
Zadetki iskanja

  • apríl April

    1. april (figurativno) April Fools' Day, All Fools' Day
    potegniti koga za 1. april to make someone an April fool
    poslati koga po aprila to send someone upon a fool's errand
  • aprílski April

    aprílska potegavščina, šala trick played on April Fools' Day, (arhaično, redko) April fish
    aprílski tepček April fool
    aprílsko vreme April weather
  • dálje farther; figurativno further; forth

    od 1900 dálje from 1900 onwards
    od 10. aprila dálje from April 10th onwards
    od 16. stoletja dálje from the 16th century onwards
    odslej dálje from now on
    in tako dálje and so on, and so forth; and the like; etc.
    dálje prihodnjič (= se nadaljuje) to be continued
    govoril je dálje he continued (ali kept on) talking
  • do (nekako, okoli, skoraj) about, somehow, somewhat, in some way

    do sedem ur about seven hours; (časovno) till, until; (krajevno) as far as; up to
    od... do... from... till...; from... to...
    od treh do štirih from three to four
    do kdaj? when?, how long?
    do danes up to this day
    do sedaj so far, thus far
    do tedaj, do takrat till then, by that time
    do 5. aprila up to 5th April (beri: the fifth of April)
    do zdaj till (ali until) now, up to now, as yet, hitherto, so far
    do sedaj (zdaj) še ne not as yet
    do današnjega dne up to this day, to date, thus far
    do nedavnega until recently
    do nadaljnjega until further notice, for the present, pending further instructions, until further instructions
    (prav) do danes, do današnjega dne to this very day
    (prav) do zadnjega to the very last
    od petka do vključno nedelje from Friday to Sunday inclusive, ZDA from Friday through Sunday
    do treh (ne pozneje) by 3 o'clock
    (najpozneje) do by
    do konca tega tedna by the end of this week
    do božiča by Christmas
    od danes do jutri (kratkotrajten) short-lived, ephemeral, transient, provisional
    od leta do leta year in, year out
    živeti od danes do jutri to live from hand to mouth
    do roka dospelosti till due
    do vratu up to the neck
    do kolen up to the knees
    do temelja to the ground
    spremil te bom do pošte I'll see you as far as the post office
    ni mi do... I do not care for...
    ni mi do šal I am not in a joking mood
    plačal sem najemnino do 1. avgusta I have paid the rent up to 1st August (beri: the first of August)
    do zadnjega moža to the last man
  • máli -a, -o little; small

    Mala Azija Asia Minor
    mála črka small letter, minuscule
    mála južina (malica) snack, lunch
    máli oglasi small advertisements (krajšava: small ads) pl
    máli, -a, -o traven April
    mála divjad small deer
    z málega (od mladih nog) from the cradle
  • osvobodílen (of) liberation

    Osvobodilna fronta slovenskega naroda (krajšava: OF) the Slovene Liberation Front, set up on April 27th 1941
    osvobodílna vojna War of Liberation
    osvobodílno gibanje liberation movement
  • plôha shower (of rain); downpour; cloudburst; pelting rain; pogovorno drencher

    aprilska plôha April shower
    plôha se je ulila there was a heavy shower, it came pelting down
  • potegávščina hoax; leg-pull; practical joke

    aprilska potegávščina April foolery
  • predaprílski

    predaprílska Jugoslavija Yugoslavia before April 6th, 1941
  • vrême weather

    aprilsko vrême April weather
    lepo (deževno, ustaljeno ali stalno, nestanovitno) vrême fine ali fair (rainy, settled, unsettled) weather
    spremenljivo vrême changeable weather
    megleno, sivo vrême foggy (ali hazy) weather
    hladno in vlažno vrême raw weather
    grdo (slabo) vrême dirty ali nasty (bad) weather
    pasje vrême foul (ali nasty) weather
    pri vsakem vrêmenu in all weathers
    v mokrem vrêmenu in wet weather
    sprememba vrêmena weather change
    napoved vrêmena weather forecast
    kakšno grdo vrême! what beastly weather
    odporen proti (slabemu) vrêmenu weatherproof
    kakšno vrême je? what is the weather like?
    lepo vrême je it is fine weather
    lepo vrême bo ostalo, bo držalo it will keep fine
    vrême kaže na lepo (na dež) we are in for a spell of fine weather (of rainy weather)
    pri takem vrêmenu ne hôdi ven! you must not go out in such (ali in this) weather!
    kljubovati vrêmenu to defy the weather
    če bo vrême (dovolilo) weather permitting
    izpostaviti vrêmenu to expose to the weather, to weather
    naleteti na lepo (grdo) vrême to meet good (bad) weather
    vrême se še ni ustalilo the weather is not settled yet
Število zadetkov: 10