
Zadetki iskanja

  • niánsa shade, hue, tone; figurativno nuance; light an shade; (čustva, mnenja) nuance, slight variation of expression

    je majhna niánsa med obema besedama there is a slight shade of difference between the two words
  • tón glasba tone; sound; note; voice; manner of speaking; (barvni) tint, shade of colour

    obseg tonov diapason
    višina tóna glasba pitch
    s posmehljivim tónom (glasom) jeeringly
    z jeznim tónom (glasom) in an angry tone
    dati tón glasba to give the note
    dajati tón za (figurativno) to set the tone of, to set the style
    prepovedujem si ta tón (od vas)! I won't have you talk to me in that tone of voice!
    spremeniti tón to change one's tone (ali one's tune)
    znižati (zvišati) svoj tón to drop (to raise) one's voice
  • dvobárven two-coloured; two-tone

    dvobárven i tisk twocoloured print(ing)
  • flažolét glasba harmonic (in string playing), flageolet note, flageolet tone
  • glušíti to deafen; to make deaf; (zvok) to muffle; (barvo) to tone down

    glušíti vesla to muffle the oats
  • oblažíti to alleviate; to soothe; to relieve; to tone down; (kazen) to mitigate

    oblažíti se to soften
  • ublažíti to alleviate; to ease; to soothe; to relieve; (kazen) to mitigate; (barvo, ton) to tone down; medicina to palliate
  • léstvica scale; glasba scale

    davčna léstvica tax scale
    mezdna léstvica wage scale
    plačilna léstvica pay scale
    odčitanje léstvice scale reading
    zdrsniti po léstvici navzdol to sink down the scale
    celotonska (diatonična, durova, molova, kromatična) léstvica whole-tone (diatonic, major, minor, chromatic) scale
  • poslúh musical ear, ear for music

    brez poslúha tone deaf
    on ima dober poslúh za glasbo he has an ear for music
    nima poslúha he has no musical ear
    igrati, peti po poslúhu to play by ear, to sing by ear
    poslúh! attention!
  • potápljati ➞ potopiti

    potápljati se to dive, to sink, to drown, to go down; (podmornica) to submerge
    potápljati se (le z masko in dihalnim aparatom) to skindive, to go skin-diving
    kdor se potaplja (tone), se še bilke oprijemlje (figurativno) a drowning man clutches at a straw
  • srebŕn (made of) silver; silvery

    srebŕna doba silver age
    srebŕn (zvonek) glas silvery tone
    srebŕn novec silver coin, silver money
    srebŕna jelka silver fir
    srebŕna lisica zoologija silver fox
    srebŕna folija (staniol) silver foil
    srebŕna kopel fotografija silver bath
    srebŕna poroka silver wedding
    srebŕn papir silver paper
    srebŕna posoda silver, silver plate
    srebŕna (okrasna) ribica silver fish, silversides
    srebŕna ruda silver ore
    srebŕn sijaj silveriness
    srebŕna ura silver watch
    srebŕna valuta silver currency, silver standard
    srebŕna zlitina silver alloy
    srebŕn zven silvery sound
    srebŕna žica silver wire
    srebŕnih las silverhaired
    dal mi je dva funta v srebŕnem denarju he gave me two pounds in silver
  • strúna string; chord; (iz črev) catgut

    strúna na reketu (loparju) the strings of a racket
    napeti strúne na violino to string a violin
    preveč napeti strúne to tune the strings too high
    to strúno ubrati to harp on that subject (ali topic)
    druge strúne ubrati to change one's tune, to sing another song
    ubrati milejše strúne to adopt a milder tone
    pravo strúno ubrati (zadeti) to touch the right chord
    udariti na ustrezno strúno to strike a responsive chord
    vedno isto strúno ubirati to be always harping on the same subject (ali topic)
    ubirati strúne to pluck the strings
  • telefónski telephonic, telephone(-)

    telefónska centrala (telephone) exchange, ZDA telephone central (office)
    javna telefónska kabina callbox, ZDA telephonebooth (ali box)
    telefónski imenik telephone directory
    telefónska linija telephone line
    telefónska mreža telephone network
    telefónski naročnik telephone subscriber
    telefónska številka telephone number
    telefónska slušalka (telephone) receiver, handset
    telefónski pogovor telephone conversation, (na veliko oddaljenost) long-distance telephone conversation
    telefónska instalacija telephone installation
    telefónski poziv telephone call
    telefónski urad telephone office
    telefónska zveza telephone communication, ZDA telephone connection
    telefónska žica telephone wire
    vzpostaviti telefónsko zvezo to put through a call
    naprava za prisluškovanje telefónskih pogovorov bug
    prisluškovati telefónskemu pogovoru to tap a telephone
    telefónski znak, da je telefónska linija prosta dialling tone
  • tíh still, noiseless, silent; (miren) quiet, tranquil; (utišan) hushed; (nem) silent, mute, dumb; (redkobeseden) (a man) of few words, taciturn

    Tihi ocean the Pacific (Ocean)
    tíha bolečina silent grief
    s tíhim glasom in a low voice, in a subdued tone
    tího družabništvo sleeping (ZDA silent) partnership
    tíhi družabnik sleeping (ZDA silent) partner
    tíha maša religija low mass
    tíha molitev silent prayer
    tíha poroka quiet wedding
    tíha sezona dull (ali dead) season
    tíh sporazum tacit agreement
    tíhe (skrite) rezerve passive reserve, hidden assets pl
    tího upanje secret hope (ali hopes pl)
    prosimo za tího sožalje! we request your silent sympathy!
    tíh kot miš as quiet as a mouse
    na tíhem si misliti to think to oneself
    na tíhem si svoje misliti to keep one's own counsel (o čem about something)
    tíha voda calm (ali smooth) water
    tíha voda globoko dere (bregove podira) still waters run deep
  • tóna ton

    metrska tóna (1.000 kg) metric ton
    angleška tóna (2240 funtov, 1016kg) long ton
    ameriška tóna (2.000 funtov, 907kg) short ton
    ladja z 2.000 tónami a 2,000-tonner
    registrska tóna (2,83m3), bruto registrska tóna (gross) register ton
    tovorna tóna freight (measurement) ton
    on ima denarja na tóne (kot smeti) he has tons of money
    tehtati celo tóno (biti zelo težak) to weigh a ton
Število zadetkov: 15