
Zadetki iskanja

  • agrúmi citrus fruit
  • sádje fruit

    koščičasto sádje stone fruit, drupe
    vkuhano, konservirano sádje preserved fruit
    kuhano sádje stewed fruit
    mesnato sádje pulpy (ali fleshy) fruit
    posušeno sádje dried fruit
    dehidrirano sádje dehydrated fruit
    kandirano sádje candied fruit
    južno sádje citrus fruit
    špalirsko sádje wall fruit
    zimsko sádje winter fruit
    nabirač, trgač sádja fruit picker (ali gatherer)
    uvoženo sádje imported fruit
    stiskalnica za sádje fruit press
    sušilnica za sádje fruit kiln
    trgovec s sádjem (na drobno) fruiterer, fruit seller, (na debelo) fruit merchant, fruit dealer
    letos bo dosti sádja there will be an abundance of fruit this year
    konservirati, vkuhati sádje to preserve fruit
    obirati sádje to pick fruit
Število zadetkov: 2