
Zadetki iskanja

  • bóter godfather; (birmanski, krstni) sponsor

    botri (pri krstu) godparents pl
    biti bóter to be someone's godfather
    biti za bótra to act as sponsor (for), to sponsor (čemu something)
  • kŕsten baptismal

    kŕstni boter religija godfather
    kŕstna botra godmother
    kŕstna ceremonija baptismal ceremony
    kŕstni list baptismal certificate
    kŕstno ime first name, Christian name, (saint's) name, ZDA given name
    kŕstni kamen baptismal font
    kŕstno darilo christening present
    kŕstna knjiga, register parish register
    biti kŕstni boter (botra) otroku to be (ali to stand) godfather (godmother) to a child, to stand sponsor to a child
  • otrók child, pl children; (majhen) baby, babe, tot; (nedoleten) infant; (zaničljivo) brat

    zakonski otrók legitimate child
    nezakonski otrók illegitimate child, child born out of wedlock, bastard, natural child
    otrók ljubezni love child
    mrtvorojen otrók stillborn child
    čudežen otrok infant prodigy
    otrók brezdomec waif
    brez otrok childless
    ugrabitev otróka kidnapping
    umor otróka, morilec, -lka otróka infanticide
    varovalec, -lka baby-sitter
    on je pravi otrók he is quite a child
    ona pričakuje otróka she is with child (ali in the family way), she is an expectant mother
    roditi otróka to give birth to a child
    biti (krstni) boter otróku to stand sponsor to a child
    varovati otróka (oziroma otroke) v odsotnosti staršev to baby-sit
    ne biti več otrók to be no longer a child
    on ni več otrók he is no longer a child
    kot otrók se veseliti to be as pleased as Punch
    dobiti (roditi) otróka to be delivered of a child
    nobenega otróka ne več dobiti (roditi) to be past childbearing (ali childbearing age)
    opekel otrók se boji ognja a burnt child dreads the fire
Število zadetkov: 3