tisočák banknote of 1,000 (tolars)
apríl April
1. april (figurativno) April Fools' Day, All Fools' Day
potegniti koga za 1. april to make someone an April fool
poslati koga po aprila to send someone upon a fool's errand
Avstrálec; avstrálski Australian
Avstrálski vojak (1. svetovne vojne) Australian soldier, žargon Aussie; (vzdevek) Ocker
Avstrálski naseljenec, rojen v Angliji slabšalno Pommy, Pommie, Pom
desét ten
stran 10 page 10 (ten)
kakih desét about ten
kakih desét oseb some ten persons
v kakih desétih dnevih in ten days or so
ura je četrt čez desét it is a quarter past ten
desét zapovedi biblija decalogue, the ten commandments pl
desét let je star he is ten
stavim 10 proti 1, da... I lay ten to one that
dné 1. marca 1st March, March 1st (beri: the first of March, March the first)
do (nekako, okoli, skoraj) about, somehow, somewhat, in some way
do sedem ur about seven hours; (časovno) till, until; (krajevno) as far as; up to
od... do... from... till...; from... to...
od treh do štirih from three to four
do kdaj? when?, how long?
do danes up to this day
do sedaj so far, thus far
do tedaj, do takrat till then, by that time
do 5. aprila up to 5th April (beri: the fifth of April)
do zdaj till (ali until) now, up to now, as yet, hitherto, so far
do sedaj (zdaj) še ne not as yet
do današnjega dne up to this day, to date, thus far
do nedavnega until recently
do nadaljnjega until further notice, for the present, pending further instructions, until further instructions
(prav) do danes, do današnjega dne to this very day
(prav) do zadnjega to the very last
od petka do vključno nedelje from Friday to Sunday inclusive, ZDA from Friday through Sunday
do treh (ne pozneje) by 3 o'clock
(najpozneje) do by
do konca tega tedna by the end of this week
do božiča by Christmas
od danes do jutri (kratkotrajten) short-lived, ephemeral, transient, provisional
od leta do leta year in, year out
živeti od danes do jutri to live from hand to mouth
do roka dospelosti till due
do vratu up to the neck
do kolen up to the knees
do temelja to the ground
spremil te bom do pošte I'll see you as far as the post office
ni mi do... I do not care for...
ni mi do šal I am not in a joking mood
plačal sem najemnino do 1. avgusta I have paid the rent up to 1st August (beri: the first of August)
do zadnjega moža to the last man
fébruar February
29. fébruar (prestopni dan) bissextile day
pismo je datirano z 11. fébruarjem the letter is dated February 11th
dne 1. fébruarja on February 1st, on 1st February (beri: on February the first, on the first of February)
jánuar January
jánuarja, v jánuarju in January
prvi (1.) jánuar the first of January, New Year's Day
kajúta cabin
luksuzna kajúta na ladji stateroom
kapitanova kajúta the captain's stateroom
kajúta 1. razreda first-class saloon
komád (kos) piece
po komádih piecemeal, piece by piece
po 1 tolar komád at a tolar each
gledališki komád play, piece
prodajati po komádih to sell by the piece
kvárt quart
kvárt format quarto; (1/4 galone = 1,136 l) quart
máj May
v máju in May
1. maj May Day; the first of May
proslava 1. maja politika May Day demonstration
mérnik bushel (VB 36,3 l, ZDA 35,3 l)
1/4 mérnika (= 9 l) a peck (krompirja of potatoes)
mérnik težav (figurativno) a peck of troubles
mésec (luna) moon; (koledarski) calendar month
lunarni mésec lunar month
v roku enega méseca within a month
méseca marca in the month of March
danes mésec dni a month today
konec méseca at the end of the month
mésecu day of the month
danes tri mésece three months today
ta mésec, tega méseca (t. m.) this month, the current (ali present) month
9 t.m. the 9th of this (ali of the present, of the current) month, the 9th inst. (= instant)
prihodnji mésec next month, prox. (= proximo)
pretekli mésec last month, ult. (= ultimo)
dne 1. prihodnjega méseca on the 1st prox.
vzhod (zahod) méseca moonrise (moonset)
mésece dolgo going on for months, of some months' duration, lasting months
mésec sije the moon is shining
koliko zaslužiš na mésec? how much do you make a month?
vsake 3 mésece every three months
enkrat, dvakrat na mésec once, twice a month
vsak mésec, enkrat na mésec monthly
nóta note
nóte pl glasba music
diplomatska nóta diplomatic note
protestna nóta note of protest
izmenjava diplomatskih nót politika exchange of notes
nóte za klavir piano music, music for piano
(tiskane) glasbene nóte (printed) music, (nevezane) sheet music
papir za nóte music paper
stojalo za nóte music desk; music stand
cela (1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 nóte) glasba semibreve (minim, crotchet, quaver ali ZDA eighth note, semiquaver ali ZDA sixteenth note, demisemiquaver)
peti po nótah to read music, to sight-read, to be a sight reader, to sing at sight
prinesite nóte s seboj! bring your music along!
obrésti1 interest
navadne obrésti simple interest
obrestne obrésti compound interest
visoke obrésti high interest rate
tekoče obrésti current interest rate
dolgovane obrésti interest due
zamudne obrésti interest for delay (ali for retardment)
glavnica z obréstmi (vred) principal and interest
zaostale obrésti interest unpaid, arrears pl of interest, outstanding interest
5% letne obrésti interest at the rate of five per cent per annum
dohodek od obrésti investment income
izguba obrésti loss of interest
z obréstmi together with (ali plus) interest
brez obrésti free of (ali ex) interest
debetne obrésti interest on debit balances
dajati, donašati obrésti to bear interest
dati 5% obrésti to yield an interest of five per cent
naložiti denar na obrésti to put the money on interest
dodati obrésti glavnici to add the interest to the principal
posoditi denar proti obréstim to lend money at (ali on) interest
poplačati z obréstmi to pay back interest
pripisati obrésti kapitalu to add the interest to the capital
vrniti kaj z obréstmi (figurativno) to return something with interest
obrésti tečejo od 1. maja interest accrues from the first of May
zahtevati oderuške obrésti to charge exorbitant rates of interest
zaračunati obrésti to charge interest
živeti od obrésti to live on annuities (ali investment income, income from investments)
živi od obrésti svojega kapitala he lives on the interest from his capital
od from; of; since; on, upon
od 1 do 10 from one to ten
10 od 20ih ten out of twenty
od 100 niti 1 not one in a hundred
od daleč from far away, from afar
od Ljubljane do Zagreba from Lj. to Z.
od časa do časa from time to time
od danes dalje (naprej) from this day (forward)
od jutri naprej from tomorrow
od sedaj naprej from now on, henceforth
od 9ih do 10ih from nine till (ali to) ten
od nedelje do petka from Sunday to (ZDA through) Friday
od jeseni since autumn
(že) od nekdaj for some time
od malega (mladih let) from childhood (on)
od prvega do zadnjega from first to last
od povsod from everywhere, from all sides
od včeraj since yesterday
od takrat, od tedaj from that time, from then on; thence, since then, thenceforth
(že) od (vsega, prvega) začetka from the (very) beginning (ali start)
od jutra do večera from morning till (ali to) night, all day long, all the livelong day
od zadaj from behind
sam od sebe by myself (yourself, etc.), spontaneously, of one's own accord
od spodaj from beneath
nobeden od nas none of us
od besede do besede (dobesedno) word for word, literally, verbatim
od mnogih primerov among many examples
nem od presenečenja (struck) dumb with astonishment
otrpel od mraza stiff with cold
zapuščen od vseh abandoned (ali deserted, forsaken) by everyone
od srca rad most willingly
od utrujenosti from fatigue
lepo od vas nice of you
ni lepo od tebe it isn't nice of you
drhteti od strahu to tremble with fear
moj brat je večji od mene my brother is taller than I (am) (ali pogovorno than me)
od kdaj si že v bolnici? how long have you been in hospital?
od razburjenja ni mogel govoriti he could not speak for excitement
to odvisi od vremena that depends on the weather
pozdravi ga od mene (v mojem imenu) give him my best regards
(od) kar ljudje pomnijo from time immemorial, from time out of mind
umreti od lakote, jetike to die of hunger, of consumption
on živi od peresa (figurativno) he lives by his pen
okróžnica circular; circular letter; form letter
razposlati okróžnico to circularize
v skladu z okróžnico, po okróžnici according to the circular
okróžnica št. 1 circular no. one
pogójno prislov conditionally
pogójno obsoditi to bind over (za 1 leto for a year)
bil je pogójno obsojen za 2 leti he was bound over for two years
pogójno izpuščen pravo released on parole
pogójno izpuščeni kaznjenec prisoner released on parole
poúk lesson (s pl); school; instruction
imeti poúk to have lessons
prisostvovati poúku to attend classes
to naj ti bo v poúk let this be a lesson to you
imam poúk do enajstih I have lessons till eleven o'clock
poúk se bo začel 1. septembra the school meets on September 1st
neopravičeno izostati od poúka to play truant, to stay away from school, ZDA to play hooky; to cut school
danes ni poúka there is no school today
poúka je konec school is over