limb2 [lim] prehodni glagol
trgati ude, oklestiti veje, razčleniti
Zadetki iskanja
- slit*2 [slit] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
razparati (se), parati (se), razrezati (se), raztrgati (se); odrezati; zarezati (into v)
trgati (kaj) v trakove
to slit a sleeve razparati rokav
to slit one's weasand figurativno prerezati si grlo
if I strain it too hard it will slit če to preveč nategnem, se bo strgalo - struggle2 [strʌgl] neprehodni glagol
boriti se (with z, for za, against proti)
truditi se, napenjati se, mučiti se (with s čim)
trgati se (za kaj); upirati se (against čemu)
braniti se (česa), otepati se; s težavo si utirati pot, se prebijati; (redko) prepirati se
prehodni glagol
izbojevati, priboriti si
a struggling artist umetnik, ki se še ni uveljavil in se s težavo prebija (skozi življenje)
to struggle along prebi(ja)ti se
to struggle for breath s težavo loviti sapo
I struggled in my coat z muko sem oblekel plašč
to struggle up a cliff s težavo se vzpenjati po pečini
to struggle with death boriti se s smrtjo
to struggle to one's feet z muko se dvigniti, vstati na noge
he struggled to save his life boril se je za svoje življenje
to struggle against overwhelming forces boriti se proti veliki premoči
he has to struggle to earn his living z velikim trudom si služi svoj kruh
to struggle for power boriti se za oblast
to struggle through the crowd s težavo si utirati pot skozi množico - vindemiate [vindí:mieit] neprehodni glagol
obirati, trgati grozdje; imeti trgatev - bráti (čitati) to read
skrbno bráti to peruse; (nabirati ipd.) to collect, to gather (in), to pick; (trgati) to pluck; to cull
bráti grozdje to gather grapes, to vintage
bráti hmelj to pick hops
bráti mašo to say mass
napačno bráti to misread
do konca bráti to read through
bráti zase (skrivaj) to read to oneself
bráti med vrsticami to read between the lines
to sem bral v časopisu I read it in the paper
ne zna ne bráti ne pisati he can neither read nor write
to se bere kot roman it reads like a novel
tvoja knjiga se mnogo bere your book is much read
bráti komu na obrazu to read someone's face
nedolžnost se mu bere na obrazu innocence is written all over his face, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth
hoteti bráti v besedilu nekaj, česar v njem ni to read something into a text
vsak večer berem očetu časopis every evening I read the paper to my father
rada ima, da ji kaj berejo she likes being read to - scramble [skræmbl]
1. samostalnik
plazenje, vzpenjanje, kobacanje; prerivanje, pehanje (for za)
the scramble for wealth lov, pehanje za bogastvom
2. prehodni glagol
hitro pograbiti, pehati se (za kaj), tepsti se (za kaj); razmetavati, metati, vreči (denar, da se drugi trgajo zanj); premešati
scrambleed eggs umešana jajca
to scramble cards premešati karte
to scramble eggs umešati jajca
to scramble up money nagrabiti (skupaj) denar
neprehodni glagol
kobacati se, plaziti se, s težavo iti naprej, vzpenjati se z rokami in nogami; mrgoleti, gomazeti; s težavo se prebijati; gnati se (pehati se, tepsti se) (for za)
to scramble into one's clothes skobacati se (zlesti) v svojo obleko
to scramble for a place trgati se, tepsti se za prostor, za sedež
to scramble wealth pehati se, gnati se za bogastvom