
Zadetki iskanja

  • čestítati

    čestítati komu to congratulate someone (za on, upon); to compliment someone (on); arhaično to felicitate someone (on)
    čestitam! congratulations!
    čestital sem mu že za zmago I have already complimented him on his victory
    čestitam si, da sem to naredil I congratulate myself on having done it
    lahko si čestitaš! you may congratulate yourself! ali pogovorno you can give yourself a pat on the back
    čestitali so si drug drugemu they congratulated one another
    iskreno vam čestitamo k vašemu uspehu we heartily congratulate you on your success
  • sméti (smem) to be allowed (ali permitted); to dare

    če smem vprašati if I may ask
    smem reči besedo? may I say a word?
    ona ne sme iz hiše she is not allowed to leave the house
    ali sme že čestitati? are congratulations in order?
Število zadetkov: 2