vedênje behaviour; manners pl; bearing, conduct; deportment
biti lepega, vzornega vedênja to be wellmannered (ali well-behaved)
lepo vedênje (olika) good manners pl
slabo vedênje misconduct
neolikano vedênje bad manners pl
biti slabega, neolikanega vedênja to be ill-mannered (ali rude)
Zadetki iskanja
- gábiti to disgust, to sicken, to turn someone's stomach; to nauseate
gábiti se to disgust, to be disgusted (with); to cause disgust; to nauseate; to get sick (of), to be sickened (at)
kruh se nam nikoli ne gabi bread never turns the stomach
koštrunovina se mi gabi I loathe mutton
njegovo vedenje se mi gabi his behaviour disgusts me
to se mi gabi that makes me feel sick, I loathe it, it sickens me - indignírati to make indignant (koga someone); to arouse someone's indignation
njegovo vedenje je indigniralo vse njegove prijatelje his conduct has made all his friends indignant
indignírati se to become indignant - lúč light; (svetilka) lamp
električna lúč electric light(ing)
prometna lúč traffic light, stop-go sign
plinska lúč gaslight
pri lúči by (artificial) light
v pravi lúči in its true aspect
pokazati kaj v pravi lúči to show something in its true colours
rudarska lúč miner's lamp
lúč gori the light is on
lúč ne gori the light is out
lúč je ugasnjena the light is off
držati proti, k lúči to hold up to the light
iti komu z lúči to stand out of someone's light
on ni nobena lúč (figurativno) he is no great light
prižgati lúč to put (ali to switch, to turn) the light on
ugasniti lúč to put the light out, to turn (ali to switch) the light off
postaviti kaj v pravo lúč to put something in the true light
postaviti kaj v nepravi, v napačni lúči to present something in the wrong light, to misrepresent
to prikazuje stvar v drugi, v novi lúči that puts the matter in a new light
ne stoj mi na lúči! don't stand in my light!
to meče novo lúč na to vprašanje this throws a new light on the question
metati slabo lúč na... to reflect (unfavourably) on...
njegovo vedenje meče slabo luč na njegovo vzgojo his behaviour reflects (unfavourably) upon his upbringing
zagledati lúč sveta to come into the world, to be born, to be brought into the world, to be born, to be brought into the world, to see the light
če to gledamo v lúči najnovejših odkritij if we view it in the light of the most recent discoveries
tisoči luči na ulicah thousands of lights in the streets - nastòp (službe) taking up office, entering service, assumption of duties; (umetnika) appearance (ali start) on the stage (ali in public); (kralja ipd.) accession
njegov prvi javni nastòp na odru his first public appearance on the stage, his stage début; (vedenje) behaviour, conduct; (začetek bolezni) onset, attack, fit, seizure; (posesti) taking possession of
odkrit nastòp proti overt action against
javen telovaden nastòp gymnastic demonstration, gymnastic display - nedostójen indecorous; (nespodoben) indecent, unbecoming, shocking, improper
nedostójno vedenje misconduct - nepriméren1 unsuitable (za for), unsuited; wrong, inappropriate (za to); unbecoming; inconvenient; unfit, unfitting; inexpedient; (neumesten) improper, inapposite, out of place, unseasonable, inopportune; (nesposoben) inapt; (čas) wrong, inconvenient
nepriméren za mladino unfit for the young
neprimérno vedenje improper conduct
ob neprimérnem času at the wrong time
zelo neprimérno je... it is highly improper...
neprimérno prislov inappropriately, inopportunely - opravíčiti to excuse; to exculpate
ne skušaj ga opravíčiti! do not try to excuse him!
to ne opravičuje njegove odsotnosti that does not excuse his absence
opravičite me zaradi moje odsotnosti! excuse me for my absence!
opravíčiti koga, opravíčiti komu odsotnost to excuse someone, to excuse someone's absence
opravíčiti koga pri kom to apologize for someone to someone else
prosil je, da ga opravičijo (mu opravičijo odsotnost) he begged to be excused (from attending)
opravičen(a odsotnost) zaradi bolezni excused from attending owing to illness
opravíčiti se to excuse someone, to apologize (za, zaradi for)
pri kom to someone; to make (ali to offer) an apology (for)
dovolite mi, da se vam opravičim allow me to apologize (to you)
opravičil se je za svoje vedenje he apologized for his conduct
opravíčiti se moram, ker sem zamudil I must apologize for (zdaj) being, (prej) having been so late
to se ne da opravíčiti that allows of no excuse!, there is no excuse for it! - pobóljšati to improve, to better; to amend, to mend; to reform
pobóljšati se to improve; to grow better; to better; (vedenje) to mend one's ways - pohujšljív scandalous; shocking; offensive; indecent
pohujšljívo vedenje indecent behaviour - poméniti to mean; to signify; to be a sign of; to matter; to be of importance; to denote, to indicate; to express, to stand for
kaj pomeni to? what does that mean?
kaj pomeni ta beseda? what does this word mean?
ne vem, kaj to pomeni I don't know what this means
to ne pomeni nič it is of no consequence
to ne pomeni nič dobrega this augurs no good
kaj pomeni ta simbol? what is the meaning of that symbol?
to ne pomeni mnogo there is not much in that
kaj pomeni to vaše vedenje? what do you mean by such behaviour?
jaz malo pomenim svojim otrokom I matter little to my children - pretepáški brawling, rowdy, rowdyish
pretepáško vedenje rowdyism - príd behalf, advantage, benefit, good, interest, profit, favour
komu v príd VB on (ZDA in) behalf of someone, in favour of, for someone's good, for someone's benefit
v moj príd on my behalf
to mi bo v príd it will be to my advantage
to je tebi v príd it is for your good (ali benefit), it is in your own interest
v njegov príd to his profit
njegovo vedenje govori v njegov príd his conduct speaks in his favour
on obrne vse sebi v príd all is fish that comes to his net, all is grist that comes to his mill
obrniti sebi v príd to turn something to one's profit
vaša intervencija meni v príd your intervention on my behalf
on ni kaj prída plesalec he is not much of a dancer
to ni nič prída that is no use
to ni mnogo prída that is of little use, that is not worth much
ta knjiga ni kaj prída that book is not worth reading - razgrajáški rowdy, rowdyish, obstreperous
razgrajáško vedenje rowdyism - simpátičen (oseba) likable, likeable, agreeable, pleasant, nice; prepossessing; winning, attractive, engaging, congenial
simpátično vedenje winning ways pl
takoj mi je bil (postal) simpátičen I took to him at once, I found him an attractive person from the word go
ona mi ni simpátična I don't care much for her, I don't feel interested in her
simpátični živec (simpatikus) sympathetic nerve - spotakljív scandalous; shocking
spotakljívo vedenje scandalous behaviour - spremeníti to change; to alter; to modify; to convert; to vary
to na stvari nič ne spremeni it doesn't make any difference to things, it does not alter the facts
spremeníti barvo to change colour
spremeníti svoje vedenje to change one's behaviour, (figurativno) one's approach
prepisal sem to, ne da bi spremenil eno samo vrsto I copied it without altering a single line
spremeníti se to change, to alter, to undergo a change
spremeníti se na boljše (slabše) to change (ali to alter) for the better (for the worse)
se ne da nič spremeníti (pomagati) it can't be helped
s tem se položaj spremeni that changes the case
časi so se zelo spremenili times have (ali are) greatly changed
vreme se je nenadoma spremenilo a sudden change of weather has taken place
spremeníti zakon to revise an act - škandalózen scandalous; shameful; disgraceful
škandalózno ravnanje shameful treatment
škandalózno vedenje scandalous behaviour - telebánski loutish; clownish; lubberly; churlish; clumsy
telebánsko vedenje loutish behaviour - ugánka riddle; puzzle; enigma; mystery; (težak problem) teaser, brainteaser
njegovo vedenje mi je ugánka hiš behaviour is a riddle (ali is incomprehensible) to me
govoriti, izdražati se v ugánkah to speak in riddles, to riddle, to enigmatize
(za)staviti ugánko to set (ali to propose) a riddle (ali, zlasti z besedno igro: a conundrum)
rešiti ugánko to solve (ali to answer, to guess) a riddle, to riddle, to unravel a puzzle