bél white; (čist) clean; (nezagorel) pale; (nepopisan) blank; (pobeljen) blanched; (bel in siv) hoary
béla garda right-wing political movement in Slovenia before and during World War II, the White Guard
pri bélem dnevu in broad daylight
Bela Hiša the White House
béla knjiga politika white paper, White Book
béla kovina white metal, white alloy
bél kruh white (ali wheaten) bread
bélo krvno telesce white corpuscle
béla (mlečna) kava white coffee
béla lisa (na konjskem čelu) blaze
béli medved polar bear
bélo meso white meat
béla obleka whites, white clothing
béla nedelja Low Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter
béla pločevina tinplate
béli premog (figurativno) "white coal", hydroelectric power
béli teden (prodajni) white sale
bél kot sneg snow-white
trgovina z bélimi dekleti white slave traffic
bélo vino white wine
béla vrana (figurativno) a rare thing, rarity, quite an exceptional person
dati črno na bélem to put down in black and white
imam to črno na bélem I have it in black and white
napraviti bélo to make white
bélo pobarvati to dye white
pokazati kaj črno na bélem to show something in black and white
Zadetki iskanja
- dán day; (dnevna svetloba, luč) daylight, daytime; (svetloba) light
dober dán! (zjutraj) good morning!, (popoldne) good afternoon!, (splošno) how do you do!, pogovorno hallo!, hullo!, ZDA hello, (pri poslovitvi) good day!, pogovorno see you!, be seeing you!; see you later!
deloven dán working day, weekday
črn dán figurativno a black day, a dark day, an unfortunate day
materinski dán Mother's Day
novoletni dán New Year's Day
beli dán broad daylight
plačilni dán payday
postni dán fast day
prazničen dán holiday
pasji dnevi dog days pl
prosti dán day off, (brez pouka) day off school
rojstni dán birthday
srečen dán a red-letter day
sodni dán the Last Day, Judgment Day, Day of Judgment, Doomsday
davni dnevi bygone days, arhaično day of yore
spominski dán Remembrance Day (11. november)
z dne 3. maja dated May 3rd
čez dán (podnevi) in the daytime; during the day, by daylight, by day
dán za dnem day by day
drugi (naslednji) dán next day, the day after
do današnjega dne to the preent day
od dneva do dneva from day to day
čez nekaj dni in a day or two
enega teh dni, te dni enkrat one of these days
dvakrat na dán twice a day
pri belem dnevu in broad daylight
lepega dne one fine day
oni dán (zadnjič) the other day
še oni dán only the other day
še isti dán that very day
od tega dne dalje from this day forth
par dni a couple of days
ta ali oni dán one day or another
svoj živi dán in all my born days, in my lifetime
nekega dne one day, (za prihodnost) some day
pred tremi dnevi three days ago
dán poprej the day before, the day beforehand
teden dni (7 dni) a week
danes teden dni this day week, (pred tednom dni) a week ago
14 dni (2 tedna) a fortnight, two weeks
čez 14 dni in a fortnight
vsak dán every day, daily
vsak drugi dán every other (ali second) day
vsakih pet dni every five days
ves dán all day long, for the whole of the day
ves ljubi božji dán the livelong day
za nekaj dni for a few days
prejšnji dán the previous (ali preceding) day
ki traja ves dán daylong
na dán z besedo! speak out!, out with it!
to je jasno kot beli dán it's as clear as daylight, it's as plain as a pikestaff
biti različen kot noč in dán to be as different as chalk and cheese
béli dán je it is broad daylight
dobiti prost dán to be allowed a day off
ni še vseh dni konec we have not seen the last of it yet
prinesti, spraviti na dán to bring to light
prinesti stvar na dán to broach a matter
sedaj prihaja na dán it now transpires
priti na dán to come to light, to transpire, to leak out, to become known, ZDA to develop
prinesti na dán svoje težave to air one's troubles
ko napoči dán at daybreak, at dawn
za vsakega pride njegov dán every dog has his day
sanja se ti pri belem dnevu you're day-dreaming
svoj živi dán nisem videl... I have never seen in all my born days (ali in my lifetime)...
dnevi so mu šteti his days are numbered
zagledati dán (luč sveta) to be born, to come to light, to come out
določiti dán to fix a day
voščiti dober dán to bid someone good day, zastarelo to give someone the time of day
bil je 2 dni prepozen he was two days late
delati noč in dán to work day and night
ne hvali dneva pred nočjo do not praise the day before it is over; laugh before breakfast and you'll cry before supper - fižól bean, beans pl
beli fižól haricot, haricot bean
nizki fižól kidney bean, (dwarf) French bean
visoki fižól pole bean, (scarlet) runner bean, (scarlet) runner
fižól v stroku string beans pl - gáber botanika beech tree
beli gáber hornbeam; white beech; arhaično yoke-elm - jásen (veder) unclouded, serene, unobscured, fair, sunny; (očiten) evident, obvious, manifest; (viden) clear, conspicuous; (svetel) luminous, bright, shining, light; (razumljiv) intelligible, easily understood; (nedvomen) indubitable, unmistakable, not to be mistaken, leaving no doubt; (nedvoumen) unequivocal, unambiguous; (izrečen) explicit; (točen) precise, exact; (barva) light, light-coloured; (slog, stil) clear, lucid; (samoumeven) self-evident
jásno in jedrnato izraziti to express tersely and neatly
jásen kot beli dan self-evident, as clear as daylight (ali arhaično as noonday), as clear as crystal, as plain as a pikestaff, as plain as the nose on your face, as plain as the palm of your hand
nebo je jásno the sky is clear
to je jásno that's clear, that's flat
kot strela z jásnega out of the blue
strela z jásnega a bolt from the blue
ni mi čisto jásno it is not quite clear to me
nisem si na jásnem o tem I am not (quite) clear about it
sem jásen? do I make myself clear?, have I made myself plain on that point?
jásno govoriti to speak clearly
jásno se izraziti to make it clear
jásno se odražati na obzorju to show clear on the horizon
priti na jásno (figurativno) to clear up, to settle (o čem something)
postalo nam je jásno it dawned on us
to je popolnoma jásno (figurativno) it's perfectly obvious - lés wood
stavbni, tesarski lés timber
gradbeni lés (building) timber, ZDA lumber
gnil lés rotten wood
suh lés seasoned timber
rezani lés sawn timber
vezan lés plywood
mehek lés softwood
trd lés hardwood
jamski lés pitwood, pitprop
beli lés white wood
obdelava lésa wood working
obdelovalec lésa woodworker, wood carver
sečnja lésa wood felling
impregnacija lésa wood impregnation
vrste lésa species pl of wood
lésu podoben ligniform, ligneous, woody, woodlike
sladki lés botanika liquorice
žagan lés sawn wood
mlad, nov lés green wood
umeten lés artificial wood
sečni lés mature wood
hrastov lés oak, oak wood, oak timber
trgovati z lésom to deal in wood, to trade as a timber merchant
on je malo čez lés (figurativno, žargon) he is up the pole (ali round the bend) - lúk botanika (čebula) onion; (por) leek
beli lúk (česen) garlic - médved zoologija bear, he-bear
Veliki Medved astronomija Ursa Major, the Great Bear, the plough, Charles's Wain, the Wain, ZDA the Big Dipper
Mali Medved Ursa Minor, the Little Bear, ZDA the Little Dipper
rjavi médved brown bear
beli, severni, polarni médved polar bear
sivi médved grizzly bear
médved, medvedek (igrača) teddy bear
jamski médved (prehistoric) cave bear
iti na lov na médvede to go bear-hunting
plesati kot médved to dance like a bear
ne prodajaj médvedove kože, dokler nisi médveda ujel sell not the bear's skin before you have caught the bear, don't count your chickens before they are hatched - meníh friar; monk
beli meníh white friar
črni meníh (dominikanec) black friar
beraški meníh mendicant friar; (frančiškan) grey friar; (avguštinec) Augustinian, Austin - obláček small cloud, pesniško cloudlet
beli obláčki (»ovčice«) fleecy clouds pl
nebo prekrito z belimi obláčki mackerel sky - ôreh (drevo) nut tree; (sadež) nut
ameriški beli ôreh botanika hickory
laški ôreh (sadež in drevo) walnut
to ni piškavega ôreha vredno I don't give a fig for it, it's not worth a brass farthing
ôrehe tolči, treti to crack nuts, to shell nuts
iti nabirat ôrehe to go nutting
on je trd ôreh (figurativno) he is a tough (ali hard) nut
to bo trd ôreh (figurativno) that will be a hard nut to crack
to se je izkazalo za trd ôreh (figurativno) this proved a tough not to crack
kleščice za ôrehe nutcracker, -s pl
nožek za čiščenje ôrehov nutpick
majhen ôreh nutlet
puhel ôreh blind nut
muškatov ôreh nutmeg
najtrši ôreh the toughest nut - ríbez botanika currant bush; currant
črni (rdeči) ríbez blackcurrant (redcurrant)
beli ríbez white currant
ríbezov želé blackcurrant (oziroma redcurrant) jelly - snég snow
brez snéga snowless
kosmič snéga snowflake
snég iz jajc whipped eggs pl
snég iz stepene smetane whipped cream
večni snég everlasting (ali perpetual) snow
meja večnega snéga snow line
kot snég bel snow-white, white as snow
kot snég beli lasje snowy hair
slep od (bleščečega se) snega snowblind
krplje za snég snowshoes pl
zametèn od snéga snowbound
zatrpan s snégom snowed up, snowbound
pokrit s snégom covered with snow, snowclad, snowcapped
odrezan zaradi snéga snowbound
biti zasut s snégom to be snowed in (ali up), to be under snow
s snégom bogata zima a snowy winter
toliko mi je za to kot za lanski snég, to mi je lanski snég I couldn't care less (about it)
snég pada it snows (ozir. it is snowing)
snég me je zametel I was snowed in
vlak je obtičal v snégu the train was snowed under - téden week, seven days pl
dva tédna a fortnight
nekaj tédnov a week or two
na téden (tedensko) a week, per week
téden za tédnom week by week, week in week out
enkrat na téden once a week
med tédnom in the week
dvakrat na téden twice a week
danes téden today week, this day week
včeraj téden yesterday week
pred enim tédnom a week ago
vsak téden weekly
v enem tédnu within a week
prihodnji téden next week
pretekli téden last week
jutri téden tomorrow week
v ponedeljek téden Monday week
konec tédna weekend
čez tri tédne three weeks hence
beli téden trgovina white sale
delovni téden working week
40 urni delovni téden 40-hour week
medeni tédni honeymoon
ves téden delati to work all week
med tédnom spim v mestu I sleep in town during the week
téden po beli nedelji religija Low Week - tŕn thorn; spine; prickle
brez tŕnov without a thorn, spineless, thornless
poln tŕnov thorny
beli tŕn hawthorn, (redko) whitethorn
črni tŕn blackthorn, sloe
to mi je tŕn v peti (figurativno) it is a thorn in my flesh (ali in my side)
moj uspeh mu je tŕn v peti he envies me my success
biti kot na tŕnih (figurativno) to be on tenterhooks, (žargon) to be like a cat on hot bricks
ni rože brez tŕna (there is) no rose without a thorn
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Število zadetkov: 15