políti to pour (vodo, tekočino na water, liquid on); to water; (prašno cesto) to lay te dust, to water (the street)
tedéum cerkveno (zahvalna pesem) Te Deum
bárva colour, ZDA color; (obraza) complexion, (tisk) ink; (znanstveno) chroma; (barvarska) dye, dyestuff; (plesk) paint; (tinktura) tincture; (za les, steklo) stain; (barvilo) pigment; (prevladujoča) hue; (temen ton, odtenek) shade; (svetel ton) tint; (glasu) timbre
bárve (blaga) colours pl, dyes pl, paints pl; (kartanje) suit
kričeče, prežive bárve gaudy colours, glaring colours
lokalna bárva local colour
mrtva bárva dull colour
mavričnih bárv rainbow-coloured, iridescent
nestalna, neobstojna bárva fugitive colour, fading colour
obstojna bárva fast colour
pisanih bárv variegated, piebald, mottled
svetla (temna) bárva light (dark) colour
živa bárva vivid (ali gay, bright) colour
preživa bárva dazzling colour
oljnata bárva oil colour, oil paint
vodne bárve water-colours
osnovna (komplementarna, mešalna) bárva primary (complementary, secondary) colour
spreminjasta bárva (v blagu) shot colour
tiskarska bárva printer's ink
občutljiv za bárve colour sensitive, fotografija orthochromatic
slep za bárve colour-blind
mešanje bárv colour mixing
bogastvo bárv richness in colour
igra bárv, prelivanje bárv play of colours, iridescence
škatla za bárve paintbox, colour box
trgovec z bárvami, z oljnatimi bárvami dealer in paints, paint dealer
trakovi jagodne bárve strawberry-coloured ribbons
veda o bárvah science of colour, chromatics pl (s konstr. v sg)
bárva obledi the dye fades
opisovati kaj v živih bárvah to give a glowing description of something
mešati bárve to mix colours
pokazati svojo pravo bárvo to show one's true colours, to show one's colours, to come out in one's true colours
priti z bárvo na dan (figurativno) to let the cat out of the bag, to speak one's mind
puščati bárvo to lose one's colour
spremeniti bárvo (v obrazu) to change colour
slikati v svetlih (temnih) bárvah to paint in bright (dark) colours
te bárve se ne ujemajo dobro these colours do not go well together
videti vse v rožnatih bárvah to see everything through rose-coloured spectacles
ta bárva pušča pri pranju this colour runs in the wash
bežáti to flee; to run away, to fly; to take to flight, to make one's escape
bežáti pred (izogibati se) to avoid, to shun, (knjižno) to flee from
kako čas beži! how time flies!
bežal je, kar so ga noge nesle he ran as fast as his legs could carry him
sovražnik je bežal v popolnem neredu the enemy was fleeing in a panic
Beži(te) (pojdite no!) be off with you!
brígati to concern; to regard
kaj me to briga? what is that to me?
to te nič ne briga! it is none of your business!
to Vas nič ne briga! that is not your concern!
on me nič ne briga he is no concern of mine
stvar nikogar ne briga the matter is no one's business
to me nič ne briga that is no business of mine, that doesn't concern me
brígati se to care (za for, about); to concern oneself (with, about); to bother about; (skrbeti za) to attend to, to see to
brigaj se za svoje zadeve (stvari)! mind your own business!, go about your business!
ne briga se za politiko he doesn't concern himself with politics
ne brigajte se za govorice ljudi! don't trouble about what people say
čákati to wait (for); to await; to expect
čákati v vrsti (»repu«) to queue (up)
čákati na odločitev to await the decision
čákati na (svojo) priložnost to watch one's opportunity
čakal sem te do šestih I waited for you till six
čakali so nanj they were waiting for him ali someone was waiting for him ali pogovorno he was waited for
na to lahko še dolgo čakaš figurativno you may whistle for it
pustiti koga čákati to keep someone waiting
to lahkó (po)čaka that can wait
ne čakajte me z večerjo! start supper without me!
dolgo, potrpežljivo čákati figurativno to kick one's heels, to cool one's heels
nismo čakali, da bi on odgovoril we did not wait for him to reply
nima smisla čákati there's no use waiting, it's no use waiting
čákati v zasedi to lie in ambush
čákati (oklevati) to linger, to hesitate, to tarry
čákati (biti usojeno) to be in store for
kdor čaka, dočaka everything comes to those who wait
človek nikoli ne ve, kaj ga čaka you never know what to expect
čás time; (doba) epoch; tide, (razdobje) period; space of time; (letni čas) season; (ura) hour; gramatika tense; (vmesni) interval, interim, meantime
božični čás Christmastime, Christmastide, arhaično yuletide
poletni (delovni) čás daylight saving time
konični čás (ure) rush hour, peak hours pl
prometno šibki čás offpeak (ali slack) hours pl
slabi, težki čási hard times pl
skrajni čás! high time!
prosti čás leisure; spare time
ves moj čás the whole of my time
s časom in the course of time, gradually
o pravem čásu in time; in the nick of time; in due course of time, ZDA on time
od čása do čása every now and then, from time to time, now and then, now and again, once in a while
čez nekaj čása some time afterwards
od tega čása since that time
v kratkem čásu in a short time
za kratek čás for a short time
pred čásom, predčasno prematurely
pred nekaj čása some time ago
že nekaj čása prej for some time past
že dolgo čása for a long time
že pred dolgo čása long ago, a long time ago; ZDA pogovorno way back
med tem čásom in the meantime, (in the) meanwhile
od tega čása naprej from this time onward, henceforth
od tistega čása dalje from that time forward
v istem čásu at the same time
nekaj čása (prislov) awhile, (samostalnik) a while
ob nepravem čásu at the wrong time, out of season
ob kateremkoli čásu, ob vsakem čásu at any time
ves čás all along, all the time
pred davnim čásom long ago
v teku čása in the course of time
vsak čás zdaj any time now
v starih čásih in olden times
v dobrih starih čásih in the good old days
v tistem čásu at that time
ob katerem čásu? at what time?
v sedanjem čásu at present, now
v določenem čásu within a fixed period, in due course
zadnje čáse lately
za vse čáse for all time
prav v zadnjem čásu quite recently
od davnih čásov from time immemorial, from time out of mind
ob določenem čásu at the appointed time
v prostem čásu at one's leisure
šala o nepravem čásu ill-timed jest
škoda čása za to it's a mere waste of time
vsaka stvar ob svojem čásu everything in its season
vse ob svojem čásu there is a time for everything, all in good time
v čásu, v čásih poplav in times of flood
čás beži time flies
skrajni čás je it is high time
to je samo vprašanje čása it's only a question of time
je že tudi čás! (it's) about time, too!
to je samo izguba čása it's a sheer waste of time
za to je še čás there is plenty of time for that
za to je še do jutri čás it can wait till tomorrow
bil je čás, ko... time was when...
za to je treba čása this takes time
določiti čás to fix a date
dati komu čás to give someone time
imate malo čása zame? can you spare me a moment?
čás se mu vleče time hangs heavy on his hands
ne imeti čása za... to have no time for
krajšati si čás to while away the time
izkoristiti čás to take time by the forelock
imam nekaj prostega čása I have some time to spare
iti (vštric) s čásom to be abreast of the times
nimam dosti čása, ne smem izgubljati čása I have no time to spare
kje so lepi stari čási? pesniško where are the snows of yester year?
kako dolgo čása ga ni! what a long time he has been gone!
korakati s čásom to move with the times
čási so minuli, ko... time was, when...
čás je potekel time is up
preganjati čás (figurativno) to while away the time
prihraniti čás to save time
prebiti svoj čás to pass one's time
njegov čás je prišel his hour has struck
čakati svoj čás to bide one's time
držati korak s čásom to keep pace with the times
priti ravno o pravem čásu to come in the nick of time
čás bo pokazal time will show, time will tell
čás presti (figurativno) to twiddle one's thumbs
je škoda čása (ne izplača se) it is not worth while
ob nepriličnem čásu priti h komu to intrude upon someone's time
štopati čás to time with a stopwatch
on je videl boljše čáse he had known better times
vzeti mnogo čása to take long
precéj čása mi bo vzelo, da... it will take me ages to...
to mi vzame skoraj ves moj čás it takes up nearly all my time
vzemite si čás! take your time!
ubi(ja)ti čás to kill time
ves čás sem to vedel I have known it all the time (ali all along)
precéj čása te že nisem videl I haven't seen you for ages
precéj čása bo trajalo, da... it will take some time to...
zapravljati tratiti (svoj) čás to waste one's time, to fritter away one's time, ZDA žargon to boondoggle
med tem čásom se je marsikaj zgodilo many things have happened in between
čás je denar time is money
preživljati težke čáse to have a hard time
čás hitro teče time passes quickly (ali races by, flies)
čúj(te) listen!; look here!; arhaično hark!
čúj(te), natakar! I say, waiter!
dán day; (dnevna svetloba, luč) daylight, daytime; (svetloba) light
dober dán! (zjutraj) good morning!, (popoldne) good afternoon!, (splošno) how do you do!, pogovorno hallo!, hullo!, ZDA hello, (pri poslovitvi) good day!, pogovorno see you!, be seeing you!; see you later!
deloven dán working day, weekday
črn dán figurativno a black day, a dark day, an unfortunate day
materinski dán Mother's Day
novoletni dán New Year's Day
beli dán broad daylight
plačilni dán payday
postni dán fast day
prazničen dán holiday
pasji dnevi dog days pl
prosti dán day off, (brez pouka) day off school
rojstni dán birthday
srečen dán a red-letter day
sodni dán the Last Day, Judgment Day, Day of Judgment, Doomsday
davni dnevi bygone days, arhaično day of yore
spominski dán Remembrance Day (11. november)
z dne 3. maja dated May 3rd
čez dán (podnevi) in the daytime; during the day, by daylight, by day
dán za dnem day by day
drugi (naslednji) dán next day, the day after
do današnjega dne to the preent day
od dneva do dneva from day to day
čez nekaj dni in a day or two
enega teh dni, te dni enkrat one of these days
dvakrat na dán twice a day
pri belem dnevu in broad daylight
lepega dne one fine day
oni dán (zadnjič) the other day
še oni dán only the other day
še isti dán that very day
od tega dne dalje from this day forth
par dni a couple of days
ta ali oni dán one day or another
svoj živi dán in all my born days, in my lifetime
nekega dne one day, (za prihodnost) some day
pred tremi dnevi three days ago
dán poprej the day before, the day beforehand
teden dni (7 dni) a week
danes teden dni this day week, (pred tednom dni) a week ago
14 dni (2 tedna) a fortnight, two weeks
čez 14 dni in a fortnight
vsak dán every day, daily
vsak drugi dán every other (ali second) day
vsakih pet dni every five days
ves dán all day long, for the whole of the day
ves ljubi božji dán the livelong day
za nekaj dni for a few days
prejšnji dán the previous (ali preceding) day
ki traja ves dán daylong
na dán z besedo! speak out!, out with it!
to je jasno kot beli dán it's as clear as daylight, it's as plain as a pikestaff
biti različen kot noč in dán to be as different as chalk and cheese
béli dán je it is broad daylight
dobiti prost dán to be allowed a day off
ni še vseh dni konec we have not seen the last of it yet
prinesti, spraviti na dán to bring to light
prinesti stvar na dán to broach a matter
sedaj prihaja na dán it now transpires
priti na dán to come to light, to transpire, to leak out, to become known, ZDA to develop
prinesti na dán svoje težave to air one's troubles
ko napoči dán at daybreak, at dawn
za vsakega pride njegov dán every dog has his day
sanja se ti pri belem dnevu you're day-dreaming
svoj živi dán nisem videl... I have never seen in all my born days (ali in my lifetime)...
dnevi so mu šteti his days are numbered
zagledati dán (luč sveta) to be born, to come to light, to come out
določiti dán to fix a day
voščiti dober dán to bid someone good day, zastarelo to give someone the time of day
bil je 2 dni prepozen he was two days late
delati noč in dán to work day and night
ne hvali dneva pred nočjo do not praise the day before it is over; laugh before breakfast and you'll cry before supper
do (nekako, okoli, skoraj) about, somehow, somewhat, in some way
do sedem ur about seven hours; (časovno) till, until; (krajevno) as far as; up to
od... do... from... till...; from... to...
od treh do štirih from three to four
do kdaj? when?, how long?
do danes up to this day
do sedaj so far, thus far
do tedaj, do takrat till then, by that time
do 5. aprila up to 5th April (beri: the fifth of April)
do zdaj till (ali until) now, up to now, as yet, hitherto, so far
do sedaj (zdaj) še ne not as yet
do današnjega dne up to this day, to date, thus far
do nedavnega until recently
do nadaljnjega until further notice, for the present, pending further instructions, until further instructions
(prav) do danes, do današnjega dne to this very day
(prav) do zadnjega to the very last
od petka do vključno nedelje from Friday to Sunday inclusive, ZDA from Friday through Sunday
do treh (ne pozneje) by 3 o'clock
(najpozneje) do by
do konca tega tedna by the end of this week
do božiča by Christmas
od danes do jutri (kratkotrajten) short-lived, ephemeral, transient, provisional
od leta do leta year in, year out
živeti od danes do jutri to live from hand to mouth
do roka dospelosti till due
do vratu up to the neck
do kolen up to the knees
do temelja to the ground
spremil te bom do pošte I'll see you as far as the post office
ni mi do... I do not care for...
ni mi do šal I am not in a joking mood
plačal sem najemnino do 1. avgusta I have paid the rent up to 1st August (beri: the first of August)
do zadnjega moža to the last man
dočákati to live to see
tega ne bom dočakal I shan't live to see it
dočakal je visoko starost he has lived to a great age
končno smo te dočakali finally you have come
kdor nestrpno čaka, nikoli ne dočaka (figurativno) a watched pot never boils
dohájati to keep pace with, to keep up with
ne morem te dohájati I can't keep up with you
za dólgo for long
že dólgo long, long ago, for a long time
kako dólgo? how long?
dólgo poprej long before
že dólgo (nazaj) for a long time since
kako dólgo že? how long since?
še dólgo ne (daleč proč) far from it, not for a long time, not by a long way
dólgo (je že) tega (that was) long ago
dólgo ga že poznam I have known him a long time
ne dólgo tega not so very long ago
dólgo je že, kar... it is a good while since...
kje si bil tako dólgo? where have you been all this time?
že dólgo ga nisem videl I haven't seen him for a long time, it's a long time since I saw him last
dólgo je že, kar je umrl it is a long time since he died, he died long ago
je že dólgo (od) tega? was this long ago?
kako dólgo te ni bilo! how long you were!
dólgo ga ni bilo he was a long time coming
ne bom dólgo (počakajte hipec) I shan't be long
dólgo me ni bilo tu I have not been here long
to že dólgo vem I have known that (for) a long time
je za dólgo odšel? has he gone for long?
ne morem dólgo (časa) teči I cannot run (ali keep on running) for long
predólgo ste čakali you have waited too long
ne bo več dólgo (pri življenju) he hasn't long to go, he isn't long for this world
dolgočásiti to bore; to tire; to weary
te dolgočasim? am I boring you?
vse ga dolgočasi everything palls on him, he finds no enjoyment in anything
silno, na smrt dolgočásiti to bore to distraction, to bore someone stiff
dolgočásiti se to feel dull, to be bored, to feel bored (ali pogovorno browned-off)
dolgočasim se I'm getting bored; I am bored
na smrt se dolgočásiti to be bored to extinction (ali to tears), to die of boredom, to be bored stiff
z njim se človek ne dolgočasi one cannot feel dull with him, he keeps you alive
drág dear; (necenén) expensive; dear; costly
drág kamen a precious stone
drága večerja an expensive dinner
dráge volje willingly, readily; with a good grace
knjiga je drága the book is expensive (ali dear)
moj drági! my dear!
drági moj prijatelj! my dear friend!
vino je tu zelo drágo wine is very dear here
drágo mi je I am glad (ali pleased)
napravite, kot Vam je drágo do as you like, do just as you please
če ti je življenje drágo if you value your life
karkoli ti je drágo anything you like
to mi je predrago this is too expensive for me
to je eden najdražjih hotelov v Parizu it is one of the most expensive hotels in paris
vrnil sem mu milo za drágo I paid him in his own coin, I gave him tit for tat; I got even with him
to je tisto, kar mi je najdražje na svetu that is what I hold dearest on earth
drágó prodajati to sell dear
to te bo drágó stalo it will cost you dear
drágó je to plačal he paid dear for it
to mi bo drágo plačal I'll take it out of him, I'll make him pay dearly (ali dear) for it
edínokrat only once, only one time
zdaj edínokrat te prosim I'm only asking you this once
féj medmet faugh!, pooh!, arhaično fie!; disgustiug!, shame on you!, for shame!
féj, taki ljudje! what disgusting people!, žargon what a shower!, what an absolute shower!
féj, kako smrdi! pooh, what a stench!
to je vreme, féj what (absolutely) foul weather!
féj te bodi! you ought to be ashamed of yourself; aren't you ashamed!; why, it's (absolutely) disgraceful!
govoríca rumour; talk(ing); language; report; (čenče) gossip, tattle, pogovorno blabber; (narečje) dialect
prazne govoríce nonsense, pogovorno poppycock, bosh
govoríca se je izkazala kot lažniva the rumour has proved false
širijo se govoríce rumours have got abroad
govoríca gre the rumour goes, rumour has it, it is rumoured
govoríca se širi it is widely rumoured (da that)
širiti govoríco to spread a rumour
to je samó govoríca this is only a rumour
te govoríce se širijo z namenom, da... these rumours (ali reports) are spread only with the object of...
bile so govoríce o njegovem odstopu (demisiji) there have been rumours (ali reports) of his resigning
hotéti to be willing; to want; (marati) to like; (želeti) to wish, to want, to desire; (nameravati) to intend, to purpose, to mean, to have in view
rajši hotéti to prefer
ne hotéti to be unwilling
hočeš cigareto? will you have a cigarette?
kaj hočete? what do you want?
kaj hočeš od mene? what do you want of me?
on ve, kaj hoče he knows what he wants, he knows his mind
kakor hočete as you like, as you please, as you wish, suit yourself
naj to hoče ali ne whether he likes it or not
hočeš-nočeš whether you like it or not, willy-nilly, willing or unwilling
noče sprejeti denarja he won't accept the money
naj stane, kar hoče whatever the cost, whatever it may cost
kaj hočete reči s tem? what do you mean by it?
ona dela, kar hoče she has her own way
sam ne ve, kaj hoče he does not know his own mind
hočem, da greš domov I want you to go home
s silo hoče, da grem domov he insists on my going home, he insists I go home
imamo vse, kar hočemo we have all we want, we want for nothing
hočemo mu dobro we wish him well
kaj mi hoče (čemu mi bo) ta knjiga? I have no use for this book
hoče mi se (piti) I feel like a drink, I feel thirsty, I'd like a drink
dobro vem, kaj on hoče I fully appreciate (ali I realise full well) what he has in mind
kakorkoli hočete as you like (ali choose ali please), at your discretion
hoče biti (dela se, da je) znanstvenik he pretends to be a scientist
hočeš, da te peljem z avtom (na postajo)? would you like me to drive you (to the station)?, shall I drive you (to the station)?
hočete še malo mesa? will you have (ali take) a little more meat?
kaj sem hotel reči? what was I going to say
hotel sem samo reči, da... I only meant to say that...
hotel je telelefonirati, pa je pozabil he meant to call, but he forgot
(sam) si to hotel you asked for it (yourself)
hotela me je udariti she felt like hitting me
usoda je hotela, da... it was fated that...
srce mi je hotelo počiti my heart was ready to burst (ali to break)
on je tako hotel he wanted it that way
hotel se je poročiti he wanted to get married, he was about to be married
nesreča je hotela (as) ill luck (ali misfortune) would have it
na vsak način je hotel imeti nov avto he insisted on having a new car
jaz bi hotel (iti) I should like (I'd like) to (go)
kaj bi hoteli še več? what more could you wish for?
hotéti in želeti je dvoje willing and wishing are not the same
inficírati medicina to infect (z with)
inficírati se to become (ali to get) infected; to catch an infection
te ideje so inficirale vso mladino figurativno these ideas poisoned (ali infected) all the young people's minds