
Zadetki iskanja

  • tóča hail, (zrno) hailstone; (sodra) sleet

    tóča pada it is hailing (oziroma it hails)
    nevihta s tóčo hailstorm
    škoda po tóči damage done by hail
    zavarovanje proti tóči insurance against (damage by) hail
    udarci so padali kot tóča the blows fell (ali came) fast and thick
    po tóči zvoniti (figurativno) to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
    po tóči zvoniti je prepozno (nima smisla) there's no use crying over spilt milk, it's no use trying to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • krógla ball; matematika sphere; šport shot; (iz puške) bullet; (topovska) cannonball, ball; projectile, shot

    zemeljska krógla globe, orb
    kegljaška krógla bowl
    naboj s króglo ball cartridge
    varen pred króglami ball-proof
    toča krogel hail of shots
    met krógle šport shot put, shot putting, putting the shot (ali weight)
    suniti, vreči króglo šport to put the shot
    pognati si króglo v glavo to blow one's brains out
    metalec krógle shot putter
    ubežna krógla stray bullet
  • pádati to fall; to drop; (manjšati se) to decrease, to decline, to sink, to wane, to ebb; (cena) to drop, to fall, to go down

    dež (toča sneg, sodra) pada it rains (it hails, it snows, it sleets)
    cene padajo prices are falling (ali dropping)
    delnice padajo shares are on the decline
    barometer pada the barometer is falling
    droben dež pada (prší) it is drizzling
    megla pada fog (ali mist) comes down (ali descends)
    pádati v oči (figurativno) to strike the eye
    njihovo število pada their number is shrinking, they are fewer in number
    zastor pada the curtain is dropping (ali falling) ➞ pasti (padem)
  • strél shot

    odbojni strél ricochet
    strél iz loka shot from a bow
    strél na premičen cilj shot at a moving target
    indirektni prosti strél šport indirect free kick
    toča strélov hail of shots
    strél na gol šport a shot at goal
    prosti strél (nogomet) free kick
    kazenski strél penalty kick, penalty
    s prvim strélom with one's first shot
    alarmni strél v sili a shot of distress
    slep strél blank shot
    dati, izstreliti 20 strélov to let off (ali to fire) 20 rounds
    niti enega stréla niso dali they did not fire a single shot
  • udáriti to beat; (ura) to strike; to hit; to knock; (dati klofuto) to slap, to smack, ZDA pogovorno to slug; to smite; (s pestjo) to punch

    udáriti ob to strike against, to bump against
    nazaj udáriti (puška) to recoil, to kick
    rahlo udáriti to tap, to dab
    udáriti po obrazu to slap, to box, to cuff
    udaril me je v obraz he struck me in the face
    udaril sem z nogo ob kamen I hurt my foot by knocking it against a stone
    udáriti po prstih to rap
    udáriti po mizi to pound the table; (žogo s palico) to bat
    on je prvi udaril he was the first to strike
    strela je udarila v drevo lightning has struck a tree
    ura je ravno udarila dve it has just struck two
    kri (voda) je udarila iz... blood (water) gushed out of...
    reka je udarila čez bregove the river overflowed its banks
    vino mu je udarilo v glavo the wine went to his head, the wine made his head swim
    udáriti takt to beat (the) time
    udáriti koga s slepoto to smite someone with blindness
    toča je udarjala na okenske šipe the hail was rattling on the windowpanes
    udáriti komu v hrbet (figurativno) to attack someone in the rear, to stab someone in the back
    udáriti z nogo ob tla to stamp one's foot (on the ground)
    isti zvok mu je znova udaril v uho the same sound struck his ear again
    s pestjo je udaril po mizi he pounded the table
  • žétev harvest, harvest time; harvesting, reaping; crop

    obilna žétev rich harvest
    slaba žétev bad harvest
    rekordna žétev bumper harvest
    praznik žétve harvest home, (cerkveno) Harvest Festival
    žétev je pospravljena the harvest is gathered in
    obeta se bogata žétev it promises to be a bumper crop
    kakršna setev, takšna žétev as you have sown, so shall you reap
    toča je uničila vso žétev the hail has ruined the whole crop
    spraviti žétev pod streho to gather in the harvest
Število zadetkov: 6