mŕtvec dead person, dead body; corpse
mŕtveci pl the dead
Zadetki iskanja
- nékdo somebody; someone; one; a certain person, a particular person; pesniško, narečno a body; Mr. Soand-so
- notariát office of a notary, duties pl of a notary; body of notaries
- orgán anatomija organ, part of body; (glas) voice; (časopis, glasilo) party newspaper; organ; agency
orgáni družbeno-političnih skupnosti agencies of socio-political communities
kolegijski poslovni orgán busines board
pristojni orgán competent agency - pasjeglávec cynocephalus, creature with dog's head and human body; slabšalno brute
- predstávništvo representation; representative body
konzularno predstávništvo consular mission - prestrelína (prestrelna rana) bullet hole, wound made by bullet entering and leaving the body
- razsodníštvo arbitration; body of arbitrators
- reprezentánca representation; representative body
- skúp skúpaj together; jointly, conjointly; collectively; in a body; (v družbi) in company with, accompanied by, in common with, united, associated; (vključno) including, inclusively, taken all in all; all told
vse skúp, skúpaj all together
vsega skúp, skúpaj totalling
skúp, skúpaj z together with, in union with
boriti se skúp, skúpaj z to make common cause with
priti skúp, skúpaj to meet
vse te knjige sem kupil skúp, skúpaj I have bought all these books at one go
te barve gredo dobro skúp, skúpaj these colours go well together (ali are well-matched)
kako gre to skupaj? how does it fit in? - telésce little body; corpuscle
rdeča (bela) (krvna) telésca red (white) corpuscles - trúplo (človeško) corpse; (človeško, živalsko) dead body; (živalsko) carcass
- tújek medicina a foreign body
- učíteljstvo teaching staff, teachers pl, schoolmasters pl, teaching body; (poklic) teaching profession
- zakoník code; body of laws; statute book
sestaviti zakoník to codify - živôten of the body, of the waist; (krepak) stout, stoutish, corpulent, robust
- automobile2 [ɔ́:təməbi:l] samostalnik
automobile body karoserija - avtomobílski motoring; motor; automobile, automotive
avtomobílska antena car-radio aerial
avtomobílska brizgalna fire engine
avtomobílska cesta VB motorway; ZDA expressway, superhighway
avtomobílska industrija car manufacture; motor (ali automotive ali automobile industry)
avtomobílsko dirkališče racetrack
avtomobílske dirke (motor) racing
avtomobílski defekt engine trouble
avtomobílski bencin petrol, ZDA gas(oline), motor spirit
avtomobílski hrup noise of traffic
avtomobílska karoserija car body
avtomobílski klub automobile club
avtomobílska očala goggles pl
avtomobílskó olje engine oil
avtomobílski izlet drive, excursion, car trip
avtomobílska kolona motor vehicle convoy; ZDA (povorka) motorcade
avtomobílska nesreča traffic (ali car) accident
avtomobílska oprema car accessories, car parts pl
avtomobílska pnevmatika car tyres (ZDA tires)
avtomobílska popravljalnica motor-vehicle repair shop (ali workshop, garage)
avtomobílski prevoz, transport motor transport
avtomobílska razstava motor show
avtomobílski radijski sprejemnik car radio, auto radio
avtomobílski rezervni deli in pritikline car spares and accessories pl
avtomobílsko vzdrževanje car maintenance
avtomobílska karta (zemljevid) road map
avtomobílska hupa, troblja hooter, horn
avtomobílska garaža garage
avtomobílska kapa, čepica motorist's cap
avtomobílska čelada safety helmet, crash helmet
avtomobílska izposojevalnica car hire, car rental; (za samovoznike) self-drive
avtomobílsko parkirišče car park, ZDA parking lot
avtomobílsko pokopališče junk yard
avtomobílska policijska past (police) trap
avtomobílski promet motor traffic
avtomobílska vleka towing by motor vehicle
avtomobílska tablica number plate, licence plate
avtomobílska tehnika motor eingineering
avtomobílska vožnja ride; drive - celestial1 [siléstiəl] pridevnik
nebeški, božanski; sijajen
Celestial Empire Kitajska
celestial body nebesno telo, nebesnina - constituent1 [kənstítjuənt] pridevnik
sestaven; volilen; ustavodajen
constituent assembly ustavodajna skupščina
constituent body volivci
constituent part sestavni del, sestavina
to be constituent of s.th. tvoriti, sestavljati kaj