrat toliko twice as much, as much again
še enkrat tako velik twice as tall, as tall again
še mnogo much (oziroma many) more
samó še to pot (tokrat) just once more, only this once
komaj še kdo hardly anyone left
še dražji, še višji dearer still, higher still
(samo) še trenutek just a moment
še nikoli never yet
še kaj (drugega)? anything more (ali else)?
imaš še kaj papirja? have you (got) any paper left?
imaš še kaj denarja? have you any money left?
še eno skodelico čaja, prosim! another cup of tea, please!
daj mi še malo kruha! (could I have) another piece of bread, please
danes je vreme še slabše kot včeraj today the weather is even worse than yesterday
dokler je še čas while there is still time
on še ne more delati he is still unfit for work
tega še nikoli nisem videl I have never seen that before
počakaj še dva dni! wait another two days!
daj mu še en kozarec vode! give him another glass of water!
treba je še videti it is yet to be seen
to bomo še videli that remains to be seen
še vedno živijo v Ljubljani they are still living in Ljubljana
še to zimo bo prišel he will be here some time this winter
lahkó še pride he may still come, he may come yet
poskusi še enkrat! try again!, try once more!, pogovorno have another go!
kaj še hoče? what else does he want?
lahko počakaš še en teden? can you wait another week?
še tega je manjkalo! that's all we wanted!
ni bila še dolgo omožena, ko... she had not long been married when...
ostalo je še nekaj denarja there's still some money left, there's a bit of cash left over
naj bo še tako bogat, ne bo uspel no matter how rich he is, he will not succeed
še (= niti) pogledal me ni he did not so much as look at me
kaj še! (= kje pa, ni govora o tem!) what next!
še obesili ga bodo, še na vislicah bo končal! he'll come to a sticky end (one of these days)!
še (vedno) smo tu we are still here
dokler je še živel while he was still alive
nisem še končal I have not yet finished, I still haven't finished - šépati to limp; to walk lamely, to walk with a limp; to be lame; to have a game leg
nekaj tu šepa (= ne gre v redu) (figurativno) there is a screw loose somewhere
ti stihi šepajo these are lame verses
primera šepa that's a lame (ali a poor) comparison
šépati na eno nogo to be lame in one leg
šépati z desno nogo to be lame in the right leg
močnó, hudó šépati to limp heavily, to hobble - šéstdeseti sixtieth
v šéstdesetih letih in the sixties
šéstdeseti del the sixtieth part
v šéstdesetih letih tega stoletja in the sixties of this century - šíbek weak; feeble; faint
precéj šíbek pretty weak, pretty feeble
šíbka konstitucija medicina weak constitution
šíbek v kolenih weak-kneed
šíbki spol (ženske) weaker sex
šíbka točka weak point
šíbek značaj weak-mindedness
šíbkega značaja weak-minded
šíbek odpor weak resistance - šibíka bar; ingot
zlato (srebro) v šibíkah gold (silver) bullion
šibíka srebra silver bar
zlata šibíka gold bar - šíht shift; turn
dnevni šíht day shift
nočni šíht night shift
delo v šíhtih shift work
delati v šíhtih to work in shifts - šíniti to flit, to whisk; to shoot; vojska (pikirati) to dart
šíniti preko brzice to shoot a rapid
mačka je šinila iz sobe the cat shot out of the room
v glavo mi je šinila misel a thought ran through my head
srečna misel ji je šinila v glavo a happy idea struck her
ravno mi je šinilo v glavo it just passed through my mind - šír (širina, širjava) width, breadth; wideness
v šír in width - šivánka sewing needle
vdeti šivánko to thread a needle
sedeti, biti kot na šivánkah (figurativno, biti skrajno nestrpen) to seethe with impatience
iskati šivánko v kupu slame (figurativno) to look for a needle in a haystack - škárje (a pair or) scissors pl; (velike) shears pl
rakove škárje claw
škárje za striženje ovac sheep shears pl
škárje za rezanje pločevine plate shears pl
škárje za rezanje žice wire-cutter
prehitevati v škárje (avto) to cut in - škóda damage; harm, detriment, prejudice; injury; arhaično scathe; (izguba) loss
v mojo škódo to my detriment
v škódo, na škódo koga to the prejudice of someone; to the detriment of someone
na škódo zdravja to the detriment of (one's) health
kakšna škóda! what a pity!
tisočkrat škóda it is a thousand pities!
velika (majhna) škóda heavy (light) damage
delna škóda partial damage
popolna škóda total damage
zanemarljiva škóda negligible damage
več škóde kot koristi more harm than good
ocenitev škóde assessment of damage
vojna škóda war damage
zavarovanje proti škódi insurance against damages
povračilo škóde indemnification, indemnity
škóda (je) zanj (= da smo ga izgubili) it is a pity that we have lost him, he is greatly missed
škóda je it is a pity
zelo škóda je it is a thousand pities
prav škóda je, da... it is much to be regretted that...
kako škóda, da tega niste rekli prej! what a pity you did not say so beforehand!
škóda je je za to she is too good for that
škóda, da niste mogli priti too bad (that) you couldn't come
nobene škóde ni bilo there is no harm done
biti obsojen na povrnitev škóde to have damages awarded against one
ta škóda se mora popraviti this damage must be repaired
popraviti škódo to make good a loss, to repair a loss
povzročiti škódo to cause a loss
jamčiti za škódo to guarantee against loss
kriti škódo to cover a loss
ugotoviti škódo to ascertain the damage
prizadeti komu škódo to inflict damage on someone
oceniti škódo to estimate the damage
prodajati v svojo škódo to sell under prime cost, to sell at a loss
utrpeti škódo, biti na škódi to suffer damage (ali injury, loss), to lose, to be a loser, to come off a loser
zaradi malenkostne koristi utrpeti škódo to cut off one's nose to spite one's face
oceniti (poprečno) škódo pri prometni nesreči to adjust an average
škóda človeka izmodri you learn from your mistakes - škrípec tehnika pulley; figurativno fix, pinch; scrape, dilemma, straits pl, trouble, pogovorno hot water
v škrípcih (figurativno) (v precepu) in a cleft stick
biti v škrípcih to be in a fix (ali in a scrape, in a tight corner, in a tight spot), to be hard pressed, to have one's back to the wall
biti v hudih škrípcih to be in dire straits
biti v škrípcih za denar to be hard up
dvigniti s škrípcem to hoist with a pulley - šláger glasba (musical) hit, hit song, song hit
melodija v šláger ju hit tune, hit
komponist šlágerjev songwriter; pogovorno songsmith, ZDA žargon tunesmith
pevec šlágerjev pop singer, (zlasti na radiu) crooner - šlamástika quandary; scrape; predicament; žargon fix, jam, mess, stew, hot water
biti v šlamástiki pogovorno to be in a pretty pickle, to be in hot water, to be in the soup - šóla school; educational establishment; (stavba) schoolhouse, school; (poučevanje) schooling, teaching; (tečaj) course
v šóli at school
v šólo to school
osnovna šóla elementary (ali primary) school
srednja šóla secondary school, (zasebna) public school, (z internatom) boarding school
klasična srednja šóla grammar school
srednja šóla klasične smeri classical side (of a secondary school)
srednja šóla realne smeri modern side (of a secondary school)
deška (dekliška) šóla boys' (girls') school
mešana šóla mixed school; coeducational school
višja srednja šóla (5.-8. razred) ZDA high school
glasbena šóla music school
gospodinjska šóla school of domestic science
jahalna šóla riding school, manege, manège
konfesionalna šóla denominational school
kmetijska šóla school of agriculture
nadaljevalna šóla continuation school, extension college
strokovna šóla vocational (ali professional) school
šoferska šóla driving school, school of motoring
tehniška šóla technical school
trgovska šóla commercial school
učiteljska šóla teachers' training college, ZDA normal college
vojaška šóla military school, military academy
večerna šóla evening (ali night) school, evening classes pl
mala šóla nursery school, kindergarten, preschool
dan brez šóle (pouka) day off (school), school holiday
dorasel za šólo of school age
danes ni šóle (pouka) there is no school today, there are no lessons today
šóle (pouka) je konec school is over
naša šóla se bo končala 30. junija in zopet začela 15. septembra our school breaks up (ali closes) on June 30th and will reopen (ali reassemble) on September 15th
ti ne boš za šólo school is not for you
hoditi v šólo to go to school, to be at school
iti skozi trdo šólo (figurativno) to go through the mill
končati, zapustiti šólo to leave school
izključiti iz šóle to expel from school
obiskovati šólo to attend (a) school
zamuditi šólo (pouk) to be late for school
neupravičeno izosta(ja)ti iz šóle (»špricati«) to play truant, to cut school, ZDA žargon to play hooky
biti med najboljšimi v šóli to be near the top in school
vsaka šóla nekaj stane (figurativno) we learn by experience - španovíja company; community
v španovíji in common; together (with), jointly - špekulácija ekonomija speculation, pogovorno spec
nesrečna špekulácija unlucky speculation
spuščati se v špekulácije to engage in (ali to embark on) speculations, to take part in speculations
borzna špekulácija na padec (dvig) cen bear operation (bull operation) - špórt sport, games
lahkoatletski špórt athletics pl (s konstr. v sg), track and field sports pl
vodni špórt aquatic sport
zimski špórt winter sport(s pl)
špórt na prostem field sports pl
vrsta špórta kind of sport
navdušen za špórt keen on sport (ali games)
navdušenec za špórt sporting enthusiast, sports fan
prijatelj špórta sportsman, (gledalec) sports fan
ljubitelj špórta sports fan
nepristranost v špórtu sportsmanship, fair play
gojiti špórt to go in for sport (ali games), to take part in sport (ali games), to practise sport