
Zadetki iskanja

  • bojázen anxiety, apprehension; fear; pogovorno funk; fright, dread

    brez bojázni without fear, fearless
    iz bojázni pred from fear of
    razpršiti (si) bojázen to dispel one's apprehensions
  • povòd cause, reason, occasion; inducement (za to)

    dati povòd to occasion, to give occasion (za kaj for something)
    ni povòda za bojazen (za jezo) there is no need ali call to be afraid (to be angry)
    biti povòd za kaj to be the reason for something
    brez povòda for no reason
    najmanjši povòd the slightest motive
    nikoli nismo imeli najmanjšega povòda za pritožbo we never had the least reason to complain
    imeti povòd za to have occasion to...
  • utemeljèn founded; grounded

    moja bojazen je utemeljèna my fears are well grounded (ali rest on good grounds)
    dobro utemeljèn ugovor a sound objection
  • vzròk cause; reason; ground; motive; source

    iz kakšnega vzròka? for what reason?
    iz istega vzròka for the same reason
    brez vzròka without reason, causeless, groundless
    prav iz tega vzròka for that very reason
    vzròk (vir) vsega zla the source of all evil
    ni vzròka za... there is no reason for...
    ti si vzròk tega this is your fault
    imam vzròk za... I have a reason for...
    ni vzròka za bojazen there is no cause to be afraid
    ni vzròka za kako spremembo there is no reason (ali no ground) for making a change
    vzròk tega je tvoja lenoba it's your laziness that's to blame
    iz enega (tega) ali drugega (onega) vzròka for one reason or another
    kaj je vzròk takemu dviganju cen? what is the cause of (ali reason for) this rise in prices?
    razjezil se je brez pravega vzròka he got angry without any real reason
    nimate vzròka za pritožbo you have no ground(s) for complaint (ali for complaining)
    kakšne vzròke moreš navesti za takšno ravnanje? what reasons can you give (ali can you allege) for such treatment?
    ne more navesti nobenega vzròka za to, kar je storil he can produce no motive for what he has done
    vzròki in učinki causes pl and effects pl
    brez pravega vzròka for no particular reason
Število zadetkov: 4