tŕgati (puliti) to pluck, to pull; (nabirati) to gather, (sadje, cvetlice) to pick; (strgati, raztrgati) to tear, to rend, to lacerate
tŕgati na kose, koščke to tear to pieces, to bits
trga me v ušesu I have an earache
tŕgati se za... to fight for, to scramble for...
ljudje se trgajo za to blago there is a great demand for these goods
tŕgati se za meso to scramble for meat
tŕgati se za prostor, za sedež to scramble for a place
ljudje se trgajo za njegovo knjigo his book is selling like hot cakes
Zadetki iskanja
- bráti (čitati) to read
skrbno bráti to peruse; (nabirati ipd.) to collect, to gather (in), to pick; (trgati) to pluck; to cull
bráti grozdje to gather grapes, to vintage
bráti hmelj to pick hops
bráti mašo to say mass
napačno bráti to misread
do konca bráti to read through
bráti zase (skrivaj) to read to oneself
bráti med vrsticami to read between the lines
to sem bral v časopisu I read it in the paper
ne zna ne bráti ne pisati he can neither read nor write
to se bere kot roman it reads like a novel
tvoja knjiga se mnogo bere your book is much read
bráti komu na obrazu to read someone's face
nedolžnost se mu bere na obrazu innocence is written all over his face, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth
hoteti bráti v besedilu nekaj, česar v njem ni to read something into a text
vsak večer berem očetu časopis every evening I read the paper to my father
rada ima, da ji kaj berejo she likes being read to
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Število zadetkov: 2