
Zadetki iskanja

  • dražíti2 to raise the price (kaj of something), to make (something) dearer; (na dražbi) to auction, to bid for at an auction

    dražíti se to become dearer, to rise in price
    vse se draží prices are going up all round
  • drážiti1 to incite; to instigate, to stir up; (nagajati) to tease; a tease to irritate, to annoy, to gall, pogovorno to rile; (izzivati) to provoke

    ne draži ga! don't rub him up the wrong way!
  • apetít appetite (za for)

    velikanski apetít a ravenous appetite
    dobiti apetít to get an appetite
    narediti, delati apetít to give an appetite
    biti brez apetíta to be off one's food
    nimam veliko apetíta pogovorno I'm off my feed
    dražiti apetít to whet (ali to stimulate) the appetite, to sharpen the appetite, to give an edge to the appetite
    izgubiti apetít to lose one's appetite
    z apetítom jesti to eat with gusto
    pokvariti komu apetít to spoil someone's appetite
    apetít pride z jedjo start eating, and you work up an appetite; much must have more; the appetite grows with what it feeds on; appetite comes with eating
  • lèv zoologija lion

    britanski lèv (= Britanci) the British Lion
    morski lèv sea lion
    krotilec, dreser lèvov lion tamer
    lovec na lève lion hunter
    lov na lève lion hunting
    salonski lèv (figurativno, ženski idol) ladies' man, pl men; lady-killer; arhaično squire of dames, carpet knight; (plačan) gigolo; humoristično lounge lizard
    dražiti britanskega lèva (figurativno) to twist the (British) Lion's tail
  • ték1 (apetit) appetite; desire for food; (za kaj) zest, relish, gusto

    imam, čutim ték I have an appetite
    imam dober, zdrav (slab) ték I have a good, a keen (a poor) appetite
    jesti z dobrim tékom to eat with gusto
    izgubiti ték to lose one's appetite
    narediti, povzročiti ték to sharpen (ali to whet) the appetite
    dražiti, spodbujati si ték to stimulate one's appetite
    delati, dobiti ték to give, to get an appetite
    ték pride z jedjo the appetite grows with what it feeds on, start eating and you work up an appetite, figurativno the more you get, the more you want
    biti brez téka, ne imeti téka (žargon) to be off one's food, to be a poor eater
Število zadetkov: 5