
Zadetki iskanja

  • variolate [vɛ́əriəleit] prehodni glagol
    cepiti proti kozam

    variolated cepljen proti kozam
  • dláka hair; (živalska) beast's fur (ali coat ali shag); (sukna) nap, (baržuna) pile

    cepiti dláko (figurativno) to split hairs (ali straws)
    ne imeti dláke na jeziku not to mince matters
    iskati dláko v jajcu to pick holes
  • drevó tree

    mlado drevó sapling
    božíčno drevó Christmas tree
    sadno drevó fruit tree
    drevó spoznanja biblija tree of knowledge of good and evil
    (že) rodovitno drevó a (mature) fruit-bearing tree
    cepiti drevó to graft a tree
    podreti, posekati drevó to fell (ali to chop down) a tree
    splezati na drevó to climb a tree
    tresti drevó to shake a tree
    skupina dreves a clump of trees
    pognati, spoditi na drevó to tree
    pes je prepodil veverico na drevó the dog treed the squirrel
    zaradi dreves ne vidi gozda (figurativno) he cannot see the wood for the trees
    jabolko ne pade daleč od drevesa (figurativno) as the tree is, so is the fruit; like father, like son
  • dŕva firewood fuel-wood; wood; chopped wood

    (na)cepiti dŕva to chop (up) wood
    prižgati, zanetiti dŕva to kindle the wood
    oskrbeti se, založiti se z dŕvmi to stock up with firewood
  • hair [hɛə] samostalnik
    las, lasje, dlaka

    figurativno against the hair ne pogodu, kar ti ne gre v račun
    by (ali within) a hair za las
    to a hair točno, natančno
    to comb s.o.'s hair for him ozmerjati koga
    to do one's hair frizirati se
    to get s.o. by the short hairs dobiti koga v oblast
    to get in s.o.'s hair (raz)dražiti koga, razjeziti
    ameriško to have s.o. in one's hair imeti koga na vratu
    to keep one's hair on obrzdati se, ostati miren
    to let down one's hair olajšati si srce, postati zaupljiv; prirodno se vesti
    to lose one's hair izgubiti lase, postati plešast; pogovorno razburiti se
    to make s.o.'s hair curl (ali stand on end) prestrašiti koga, da se mu lasje ježijo; prestrašiti koga, da mu gredo lasje pokonci
    to put (ali turn) up one's hair po žensko se počesati (dekle, ko odraste)
    to split hairs dlako cepiti
    to take hair of the dog that bit you klin s klinom izbijati (pijača)
    figurativno to tear one's hair lase si puliti
    not to touch a hair of s.o.'s head tudi lasu komu ne skriviti
    not to turn a hair niti z očesom ne treniti, obvladati se
    without turning a hair ne da bi trenil
  • logic [lɔ́džik] samostalnik
    logika; doslednost, prepričevalnost

    to chop logic dlako cepiti
  • straw1 [strɔ:]

    1. samostalnik
    slamnata bilka, slama, pletena slama; slamica (za pitje)
    figurativno bilka, malenkost, mrvica; slamnik

    in the straw zastarelo v porodni postelji
    a straw in the wind slamica v vetru, figurativno majhna stvar, ki je znak prihodnjih velikih dogodkov
    the last straw figurativno tisto, kar preseže mero
    the last straw that breaks the camel's back majhen dodatek bremenu, ki zlomi kameli hrbet, figurativno tisto, kar sodu izbije dno
    a man of straw slamnati mož, lutka, slabič; ptičje strašilo
    to be (to lie) in the straw zastarelo biti otročnica
    I don't care a straw še malo mi ni mar, požvižgam se
    to catch at (to cling to) a straw oprije(ma)ti se bilke (da bi se rešili)
    to draw straws vleči (žrebati) slamice
    my eyes draw straws oči se mi zapirajo (od zaspanosti)
    a straw shows which way the wind blows tudi majhna stvar pokaže (da slutiti) važne stvari (dogodke)
    it is not worth a straw ni vredno prebite pare, počenega groša
    to be quite out of one's straw figurativno biti ves zmešan, zmeden
    I have a straw to break with you s teboj imam majhen obračun
    to split straws cepiti slamice, figurativno ukvarjati se z nekoristnimi stvarmi, prepirati se zaradi malenkosti
    to throw straws against the wind figurativno zaman se truditi

    2. pridevnik

    straw cutter slamoreznica
    straw mattress slamnjača
    straw worker slamopletec