
Zadetki iskanja

  • datíran dated

    nedatíran undated, dateless
    pismo je datírano z dne 10. maja the letter is dated May 10th
    datírati to date (od from)
    naprej datíran to postdate
    nazaj datíran to predate
    ta zgradba datira iz 17. stoletja this building dates from the 17th century
  • nazáj back; backwards

    moram nazáj I must go back, I must return
    ni ga še nazáj he is not yet back, he has not yet returned
    nazáj datirati to antedate
    nazáj dati to give back, to return, to restore, to refund
    nazáj dobiti to get back, to recover; to be reimbursed, to be repaid
    nazáj delovati to retroact, to be retroactive
    iti nazáj to go back, to return, to recede; to retrogress; to retrograde; to retrace one's steps
    nazáj poklicati to recall
    nazáj pripeljati to reconvey
    nazáj kupiti to repurchase
    nazáj osvojiti to reconquer
    pasti nazáj v isto napako, razvado to be a backslider, to backslide
    pasti nazáj v bolezen to relapse
    nazáj poslati to send back
    stopiti nazáj to step back
    priti nazáj to come back, to return
    udariti nazáj (o puški) to recoil
    želim si nazáj I long to return
    nekaj let nazáj some years ago, some years since
    tja in nazáj there and back
    vozovnica tja in nazáj return ticket
Število zadetkov: 2