drugáče otherwise; in another (ali different) way (ali manner); differently (od from)
takó ali drugáče somehow; one way or other
drugáče (v drugih ozirih) in other respects; (sicer) else
to je čisto drugáče it is quite difrerent, pogovorno it's not at all like that
v mojem primeru je (ravno) drugáče in my case the boot is on the other foot
čisto drugáče (ravno nasprotno) just the other way, just the other way round
če ni drugáče možno if there is no other way
na to gledam čisto drugáče I look upon it in quite a different light
drugáče misliti to differ in opinion
sedaj drugáče misliti to have second thoughts
drugáče postopati, ravnati kot sicer (običajno) to act differently than usual
ne morem drugáče, kot da se smejem I can't help laughing
stôri to takoj, drugáče (sicer) ti bo žal do it at once, or you'll regret it (ali you'll be sorry)
Zadetki iskanja
- dust1 [dʌst] samostalnik
britanska angleščina smeti
botanika cvetni prah
sleng denar
figurativno zemlja
figurativno posmrtni ostanki
to bite the dust zgruditi se ranjen ali mrtev, iti v krtovo deželo
to kick up (ali make, raise) a dust vzdigniti prah, razburiti
to throw dust into s.o.'s eyes vreči komu pesek v oči, slepiti ga
to shake the dust off one's feet jezen oditi
ameriško to give the dust to s.o. prehite(va)ti koga
ameriško to take s.o.'s dust zaostajati
to lick the dust prilizovati se
honoured dust posmrtni ostanki
in the dust ponižan
to make the dust fly švigniti, energično nastopiti
down with the dust! denar na roko!
humbled in (ali to) the dust ponižan
to fall to dust razpasti - earth2 [ə:ɵ]
1. prehodni glagol
zakopati; pokopati, z zemljo pokriti; ozemljiti; v lisičino zapoditi
2. neprehodni glagol
v lisičino se skriti; zakopati se
to earth up okopa(va)ti (krompir) - enák equal, even, (vrednost) equivalent, (isti) same, identical; (podoben) like, alike, similar; (enoličen) uniform; equable
dve enáki števili two equal numbers
enáka razdalja equidistance
enáka temperatura an even temperature
biti enák to equal, to be the equal of, to be equal, to be on a par with
ni mu enákega he has no equal, there is no one to match him, he is without an equal, he is unrivalled
ni ti enák he is not your equal
to ni bil enák boj it was not an equal fight
boj med enakima nasprotnikoma equal fight
boriti se ob enákih pogojih to fight on equal terms
naleteti, najti sebi enákega to meet one's match
imeti enáke deleže to have equal shares
vsi državljani so enáki pred zakonom all citizens are equal before the law
skušati biti enák to emulate, to vie with
sta kar enáka (= imata iste napake) they are tarred with the same brush!
plačati (vrniti) enáko z enákim (figurativno) to give someone tit for tat, to pay someone back in his own coin
enako se z enákim druži birds of a feather flock together - enáko prislov equally; alike; likewise; in the same manner; just the same
enáko star of the same age; coeval
enáko oddaljen equidistant
približno enáko velik much of a size
enáko deliti to share alike
enáko si bomo razdelili we'll share and share alike, žargon we'll split (everything) even Steven
enáko rad bi šel tja kot kam drugam I'd just as well go there as anywhere else
enáko prezirati svoje prijatelje in svoje sovražnike to despise oneself' friends and one's enemies alike
to pride na enáko it amounts to the same thing
enáko vračati to repay in kind, to retaliate
ti besedi se enáko izgovarjata these two words are pronounced alike (ali have the same pronunciation) - end1 [end] samostalnik
konec, kraj, zaključek; meja; propad, smrt; namen, cilj; izid, uspeh, posledica, korist
East End vzhodni del Londona
at the far end na drugem koncu
to be at one's wits' end ne vedeti, kako in kam
up to the bitter end, to the end of the chapter do samega konca, do smrti
to come to an end končati se
to come to the end of one's tether doseči skrajno mejo, biti na koncu
no end of a fellow sijajen dečko
pogovorno to go off the deep end razburiti, razjeziti se, pobesneti
my hair stood on end lasje so mi stali pokonci
to have s.th. at one's fingers' end dobro vedeti ali znati
to get hold of the wrong end of the stick začeti na napačnem koncu
in the end na koncu, končno
geometrija the end of the line krajišče
no end of neskončno, neizmerno
the end justifies the means namen posvečuje sredstva
to keep one's end up pretolči, prebi(ja)ti se
the latter end starost, smrt
at a loose end brez posebnega opravila
to make both ends meet prebi(ja)ti se z denarjem
to no end zaman
shoemaker's end dreta
to the end that zato, da bi
to what end? čemu?
West End zahodni del Londona
end to end po dolžini, drug za drugim
at your end pri vas, v vašem kraju
to have at one's tongue's end imeti na koncu jezika - envy2 [énvi] prehodni glagol
zavidati, ne privoščiti
I envy you your success zavidam ti tvoj uspeh - example1 [igzá:mpl] samostalnik
vzorec, primer, zgled; svarilo, opomin
to make an example of drugim v zgled kaznovati
as an example, by way of example, for example na primer
to set (ali give) an example dajati zgled
to take example by s.o. posnemati koga
without example nezaslišan, izreden
to hold up as an example to s.o. dajati komu za zgled
let this be an example to you naj vam (ti) bo v svarilo - eye1 [ai] samostalnik
oko; vid; pogled; vidik; popek; ušesce (npr. šivanke); zankica; luknja (v kruhu, siru)
figurativno namera; blesk diamanta; središče
ameriško, sleng vohun
it's all my eye vse to je neumnost
the apple of one's eye nad vse drag
black eye modrica, ameriško poraz
by the eye na oko, po videzu
to cast sheep's eyes at s.o. zaljubljeno koga gledati
to clap an eye at s.o. zagledati koga
to catch the eyes of s.o. s pogledom koga opozoriti
to close one's eyes to s.th. zapirati oči pred čim
to come to the eye of s.o. pojaviti se pred kom
to cry one's eyes out izjokati si oči
pogovorno to do in the eye oslepariti, ukaniti
easy on the eye čeden, prijeten
to feast one's eyes z užitkom gtedati
to give an eye to pogledati, popaziti
if you had half an eye ko bi ne bil čisto slep in gluh
to have eyes at the back of one's head imeti povsod oči, biti bister
to have in one's eye opazovati
to have an eye to s.th. paziti na kaj
to have an eye to the main chance urediti sebi v prid
in the eyes of vpričo
to keep an eye on, to keep a close (ali steady, strict) eye on budno opazovati
to keep one's eyes skinned (ali open) budno paziti
to keep one's weather eye open oprezovati, budno paziti
to make eyes at s.o. spogledovati se s kom
to make s.o. open his eyes hudo koga presenetiti
mind your eye bodi previden
my eye! presneto!
in the eye of the law po zakonu
with the naked eyes prostim očesom
quick eye oster vid, dar opazovanja
vojska eyes right! (left!, front!) desno (levo, naravnost) glej!
sleng in a pig's eye nikdar
right in the eye of naravnost proti
do you see any green in my eye? mar res misliš, da sem tako neumen, da bi ti verjel?
to see with half an eye takoj opaziti
to see eye to eye with s.o. popolnoma se strinjati
to set (ali lay) eyes on s.th. zagledati kaj
a sight for sore eyes nepričakovano veselje
to turn a blind eye prizanašati
up to one's eyes prek ušes
it strikes the eye pade v oči
to throw dust in the eyes of s.o. vreči komu pesek v oči, slepiti ga
with an eye to zaradi
in the eyes of the world po javnem mnenju
in the twinkling of an eye kot bi trenil - falótek
ti falótek! you little villain! - familiáren familiar; intimate with; (sproščen) relaxed, free and easy
predmet ti mora biti familiáren the subject must be familiar to you
ne bodi preveč familiáren z njim! don't be too familiar with him!
biti familiáren s kom to be on intimate terms with someone - fare1 [fɛə] neprehodni glagol
uspevati; hraniti se, jesti in piti; počutiti se
arhaično potovati, peljati se, iti
to go farther and fare worse priti z dežja pod kap
pogovorno how fares it? kako ti (vam) gre?
poetično fare thee well mnogo uspeha
poetično to fare forth kreniti na pot
I fare ill (well) slabo (dobro) se mi godi - fíga botanika fig; (pričeska) bun; contemptuous gesture made with thumb between index and middle fingers
posušena fíga dried fig
venec fíg a string of figs
konjske fíge horse droppings, horse manure, horse dung, vulgarno horse turds
fíga mož (figurativno) one who reneges, reneger, unreliable fellow; bastard
biti fíga mož to go back on one's word; to break one's promise
fígo držati figurativno to keep one's fingers crossed, to cross fingers (za srečo for luck)
moramo fígo držati! touch wood!
fígo pokazati komu to make a contemptuous gesture at someone, to cock a snook at someone
to mi je fígo mar I don't care a damn about it, I don't give a hang (ali hoot) about it
za vsako fígo jokati to whimper (ali to cry) at the slightest provocation (ali žargon for damn all)
Figo, pa ne njegov obraz! His face my foot!
fígo (= nič) ji bo to koristilo! (ironično) a lot of good that'll do her!
fígo ti je mar! a lot you care! - flesh1 [fleš] samostalnik
meso; človeštvo; človeška narava; mesnato oplodje sadežev; meseno poželenje, čutnost
flesh and blood telo; človek; človeška narava
in flesh dobro rejen
in the flesh dejanski, živ
to feel one's flesh creep dobi(va)ti kurjo polt
one's own flesh and blood lastna družina
to go the way of all flesh umreti
to loose (put on, make) flesh hujšati (rediti se)
medicina proud flesh divje meso (na rani)
flesh and fell z dušo in telesom
to run to flesh rediti se
to become one flesh postati duša in telo - for1 [fɔ:, fə] predlog
za; zaradi; proti; namesto; glede na
for all navzlic, kljub
as for me kar se mene tiče, zastran mene
pogovorno to be in for, to be for it pričakovati (sitnosti, težave)
pogovorno to be out for nameravati
for the better na bolje
but for ko bi ne bilo, brez
for fear iz strahu
for love iz ljubezni
for the present za zdaj
for the first time prvič
not for love or money za nič na svetu
to know for certain (ali sure, a certainty, a fact) z gotovostjo vedeti
now for them! na juriš!
for good za vedno
there's nothing for it nič drugega ne preostaja
to go for a walk iti na sprehod
sleng to go for a soldier postati vojak
to give a Roland for an Oliver poplačati enako z enakim, vrniti milo za drago
I am in for flu gripa se me loteva
he wants for nothing nič mu ne manjka, vsega ima dovolj
to take for granted smatrati kot dejstvo
it's for you do decide ti se moraš odločiti
it is not nice for him ni lepo od njega
once for all enkrat za vselej
for as much v koliko
for all (ali aught) I know... kolikor je meni znano...
for instance, for example na primer
for the nonce tokrat
I for one jaz na primer
for God's sake za božjo voljo
to look for s.th. iskati kaj
not for the life of me za nič na svetu
for shame! sram te (vas) bodi!
to be out for trouble (ali row) iskati prepir
she could not speak for weeping tako se je jokala, da ni mogla govoriti
the train for London vlak proti Londonu
word for word beseda za besedo
Mary for ever! naj živi Marija!
for the time being za zdaj
he's been here for an hour je tukaj že eno uro - forelock1 [fɔ́:lɔk] samostalnik
čop, koder na čelu
take time (ali occasion) by the forelock (for it is bald behind) izrabi priložnost, ko se ti nudi - garantírati to guarantee; (dolg, posojilo) to guarantee, to secure; (predmet, proizvod) to guarantee, to warrant; (jamčiti za) to guarantee, to answer for, to vouch for
lahko ti jamčim, da ni ničesar povedal I can guarantee (ali I can vouch for it) that he said nothing - get on neprehodni glagol & prehodni glagol
napredovati (with)
razumeti se s kom; starati se; obleči, ogrniti
get on in the world uspešno napredovati
get on (to) one's feet vstati; dobiti zaupanje
get on in years (ali life) starati se
get on to s.th. zavedeti se česa
it's getting on for midnight bliža se polnoč
get a move on! poberi se
how are you getting on? kako je s tabo, kako se ti godi? - gláva head; (redko) poll; humoristično (zlasti plešava) pate; (lobanja, mrtvaška) skull; žargon bonce; (naslov) title, heading, ZDA caption; (vodja) chief, leader; ekonomija principal, ZDA boss; (vrhnji del) top; (pamet, razum) brains pl, wit (s pl), intelligence, understanding, judgment, sense; (bister človek) man of talent, pogovorno brainy fellow; (oseba) person; (kovanca) obverse, face, pogovorno heads
brez gláve headless, acephalous, figurativno reckless, hare-brained, confused, out of one's wits, silly
gláva ob glávi closely packed
na glavo, za glávo (figurativno) each; per head; per capita
iz gláve (na pamet) (znati) (to know) by heart
gláva ali napis? (pri metanju kovanca v zrak) heads or tails?
od gláve do nog from top to toe
od nog do gláve from head to foot
glávo pokonci! keep smiling!, vojska chin up!
z glávo navzdol with downcast head
na glávo postavljen (narobe) topsy-turvy
brez gláve in repa without rhyme or reason
delo z glávo brain work
delavec z glávo white-collar worker
beljenje gláve (figurativno) cudgelling (ali racking) one's brain, cogitation, rumination
kimanje z glávo nodding, nod
lasje na glávi hair (of the head)
poraba na glávo consumption per capita
gláva postelje head of the bed
rana na glávi wound in the head
skok na glávo header
stoja na glávi šport headstand, aeronavtika landing on the nose
strel v glávo shot in the head
tele z dvema glávama a twoheaded calf
umivanje gláve shampooing
več kot 100 gláv živine more than a hundred head of cattle
zmajevanje z glávo shaking of one's head
belíti si glávo to beat one's brains out, to cudgel (ali to rack) one's brains (z over)
biti čez glávo zadolžen to be up to one's ears (ali one's eyes, the neck) in debt
za glávo je večji od očeta he is taller than his father by a head
za glávo je večji od mene he stands a head taller than I
oče je gláva družine the father is the head of the family
ne biti pravi v glávi (figurativno) to be crazy, to be out of one's mind, to be off one's head (ali pogovorno off one's rocker)
on je bistra gláva he is a bright chap
trde gláve je he is thickheaded, pogovorno he is thick (between the ears)
puhle, prazne gláve je he is empty-headed, he is brainless
delati po svoji glávi to have one's own way
gláve delati (solata, zelje) to head, to heart
ne vem, kje se me gláva drži I do not know which way to turn, I am quite perplexed
gláva me boli I have a headache, my head aches, I feel headachy
gláva me je od tega bolela that gave me a headache
čez glávo imam dela I am swamped with work
kje vendar sem imel glávo? what on earth was I thinking of?
nimam gláve za matematiko I have no head for mathematics
tega imam že čez glávo dovolj I am sick (ali žargon I've had a bellyful) of it
to nima ne gláve ne repa I can't make head or tail of this
kar pripovedujete, nima ne gláve ne repa I cannot make head or tail of what you say
za glávo mu gre for him it is a matter of life and death
po glávi mi gre (roji, hodi) neka misel an idea keeps (on) running through my mind
to vino gre v glávo this wine is heady, this wine goes to my head
on ima glávo na pravem mestu he has his head well screwed on
stvar mi ne gre v glávo it's beyond me, I cannot understand it
iti, stopiti v glávo to go to one's head
ne ve, kje se ga gláva drži he doesn't know whether he's coming or going
to mi ne gre iz gláve I can't get it out of my head
ni čisto pravi v glávi he is not quite right in the head, žargon he has a screw loose
uspeh mu je šel (stopil) v glávo, mu je zmešal glávo success has turned his head
nekaj mu gre po glávi (figurativno) he is turning something over in his mind
samo letala mu gredo, rojijo po glávi (figurativno) he thinks, talks and breathes aeroplanes
ta misel mi ne gre iz gláve this idea keeps running through my head
izgubiti glávo to lose one's head (ali one's wits ali one's presence of mind)
ne izgubiti gláve to keep one's head
izbiti si kaj iz gláve to dismiss something from one's mind
iz gláve izračunati vsoto to work out a sum in one's head
izbiti komu kaj iz gláve to argue someone out of something
s svojo glávo jamčiš za to you will answer with your life for this
ne morem mu tega izbiti iz gláve I cannot drive it out of his head
napraviti po svoji glávi to do as one likes
obdržati v glávi to remember
tu ne najdem ne gláve ne repa I can't make head or tail of it
glávo odsekati (obglaviti) komu to behead someone
pognati si kroglo v glávo to blow one's brains out
v glávo mi pade it occurs to me, an idea comes to mind
kaj ti vendar pade v glávo? the very idea!
nisem na glávo padel I am no fool
nikdar mi ni v glávo padlo it never entered (into) my mind
pogledati koga od gláve do nog to eye someone up and down, to look someone over from head to foot
nositi glávo v vreči (figurativno) to carry one's life in one's hands
oditi s povešeno glávo to go off with downcast head (ali fig with one's tail between one's legs)
pognati se z glávo naprej v vodo to throw oneself headfirst into the water
prikimati z glávo to nod assent
postaviti vse na glávo to turn everything topsy-turvy, to turn everything upside down
postaviti vse mesto na glávo (figurativno) to paint the town red
z glávo je plačal svoje izdajstvo he paid for his treason with his life
riniti z glávo v zid (figurativno) to run one's head against a brick wall
riniti z glávo v nevarnost to rush headlong (ali to plunge) into danger
ne rini z glávo v zid! don't batter your head against a brick wall!
riskirati glávo to risk one's neck
povesiti glávo to hang one's head
razpisati nagrado na glávo kake osebe to set a price on someone's head
glávo stavim, da to ni res I'd stake my life it is not true
skloniti svojo glávo pod jarem to bow one's head under the yoke
ubijati si glávo z, nad to rack one's brains over
vbiti si kaj v glávo to take something into one's head
prati komu glávo (figurativno) to give someone a dressing-down
v glávi se mi vrti I am (ali I feel) dizzy, I feel giddy, my head is reeling (ali spinning)
računati iz gláve to do mental arithmetic
zmajati z glávo to shake one's head
več glav, več vé two heads are better than one
za glávo zmagati (na dirki) to win by a head
čez glávo komu zrasti to outgrow (one's respect for) someone
zmešati komu glávo to turn someone's head
ne moreš z glávo skozi zid you can't butt your way through a brick wall
kolikor gláv, toliko misli two heads are better than one - glean1 [gli:n] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
nabirati, paberkovati
what did you glean from them? kaj si od njih zvedel?, kaj so ti povedali?