
Zadetki iskanja

  • elíta francosko the élite; the cream, the flower, the choice, the pick; the chosen few, (ironično) the great and the good; la crème de la crème

    družbena elíta the cream of society
    intelektualna elíta kake dežele the intellectual aristocracy, the intelligentsia of a country
  • zrcálo mirror; looking glass; glass; medicina speculum, pl -s, -la

    ogledovati se v zrcálou to look at oneself in the glass
    od blizu gledati, strmeti v zrcálo to peer into the glass
    videti svoj odsev v zrcálou to see one's repection in the glass
    zrcálo med dvema oknoma pier glass
    beneško zrcálo Venetian mirror
    trojno zrcálo triple mirror
    omara z zrcálom wardrobe with a mirror
Število zadetkov: 2