
Zadetki iskanja

  • imé name; (krstno) first (ali given ali baptismal ali Christian) name

    imé in priimek name and surname
    v iménu on behalf of, in the name of
    v mojem iménu on my (own) behalf
    lastno imé proper noun
    obče imé common noun
    potni list na imé... a passport in the name of...
    dekliško imé maiden name
    brez iména nameless
    krajevno imé placename, toponym
    privzeto imé (vzdevek) alias
    Brown po iménu Brown by name
    dobro imé (sloves, glas) good name, reputation
    klicanje imén (apél) roll call
    seznam imén list of names, roll, (zdravnikov, porotnikov ipd.) panel
    v mojem iménu in v iménu mojih prijateljev on my own behalf and on behalf of my friends
    v božjem iménu in the name of God, in God's name
    kako Vam je imé? what is your name?
    Vas smem vprašati za imé? may I ask your name?
    vprašal sem ga za imé I asked him (for) his name
    dati čemu pravo imé (reči bobu bob) to call something by its proper name; to call a spade a spade
    imeti imé po botru to be called after one's godfather
    navesti, povedati napačno imé to give an assumed name
    klicati po iménih to call the roll
    podpisati (se) s polnim iménom to sign one's name in full
    ustvariti si imé (zasloveti) to win a name for one's
    omadeževati svoje imé to besmirch one's name
    poznati koga le po iménu to know someone only by name
    imé se ga je prijelo the name stuck to him
    to bo škodilo mojemu dobremu iménu my reputation will suffer because of this
    moj pes sliši na imé Bob my dog answers to the name of Bob
    slabega iména se človek težko znebi (figurativno) give a dog a bad name and hang him!
  • influénca medicina influenza, pogovorno flu

    iztakniti, nakopati si influénco to contract influenza
  • íz from, out of; of, by, through, for, because of

    iz angleščine from (the) English
    iz ambicije for (ali because of) ambition
    iz dneva v dan from day to day
    iz glave (na pamet) by heart, from memory, extempore, off-hand
    iz ljubezni for love
    iz ljubezni do for love of
    iz mode out of fashion
    narejen iz made of (ali from)
    iz (notranjosti) hiše from within the house
    iz leta v leto year by year
    iz prepričanja by conviction
    iz izkustva from experience
    iz radovednosti out of curiosity
    iz tega razloga for this reason
    iz skoposti through (ali because of) avarice
    iz sovraštva through hatred
    iz strahu for fear (pred... of...)
    iz usmiljenja out of pity
    iz vljudnosti through politeness
    iz dobrega vira from a good source
    biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with anger
    je tvoja ura iz zlatá? is yours a gold watch?
    ima hčer iz prvega zakona he has a daughter by his first marriage
    piti iz kozarca to drink out of a glass
    priti iz Zagreba to come from Zagreb
    prevesti iz slovenščine v angleščino to translate from Slovene (ZDA Slovenian) into English
    razvideti iz to see by
    ni si upal iz hiše he did not dare venture out of the house
  • izbíti to beat out, to dash out, to drive out; to knock out

    to izbije sodu dno (figurativno) that beats everything
    izbíti komu oko to put out someone's eye
    izbíti komu iz glave to drive something out of someone's head, to talk someone out of his intention
    izbíti si kaj iz glave to put something out of one's head, to banish the thought of something
    izbij(te) si to iz glave! forget it!
  • izbráti to choose; to select; to pick out; to elect; to make one's choice

    izbráti med, izmed... to choose between...
    izbral je (iz kupa) vrtnico in ji jo ponudil he picked out a rose and offered it to her
    sam si izbráti to make one's own selection
  • izdátek expense, expenditure, cost; disbursement, outlay; outgoings pl

    mali izdátki out-of-pocket expenses pl, sundries pl
    postranski izdátki incidental expenses pl
    posebni izdátki extras pl
    ob majhnih izdátkih at little cost
    kriti izdátke to defray the cost
    skrčiti izdátke to reduce one's expenses
    to mi je povzročilo izdátke that involved me in some expense
    nakopati si izdátke to run up expenses
  • izglèd (zunanjost) appearance, look, aspect; (upanje) prospect (s pl), chance; expectation

    dobri izglèdi good prospects (ali chances)
    slabi izglèdi slender chances, bleak prospects
    ima dobre izglède za službo he has a good chance of getting the post (ali job)
    izglèdi niso sijajni the outlook is not too bright
    izglèdi so enaki ničli the chances are nil
    izglèdi so vse prej kot rožnati prospects are anything but rosy
    nima izglèdov za uspeh he has no chance (ali not a chance, not a hope) of success
    pokvariti si izglède to spoil one's chances
  • izgubljèn lost; (zapuščen) forlorn; (zašel) astray

    urad za izgubljène predmete lost property office
    biti izgubljèn to be lost
    izgubljèn je (umrl bo) he is lost, he is done for
    izgubljèn si, če boš to naredil you are lost if you do that, pogovorno if you do that you've had it
    če on izve o tem, sem izgubljèn if he hears of it, I've had it
    to je izgubljèn čas it's a waste of time
    to je izgubljèn trud it's wasted effort (ali a waste of time)
    še ena izgubljèna iluzija another lost illusion
    kakor dobljeno, tako izgubljèno easy come, easy go
  • izjókati

    izjókati si oči to cry excessively; to cry (ali to weep) one's eyes out
    izjókati se to cry one's heart out
  • izkústvo experience; knowledge

    pridobiti si izkústva to gain experience
    vem iz lastnega izkústva I know from my own experience
  • izkúšnja (izkustvo) experience; (izpit) examination, pogovorno exam

    pismena izkúšnja written examination
    ustna izkúšnja viva voce examination (ali pogovorno viva), (iz živega jezika) oral examination (ali pogovorno oral)
    govorim iz izkúšnje I speak bom experience
    pridobiti si izkúšnje to gain experience
    vem to iz izkúšnje I know it from experience
    tehnične izkúšnje technical know-how
  • izlízati to lick up

    izlízati si rane figurativno to lick one's wounds
  • izlóžben

    izlóžbeno okno shop window, display window
    izlóžbeni prostori showrooms pl
    ogledovati (si) izlóžbena okna to window-shop, to look at the displays in shop windows
  • izmísliti to think out; to find out; to invent; to contrive, to devise; (zamisliti) to conceive

    izmísliti si zgodbo to concoct a story (ali a tale)
    izmísliti izgovor to concoct an excuse
  • iznajdljív inventive; ingenious; full of ideas

    ti si iznajdljív (si znaš pomagati) you're resourceful
  • izpáhniti medicina to sprain, to dislocate, to luxate, to put out of joint; gramatika to elide

    izpáhniti si roko, nogo, gleženj to sprain one's arm, one's foot, one's ankle
    izpáhniti si ramo to dislocate a shoulder
    izpáhniti se to come out of joint
  • izpirati (posodo, usta) to rinse; (rudo) to pan; (rano) to bathe; (grlo) to gargle

    izpirati si usta to rinse (out) one's mouth, to have a mouth wash
  • izpodrécati to tuck up, to truss up, to draw up

    izpodrécati si krilo to tuck up one's skirt
    izpodrécati se to tuck up one's clothes
  • izposodíti (posoditi) to loan, to lend (komu to someone), to lend out, to advance

    izposodíti proti obrestim to lend money at interest
    izposodíti si kaj to have the loan of something, to borrow something
    si lahko izposodim tvoje kolo? may I borrow your bike?
    izposodíti si knjigo iz knjižnice to borrow (ali to take out) a book from the library
  • izvíniti to sprain, to dislocate, to luxate

    izvíniti si gleženj to sprain one's ankle