dvójček -íca twin; twin brother, twin sister
dvójčka, -čici twins pl; twin brothers pl, twin sisters pl; mineralogija twin crystals pl
rojen kot dvójček, -íca twinborn
siamska dvójčka Siamese twins
mesti dvójčici twinned towns
Dvojčka astronomija Gemini, the Twins
enojajčna (dvojajčna) dvójčka identical (fraternal) twins
telefon dvójč party line
Zadetki iskanja
- propéler screw propeller, propeller, pogovorno prop; (letalski) airscrew, propeller; (ladijski) (ship's) propeler (ali screw)
lopatica propélerja propeller blade
propéler dvojček twin-screw - telefón telephone, phone; žargon blower
po telefónu by telephone, by phone
preko telefóna over the telephone (ali phone)
Gospod X. pri telefónu! Mr. X. here!, Mr. X. speaking!
telefón dvojček party line
telefón na kovance pay-phone, prepayment telephone
hišni telefón inter-office communication
ognjeni telefón signal fires pl
imate telefón (= telefonski aparat)? are you on the phone?
govoriti po telefónu to talk on the phone
ostanite pri telefónu! hold the line!
poklicati koga po telefónu to phone someone; to ring someone up, to give someone a ring
telefón zvoni! the phone's ringing!
telefón za te you're wanted on the phone, it's for you
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Število zadetkov: 3