blagoslóv blessing; benediction; arhaično benison
to je blagoslóv z neba it's a blessing from heaven
to je pravi blagoslóv (figurativno) it is a godsend (zame to me)
dati svoj blagoslóv to give one's blessing
to je bil pravi blagoslóv (figurativno) that was a blessing indeed
pravi blagoslóv je, da je včeraj deževalo yesterday's rain was a real godsend
podeliti komu svoj blagoslóv to give someone one's blessing
zdravje je največji blagoslóv health is the greatest of blessings
Zadetki iskanja
- bóžji God's; of (from, like, belonging to) God; divine; godly; godlike
bóžji blagoslov God's blessing
bóžji dar God's gift, gift of God
bóžja hiša church, chapel
bóžje češčenje worship of God
bóžji grob the Holy Sepulchre, (po cerkvah) Holy Week commemorative altar
bóžja pot pilgrimage
bóžja sodba zgodovina ordeal
bóžja milost divine grace
po milosti bóžji by the grace of God
človek bóžji! man alive!
mati bóžja religija Mother of God, Blessed Virgin
služba bóžja divine service (ali worship); public worship, devotion
strah bóžji fear of God
šiba bóžja (figurativno, Atila) Attila, the Scourge of God
biti pri službi bóžji to attend divine service - dár; darílo gift; present; donation, donative; (nadarjenost) talent, faculty, gift, capacity; (za spomin) keepsake, token; offering, (cvetja) floral offering
dobiti v dár; darílo to get something as a present
nima dár; darílou za jezike he has no gift for languages
dár; darílo govora the gift of eloquence
poročno(a) dár; daríloilo(a) wedding gift(s); ZDA bridal shower
božji dár; darílo (miloščina) alms, charity
prositi za božji dár; darílo to ask for alms
pravi dár; darílo božji (pravi blagoslov) a veritable godsend
božično dár; darílo Christmas present, Christmas gift, Christmas box
danajsko dár; darílo arhaično Greek gift
za to on nima nobenega darú his talent does not lie in that direction
si izgubil dar govora? have you lost the use of your tongue?
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Število zadetkov: 3