
Zadetki iskanja

  • píčel scanty, scant; scarce; poor; stingy; tinted

    píčla mera scant measure
  • večína majority; the greater (ali major) part; the bulk; most; plurality

    absolutna (ogromna, vladna, velika, pičla, silna, relativna, potrebna, enostavna, dvetretjinska) večína absolute (crushing, government, great, narrow, overwhelming, relative, necessary, simple, two-thirds) majority
    ogromna večína a swingeing victory
    večína naroda the mass of the nation
    večína (od) nas the bulk of us, most of us
    večína glasov majority of votes
    večína ljudi the majority of people, most people
    z dvema glasovoma večíne by a majority of two
    z večíno glasov by a majority of votes, ZDA by a plurality (of votes)
    biti v veliki večíni to be in a substantial majority
    večína je za predlog the ayes have it
    ženske so bile v večíni the women were in the majority
    dobiti absolutno večíno to obtain an absolute majority
    bila je dosežena večína 200 glasov proti zakonskemu osnutku there was a majority of 200 against the bill
    s svojim glasom je odločil večíno he had a casting vote
    priključiti se večíni parlament to join the majority
Število zadetkov: 2