
Zadetki iskanja

  • zméniti se (dogovoriti se)

    zméniti se o to agree upon
    zméniti se (paziti na) za kaj to heed something, to take heed of something, to pay (ali to give) heed to something, to care about something
    ne se zméniti se za kaj to pay no heed to something
    ne zmenim se za to I don't care about that
    malo se zméniti se za kaj to make little of something
    ni se zmenil za naše svarilo he ignored our warning
    še zmenil se ni zanjo he wouldn't even give her a second thought
  • zmešnjáva confusion; muddle; disorder; jumble

    še hujša zmešnjáva confusion worse confounded
  • želéti to desire, to want; to wish; to be desirous (of), to long for

    zelo želéti to long, to yearn, to thirst, to crave, to hunger (after), to be dying for
    želéti lahko noč (zbogom) to bid good night (goodbye)
    kaj želite od mene? what do you want from me?
    ali želiš, da on pride? do you want him to come?
    on želi dobiti to mesto he wants to get that post
    želite, gospod? (v trgovini) what can I do for you, sir?
    želéti komu dobro (slabo) to be well (ill) disposed to someone
    želéti si to long for, to yearn for
    zelo si želéti domov to long for one's home
    želel si je vesti od svoje družine he longed for news of his family
    vsi želimo, da bi se kmalu vzpostavil mir we all wish that peace may soon be restored
    želéti komu srečo to wish someone luck, to wish someone, well
    kakor želite as you please, just as you wish
    tega ne bi še psu želel! (ZDA) it shouldn't happen to a dog!
    želim van srečno novo leto! I wish you a happy New Year!
    želim ti vse najboljše k rojstnemu dnevu! many happy returns of the day!
    kaj si želiš za svoj rojstni dan? what would you like for your birthday?
    hoteti in želéti je dvoje, ni isto willing and wishing are not the same thing
  • žêlja desire, wish; request; (hrepenenje) longing, yearning, craving, hankering, yen; (pohlep) cupidity, avidity, greed, greediness; (čestitka) congratulation

    na žêljo trgovina if desired, on request
    po žêlji as (ali if) requested, according to one's wish
    na izrecno žêljo at the express wish (of)
    dobre (slabe) žêlje pl good (bad) wishes pl
    na splošno žêljo by general request
    na žêljo g. X-a at the request (ali by desire) of Mr. X.
    po moji žêlji in accordance with my wishes
    moja srčna žêlja my heartfelt wish
    pobožna žêlja (figurativno) pious hope (ali wish)
    vroča žêlja ardent desire
    to je moja edina žêlja it is the only thing I wish for, it is my only wish
    naj bo po vaši žêlji! let it be as you wish!
    izraziti žêljo to express one's desire
    to so pobožne žêlje (figurativno, pogovorno) that's a piece of wishful thinking
    od (dobrih) žêlja še nihče ni bil sit if wishes were horses beggars might ride
    imeti žêljo to entertain a wish
    vse je šlo (se je izšlo) po mojih žêljah everything turned out the way I wanted
    to je bila le moja pobožna žêlja (figurativno) that was only my wishful thinking
    uganiti žêlje koga to anticipate someone's wishes
    ne morem ustreči tvoji žêlji I cannot comply with your wish
    treba je znati brzdati svoje žêlje one must learn to cut one's coat according to one's cloth
    izpolniti žêljo to satisfy a desire
  • žív alive, living; live; (živahen) lively, vivacious, vivid, animated

    žív in zdrav hale and hearty
    žíve barve bright (ali gay, vivid, glaring) colours pl
    žíva domišljija vivid imagination
    žíva duša ne not a living soul (ali creature)
    žívi jeziki living languages pl
    žívo apno quicklime, unslaked lime
    žíva meja hedge
    žívo meso tender flesh, quick
    žív opis vivid description
    žív spomin vivid recollection
    žíva teža live weight
    žíva vera fervent belief (ali faith), living faith
    žívo zanimanje vivid interest
    žíva žerjavica live coals pl
    živi (ljudje) pl the living
    na žíve in mrtve in (real) earnest
    vse svoje žíve dni all my (your itd.) life
    žívo srebro quicksilver, mercury
    žíva skala living rock, bedrock
    žíva oddaja live broadcast
    dokler bom žív as long as I live
    je tvoj brat še žív? is your brother still alive?
    on je žíva (verna) slika svojega očeta he is the living image of his father
    kar sem žív all my life, in all my born days
    biti med žívimi (figurativno) to be in the land of the living
    sem bolj mrtev kot žív I am more dead than alive, I am half-dead
    žívo se spominjati to have a vivid recollection (of)
    ne morem ga žívega videti (figurativno) I can't bear (ali stand, endure) the sight of him
    starost ji ne more do žívega (ji nič ne more) (pesniško) age cannot wither her
    žív krst (žíva duša) tega ne ve not a living soul knows it
    zadeti v žívo to cut (ali to sting, to touch) to the quick
    zadet v žívo cut to the quick
    žívi in mrtvi the living (ali arhaično the quick) and the dead
  • živéti to live, to be alive; to exist, to subsist; to be

    ali ona še živi? is she still alive?
    dolgo naj živi! long may he (oziroma she) live!
    živéti dvojno življenje to live a double life
    živéti od svojega kapitala to live off one's capital
    živéti v odmaknjenosti to lead a retired life
    živéti od zraka (figurativno) to live on air
    živéti po svojih načelih to live up to one's principles
    živéti od svoje plače, od svojih dohodkov to live on one's earnings, on one's income
    živéti od sadja to live on fruit
    živéti na tuj račun to sponge on others, (pogovorno) to free-load, biblija to eat the bread of idleness
    živéti preko svojih sredstev, dohodkov to live beyond one's means (ali income)
    živéti v mejah svojih sredstev, dohodkov to live within one's income
    živéti od slikanja to live by painting
    živéti kot ptiček na veji pogovorno to live the life of Riley, to have it made
    živéti razkošno to live the high life, to live in style
    živéti udobno to live comfortably, to keep a good table
    živéti kot zajec v detelji (figurativno, v obilju) to live in clover
    živéti iz rok v usta to live from hand to mouth, to be living a hand-to-mouth existence
    živéti sam zase to live by oneself, to keep to oneself
    živéti od pridelkov svojega vrta to subsist on the produce of one's garden
    živéti od dela svojih rok to live by the labour of one's hands
    živéti od svojega zaslužka to live on one's earnings
    brezskrbno živéti to lead a carefree existence
    tu se dobro živi! it is a good life here!
    bedno živéti to lead a miserable existence, to be just (ali barely) keeping body and soul together, to keep the wolf from the door
    dolgo živéti to live to (ali to reach) a great age, to live to be old
    sloni dolgo živijo elephants live a long time
    skromno živéti to live in a small way
    razkošno živijo they lead a life of luxury
    težkó živéti to manage to make a livelihood
    ne imeti od česa živéti not to have enough to live on
    rajši živimo na deželi kot v mestu we prefer living in the country to living in town
    z njim se ne da živéti (figurativno) there is no living with him, pogovorno he's impossible
    človek se uči, dokler živi live and learn!
    živéti in pustiti, dati živéti to live and let live
  • življênje life; living; existence; being; subsistence

    brez življênja lifeless; inanimate, inactive
    v cvetu življênja in the prime of life
    za vse življênje for life, for one's lifetime
    v vsakdanjem življênju in everyday life
    v vsem mojem življênju in all my born days
    (skozi) vse moje življênje all my life (ali lifetime)
    pasje življênje dog's life
    vojaško življênje army (ali military) life
    enolično življênje humdrum existence
    sit življênja sick of life, pogovorno fed up, žargon browned off
    posmrtno življênje afterlife
    golo življênje bare existence
    bedno življênje wretched life
    dolgo življênje longevity
    družbeno življênje social life
    razvratno življênje dissolute (ali depraved) life, dissipation
    udobno življênje easy life
    borba za življênje struggle for life
    način življênja way (ali manner) of life, ways pl, conduct
    aktivno življênje active (ali busy) life
    brezdelno življênje idle life
    denar ali življênje! stand and deliver!
    boj na življênje in smrt life-and-death struggle, mortal combat
    le enkrat v življênju only once in a lifetime
    takšno je (pač) življênje! such is life!
    dokler je življênje, je upanje while there is life, there is hope
    življênje ni samo zabava, ni praznik life is not all beer and skittles
    dati (svoje) življênje za domovino to lay down one's life for one's country
    imeti žilavo življênje to have nine lives
    imeti komaj dovolj za življênje to have barely enough to live on
    gre za življênje ali smrt it is a matter of life and death
    gre za moje življênje my life is at stake
    izgubiti življênje to lose one's life
    deset oseb je izgubilo življênje ten persons lost their lives
    ostati pri življênju to remain alive, to survive, to keep body and soul together
    nihati, viseti med življênjem in smrtjo to be hovering between life and death
    njeno življênje visi na nitki her life is hanging on a thread
    rešiti si življênje to save one's life
    ne poznaš še dosti življênja you haven't yet seen much of life
    podariti sovražniku življênje to spare an enemy, to spare an enemy's life
    prositi za (svoje) življênje to beg for one's life
    obuditi koga k življênju to revive someone
    staviti na kocko svoje življênje to take one's life in one's hands
    enako vzeti dobro in slabo v življênju to take the rough with the smooth
    spremeniti svoje življênje to change one's way of living
    poklicati kaj v življênje (figurativno) to start something, to initiate something, to call something into being
    stopiti v življênje to come into being, to enter the world
    streči komu po življênju to make an attempt on someone's life, to seek someone's life
    tvegati svoje življênje to risk one's life, to dice with death
    umakniti se izjavnega življênja to withdraw from (ali to give up) public life
    uspeti v življênju to make one's way in the world, to rise in the world
    vzeti si življênje (napraviti samomor) to take one's own life
    življênje si je vzel he made away with himself, he committed suicide, he took his own life
    zaslužiti ravno za (golo) življênje to earn just enough to live on, to earn a bare living, to make just enough to get by (ali to rub along)
    imam dovolj do konca (svojega) življênja I have enough to last me for life
    ne zasluži dovolj za življênje he doesn't make enough to keep body and soul together
    začeti novo življênje to start a new life, (figurativno) to turn over a new leaf
    živeti dvojno življênje to lead a double life
    živeti enolično življênje to lead a humdrum existence
    zagreniti komu življênje to embitter someone's life
    živeti žalostno življênje to live a miserable life
    živeti veseljaško, uživaško, razburljivo življênje (žargon, figurativno) to burn the candle at both ends
    žrtvovati svoje življênje to sacrifice one's life
Število zadetkov: 487