
Zadetki iskanja

  • žláhta relatives pl

    ožja (daljna) žláht near (distant) relation
    sem v žláhti z njim he is a relative of mine
    ni v žláhti z menoj he is no relative of mine
    je on v žláhti s teboj? is he a relative of yours?
  • žúgati (pretiti, groziti) to menace, to threaten

    s prstom žúgati to wag one's finger
  • žvenketáti to clank, to clatter, to clink, to chink; to rattle

    okna so žvenketala v svojih okvirjih the windows rattled in their frames
    žvenketáti z verigo, s sabljo to rattle a chain, the sabre
Število zadetkov: 3823