varčeváti to save, to economize; to put (ali to lay) by; to be thrifty (ali saving, economical); to manage thriftily, to use sparingly
varčeváti za hude čase to put something by for a rainy day; (skopariti) to be parsimonious
ne varčeváti to be lavish (ali prodigal, unsparing of)
varčujem za avto I am saving up for a car
Zadetki iskanja
- denár money; žargon brass, lolly, dough; (kovan) coin, coinage, hard money, hard cash, specie; (papirnati) soft money, paper money, bank notes pl, currency, token money; (drobiž) change; (gotovina) ready money; (v prometu) currency; (ženi za drobnarije) pin-money; (sredstva) pecuniary resources, capital
ponarejen denár counterfeit money
razpoložljiv denár disposable funds pl
presežni denár surplus money
tuj, inozemski denár foreign money
lahko zaslužen denár ZDA žargon fast buck
pri denárju in cash
brez denárja penniless
denárja kot smeti loads of money
lovec na denár (na doto) fortune hunter
v škripcih za denár short or money, out of cash, in money difficulties, hard up for money
kovnica denárja mint
obtok denárja circulation of money
pomanjkanje denárja lack (ali shortage) of money, financial stringency
predal za denár money-box, till
tečaj denárja rate of exchange, value
posojevalec denárja moneylender
kopičenje denárja accumulation of money, slabšalno money-grubbing
denár v obtoku money in circulation
za denár je trda money is tight
biti pri denárju to be in the money, to be flush, pogovorno to be quids in
ne biti pri denárju to be short of money (ali of cash, pogovorno of the ready), to be broke, to be out of cash, to have no money
biti čisto brez denárja (suh kot poper) to be dead broke
dobiti denár povrnjen to get (ali to have) one's money refunded
za noben denár ne morem tega dobiti I can't get it for love or money
dolgovati denár to owe money
dvigniti denár to draw money, to withdraw money (iz from)
denár ne igra vloge money (is) no object
imeti mnogo denárja to have plenty of money
ima denárja kot pečká he is rolling in money
nimam nič denárja pri sebi I have no money on me
ima denárja kot smeti he has tons of money
izdati (potrošiti) denár to spend money
izgubiti denár to lose one's money
investirati denár to invest money
hraniti (varčevati) denár to save money
to gre v denár that's making (real) money
kovati denár to coin, to mint money
najeti denár pri banki to raise money at the bank
z denárjem se da vse napraviti money talks
denár proč metati to let money go down the drain
bil je ogoljufan za svoj denár he was cheated (ali swindled) out of his money
narediti si denar (figurativno) to feather one's nest
podpirati z denárjem to subsidize (koga someone)
lahko se pod nosom obrišeš za svoj denár you may whistle for your money
kopičiti si denár to hoard money
pobirati denár to raise (ali to collect) money
posoditi denár to lend out money
naložíti denár to invest money
potrošiti denár to spend money
razsipavati z denárjem to spend money right and left
prihraniti mnogo denárja to have a nest egg put by
priti na dan z denárjem to come out with one's money
spremeniti v denár (vnovčiti) to turn (ali to convert) into cash
spraviti kaj v denár (vnovčiti) to make money of something, to realize, to convert into money
lahko in hitro služiti denár (figurativno) to coin money
prispevati denár to contribute money
on me stane mnogo denárja he is a heavy burden on my purse
ta posel me je spravil ob denár this business (ali transaction) has left me out of pocket
ta posel mi je prinesel denárja this deal has paid off
zasluži mnogo (kup) denárja he is earning a lot of money
(po)vrniti denár to refund (ali to reimburse) money
vložiti denár v to put (ali to deposit) money in
vnaprej dati, plačati denár to advance money
valjati se v denárju to be rolling in money, to be as rich as Croesus
zbirati, zbrati denár to collect money
to znese mnogo denárja that amounts to a lot of money
denár je sveta vladar money rules the world
denár ali življenje! your money or your life!, stand and deliver!
priti do denárja, podedovati denár to come into money - ekonomizírati to economize; to save; to be sparing of; to use with economy
ekonomizírati (varčevati) denar to save money, to put money by, to cut down expenses, to be thrifty
ekonomizírati s časom in delovno silo to save time and labour
ne ekonomizírati not to spare - eléktrika electricity; (tok) current, ZDA pogovorno juice
atmosferična (galvanska, indukcijska, magnetna, statična) eléktrika atmospheric (galvanic, induced, magnetic, static) electricity
negativna (pozitivna) eléktrika negativne (positive) electricity
termična eléktrika thermoelectricity ali thermic electricity
torna eléktrika frictional electricity, electricity produced by friction
prosta eléktrika free electricity
z eléktriko nabita žica live wire
prekinitev eléktrike (toka) power breakdown
biti ubit od eléktrike to be electrocuted
ozračje je bilo nabito z eléktriko (figurativno) the atmosphere was electric
varčevati z eléktriko to economize on electricity
žgati eléktriko to burn electricity
oskrba z eléktriko electric supply
merjenje eléktrike electrometry
merilec eléktrike electrometer
števec za eléktriko electric supply meter, electricity meter - strán1 side; (knjige ipd.) page; (bók) flank; (smer) direction
na levi (desni) stráni on the left (right) side
na obeh stráneh on either side
na tej (oni) stráni on this (that) side
na to (ono) strán to this (that) side, hither (thither), here (there)
od vseh stráni from everywhere, from all sides, from all quarters
od stráni (z boka) laterally
z moje stráni for my part, as for me
na eni stráni (figurativno) on the one hand
na drugi stráni on the other hand
na vse stráni in every direction
z vseh stráni on all sides, from all parts
s te (z one) stráni from this (that) side
naslovna strán title page
sprednja strán front, frontispiece
notranja (zunanja) strán inner (outer) side (ali face), the inside (the outside)
prava (neprava, narobe) strán right (wrong) side
prava (neprava) strán kovanca obverse (reverse), pogovorno heads (tails)
dobra (slaba) strán (figurativno) good (bad) point
močna strán (figurativno) strong point, forte
šibka strán (figurativno) weak point, foible, (senčna) drawback
strán neba point of the compass, cardinal point
svetla, sončna the bright, the sunny side (of something)
senčna strán the dark side, (figurativno) drawback, the seamy side
prva (oziroma zadnja) prazna strán flyleaf
južna strán south (ali sunny) side
prisojna strán sunny side
vetrna strán weather side
udarec od stráni side blow
držati se ob stráni (figurativno) to remain neutral, not to take sides, (figurativno) to sit on the fence
stati ob stráni (proč) to stand aloof from
dajati na strán (varčevati) to put by (ali on one side), to save
hodil je ob moji stráni he walked beside me
šel je v to strán he went in that direction
pet stráni manjka v knjigi there are five pages of the book missing
gledati koga po stráni to look at someone askance
napasti s stráni to attack on the flank
stvar ima svoje dobre in svoje slabe stráni the thing has its good as well as its bad aspects
pridobiti koga na svojo strán to win someone over, to bring someone to one's side
pustiti ob stráni to lay aside
preiti na drugo strán to change sides, (k drugi stranki) to go over to the other side
premotriti vprašanje z vseh stráni to view a question from all sides
preskočiti strán (pri branju) to skip a page
prinesti kaj (v časopisu) na prvi stráni ZDA to front-page something
postaviti se na strán koga (opredeliti se za koga) to take someone's side, to side with someone
videti le lepo strán stvari to look on the sunny side of things
na drugi stráni (lista)! (= obrni list!) (see) overleaf! - stróšek expense, cost; expenditure; outlay, outgoings pl
na stróške at the expense of
na državne stróške at public expense
z majhnimi stróški at little cost
k vragu s stróški! (= naj stane, kar hoče!) blow the expense!
zvezan s stróški expense(-)
na moj stróšek at my expense
drobni stróški sundries pl
manjši stróški pocket money, minor expenses pl
potni stróški travelling expenses pl
proizvodni stróšek prime cost
režijski stróški overhead expenses, overheads pl
pravdni stróšek legal costs pl
sodni stróški court costs pl
življenjski stróški cost of living
tekoči stróški current expenses pl
po odbitju vseh stróškov all expenses paid
povrnitev stróškov reimbursement
ne gledam na stróške (figurativno) I don't mind the expense
kriti stróške to cover (the) expenses
pokriti stróške (= izravnati se) to break even
povrniti komu stróške to reimburse someone; to refund someone's expenses
poravnati stróške to meet (ali pogovorno to stand) the cost
stróški požró ves dobiček (the) expenses eat up all the profits
prispevati k stróškom to share the cost
ne varčevati s stróški not to grudge the expenditure, to spare no expense
plačati (»nositi«) stróške to pay (ali to cover, to defray) (the) expenses
biti povezan s stróški to involve expense
plačati, kriti stróške za koga to defray (ali to cover) someone's expenses
(o)ceniti stróške to appraise the cost
(po)kriti svoje stróške (priti na svoj račun) to recover expenses, to break even, (figurativno) to get one's money's worth
vreči se, zagnati se v stróške to go to great expense - štéditi ➞ varčevati
- trúd trouble, effort; exertion; pains pl; hard work, labour, toil; endeavour
trúda poln painful, troublesome
s trúdom with an effort
brez trúda without trouble, easily, effortlessly
z velikim trúdom with great difficulty
z lahkim trúdom easily
izgubljen trúd a waste of effort
trúd brez haska wasted effort
ves trúd je zaman pogovorno it's all a waste of time, pesniško it is labour lost
ni mi žal trúda I don't mind hard work, I don't shrink from hard work
hvala za vaš trúd I thank you for the trouble you have taken
z malo trúda with a little trouble, by taking a little trouble
po velikem trúdu sem uspel I succeeded after a great deal of trouble
ni vredno trúda it isn't worth while, it is not worth the trouble
veliko trúda si da(ja)ti to take great trouble
dal si je mnogo trúda, da (bi naredil izpit) he was at great pains to (pass the examination)
nobenega trúda se ne bati, se ne ustrašiti to spare no effort, to grudge no pains
povzročil, dal ti bom veliko trúda I'm going to cause you a lot of trouble
prav nobenega trúda si ne vzeti, dajati to take no trouble at all
ne varčevati s trúdom to spare no effort (ali no pains)
naredil sem to, da bi ti prihranil trúd I did it to save you trouble
biti tepen v zahvalo za svoj trúd to get a thrashing for one's pains
tratiti, zapravljati (svoj) trúd (figurativno) to plough the sand
ni si vzel niti trúda, da bi odgovril he didn't even take the trouble to answer
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Število zadetkov: 8