mísel thought; idea
v míslih in mind, in one's thoughts
bogat z míslimi rich (ali fertile) in ideas
istih mísli like-minded, of the same mind
zatopljen v mísli engrossed (ali sunk, lost in thought)
vodilna mísel chief (ali principal) idea
že sama mísel na to the mere thought of it, merely thinking of it
prenos mísli thought-transference
branje mísli thoughtreading
svoboda mísli freedom of thought, free thought
črne mísli mi rojé po glavi I am in the doldrums
njegovo ime mi ne pride na mísel his name has slipped my memory
često vas imam v míslih you are often in my thoughts
kako si prišel na to mísel? what put such an idea into your head?
njegova edina mísel je, kako priti do denarja his sole thought is to make money
priti komu na mísel to be remembered by someone, to come (back) to mind, to be in someone's thoughts
nikoli mi ni to prišlo na mísel it never entered my head (ali my mind)
na mísel mi pride it occurs to me, it comes into (ali it crosses) my mind, I discover (da... that)
imeti samó eno mísel to have but one thing in mind (ali one thought)
tolar bi dal, da bi (zdajle) vedel za tvoje mísli! (figurativno)a penny for your thoughts!, a penny for them!
v glavo mi je šinila mísel, da... it suddenly occurred to me, the thought struck me that...
ne morem slediti tvoji mísli I don't follow you, I don't get your drift, I don't see what you're driving at
v míslih te vidim I can see you in my mind (ali in my mind's eye)
ni mu prišlo na mísel, da bi plačal svoj dolg he had no thought of paying his debt
brati, uganiti mísli koga to read someone's thoughts
želja je rodila mísel the wish is father to the thought
zaupati komu svoje mísli to open one's mind to someone
ne morem se znebiti, (otresti) te mísli I cannot banish (dismiss) this thought from my mind, I cannot get rid of this idea
kolikor glav, toliko mísli many men, many minds
še na mísel mi ne pride, da bi to storil I would not dream of doing it
Zadetki iskanja
- mísliti to think (na of, o about); to believe; (premišljevati) to cogitate (o upon) to reflect (o upon), to meditate
logično mísliti to reason (o about, on); (natančno, skrbno pretehtati) to deliberate; (meniti, domnevati) to mean, to suppose; ZDA to guess, to reckon; (biti mnenja) to be of the opinion; (predstavljati si) to imagine, to fancy, to conceive, to envisage, to realize; (upoštevati) to consider, to contemplate; (nameravati) to intend, ZDA to figure
mislim da I think so, I suppose so, I should think so
mislim da ne I don't think so
mislim, da imate prav I dare say you are right
ne morem si mísliti, da... I cannot imagine that...
na to ni mísliti it's not to be thought of; that is out of the question
to mi da mísliti this sets me thinking, this gives me food for thought, this makes me ponder
kaj misliš o tem? what is your opinion about it?, what's your idea?
povem, kar mislim I speak my mind
mislim si svoje I have my own idea (ali ideas)
mislili bomo na to we shall think of it, we shall not forget it
na kaj (na koga) misliš? what (whom) are you thinking of?
ni mísliti, da... it is not to be supposed that...
ona dobro misli (hoče, namerava) she means well, her intentions are good
ne misli več na to! don't give it another thought!, forget about it!
oni dobro mislijo o tebi they think well of you, they have a good opinion of you
nemogoče si je mísliti, da... it is unthinkable that...
kaj misliš storiti? what do you intend to do?
kaj pa misliš! what are you thinking of?
misli name! remember me!
to sem si mislil I thought so, I thought as much
tega si ne bi mislil od tebe I wouldn't have expected that from you, I am surprised at you
mísliti pri sebi to think to oneself
to si lahko mislim I can well imagine (that)
on misli le nase he only thinks of himself (ali pogovorno number one)
človek bi mislil, da... anyone (ali one) would think that...
mislim, da ne bo prišel I do not think he will come
jaz mislim drugače I don't agree, I beg to differ
kdo pa mislite, da sem jaz? who (ali arhaično whom) do you take me for?
mislite si, kar hočete! you may think what you like!
kdo bi si bil to mislil! who would have thought it!
o njem mislijo, da je bogat he is thought (ali supposed) to be rich
takó se splošno misli that is the current opinion
mislim, da je stara 30 let I imagine (ali I guess) she is (ali must be) thirty
mísliti s svojo glavo to do some indepenedent thinking
še v sanjah ne mislim nothing is further from my mind
javnost misli the public feeling is...
ne mislim nič hudega I mean no harm
menda ne misliš, da... you don't suppose that...?
ne bi si bil mislil, da so tako pošteni I would not have credited them with so much honesty
tega ne misliš zares (resno)? you don't mean it?, surely you can't be serious?
mislimo vse najbolje o tvojem prijatelju we hold your friend in the highest esteem
ona misli le na svojo zabavo she thinks of nothing but her own pleasure
takó jaz ne mislim that's not my way of thinking
glasno mísliti to think aloud, to think out loud - míšica anatomija muscle
míšice pl (moč) brawn
brez míšic muscleless
nategniti si míšico to strain a muscle - mlád young; youthful; adolescent, juvenile
od mládega, od mládih nog since one was a child, from childhood
v mojih mládih letih in my early years, in my youth
še mlád youngish
mládi in stari young and old
mláda kri youthful blood
mláda luna new moon
mlád krompir new potatoes pl
mládo vino new wine
Mladi Turki, mladoturki the young Turks
moj mlajši brat my younger brother
Grad mlajši Grad Junior (krajšava: Jr.)
ona ni več tako mláda she is no chicken
samó enkrat si mlád! you're only young once!
postati zopet mlád to grow young again
ko sem bil mlád in my early life, in my youth
mláda ljubezen young love, first love, early loveaffair
ona je bila njegova mláda ljubezen she was his old sweetheart
ostal je mlád od zadnjega he retained the spirit of youth to the last
videti je mlajša, kot je v resnici she does not look her age
tri leta je mlajši kot jaz he is three years younger than I, (ali pogovorno than me), he is my junior by three years
povreči, imeti, dobiti mláde (o živalih) to bring forth young, to litter, (o psici) to have pups, to whelp, (o medvedki) to cub - mlájši younger; junior; minor
mlájši družabnik junior partner
Grad mlájši Grad Junior (krajšava: Jr.)
moj mlájši brat my younger brother
leto je mlájši od mene he is my junior by a year, he is one year younger than I
videti si mlájši, kot v resnici you do not look your age - mnênje opinion; view; thinking; belief; mind; judgment, judgement; idea
po mojem (skromnem) mnênju in my (humble) opinion (ali judgment), to my mind, ZDA I reckon
javno mnênje public opinion
prevladujoče mnênje prevailing opinion
pristransko mnênje bias
strokovno mnênje expert opinion, finding
vnaprejšnje mnênje (predsodek) prejudice
različno mnênje dissenting opinion
izmenjava mnênj interchange of views, discussion
izražanje mnênja expression (ali statement) of opinion
raziskava javnega mnênja public opinion research, ZDA polls pl
razlika v mnênju difference of opinion, misunderstanding, disagreement, dissent
izraževanje javnega mnênja public opinion poll
sem mnênja, da... I am of the opinion that..., I take the view that...
nisem tega mnênja I disagree
sva različnega mnênja we differ in opinion
biti drugačnega mnênja to dissent
biti istega mnênja z... to agree with...
smo istega mnênja we are of one mind
imeti dobro (slabo) mnênje o... to think highly (badly ali ill) of someone
imeti visoko mnênje o kom to think highly of someone
imeti visoko mnênje o sebi to have a pretty good opinion of oneself, to be self-sufficient, to entertain a high opinion of oneself, to suffer from a swelled head, to think oneself no end of a fellow
odkrito sem mu povedal svoje mnênje I told him my mind
povedati svoje mnênje to speak one's mind
môči, sméti izraziti svoje mnênje o... to dare (ali to venture) to express one's view (ali opinion)
spremeniti mnênj, pridružiti se mnênju koga drugega to come round
mnênja se razhajajo opinions pl differ
postati drugačnega mnênja to change one's mind (ali opinion, views pl)
ne se strinjati z mnênjem kake osebe glede česa to disagree with someone about something
ustvariti si mnênje to form an opinion
ostaniva vsak pri svojem mnênju! let's agree to differ!
javno mnênje se nagiblje njemu v prid public opinion is rallying to his support - mnógo (pred ednino) much; a great (ali a good) deal (of), a lot (of), pogovorno lots (of), bags (of); (pred množino) many, a great (ali a good) many; (pred ednino in množino) plenty of; a considerable amount
mnógo manj much less
v mnogem in many respects
mnógo boljši (bolje) much better
mnógo sreče! good luck!, lots of luck!
mnógo zabave! have a good time!
mnógo več ljudi many more people
mnógo bolj težaven much (ali far) more difficult
imajo mnógo denarja they have a lot of money, pogovorno they've got loads (ali pots, bags) of money
imam mnógo časa I have plenty of time
imajo mnógo dela they have much (ali a great many things) to do
ni mnógo takih, kot je on there are few men like him, there aren't many like him
nisem ga mnógo videl I haven't seen much of him
on mnógo bere he is a great reader
on mnógo dela (pije) he works (drinks) hard, he is a hardworking (hard-drinking) man
jaz mnógo dam manj I have a high opinion of him
mnógo vpitja za nič much ado about nothing
ne si mnógo storiti iz... not to make much of...
preli(va)ti mnógo krvi (solzá) to shed much blood (many tears)
jaz bi mnógo rajši (šel) I had much rather (go)
imamo mnógo časa, da ujamemo vlak (žargon) we've bags of time to catch the train
mnógo hoče več (pregovor) much wants more - môči (morem) to be able, to be capable, to be in a position (to do something); to be enabled; (biti sposoben) to have the faculty, to have the capacity
ni môči (ni moč) it is impossible
morem I can
ne morem I cannot, I can't, I am unable, I am incapable
morem samó pohvaliti... I can't help praising, I can only praise, I have nothing but praise for...
ne morem ga trpeti I cannot bear (ali stand) him
če le morem if I can help it
ne morem si kaj, da se ne bi smejal I can't help (ali resist) laughing
on me ne more (figurativno) he can't stand me
ne morejo se (figurativno) they cannot agree
ne morem več (od utrujenosti) I am dog-tired, I am dead with fatigue, I am knocked-up
ne morem si tega privoščiti I cannot afford it
nič ne morem za to it is not my fault
morem samo (reči)... I simply must (say)...
storil bom, kar bom največ mogel I'll do my best, I'll do all I can, I'll do my utmost, I'll do my very (ali level) best
ne bom mogel plačati I shall not be able to pay
obžalujem, da ne morem I regret my inability
ne morem biti brez I cannot go (ali do) without
denar more vse money talks
njemu ne moreš verjeti he is not to be believed
nanj se ne moreš zanesti he is not to be relied upon
moglo bi biti takó it might possibly be so, pogovorno could be - móda fashion; vogue; mode; style
iz móde out of fashion; outmoded
v módi in fashion, in vogue, fashionable
po módi fashionably
po najnovejši módi up-to date in style, in the latest fashion
najnovejša móda the latest fashion, new look
po stari módi (staromoden) old-fashioned
narejen po zadnji módi made in the latest style
zadnji krik móde (ZDA pogovorno) the last word (ali the latest thing) in fashion
to ni več v módi that is no longer the fashion, that has gone out of fashion
to je bila móda pred 30 leti that was in fashion thirty years ago
to je v módi letos it is the fashion this year
v módi so kratka krila short skirts are in (ali are all the rage)
biti v módi to be in fashion, to be in great demand
priti v módo to come into fashion
priti zopet v módo to come back into fashion
priti iz móde to go out of fashion
prinesti v módo to bring into fashion, to launch a fashion
to pri nas ni v módi that is not the fashion here
ona se oblači po zadnji módi she dresses in the latest fashion
slediti módi, spremljati módo, ravnati se po módi to follow the fashion
voditi v módi to set the fashion
vpeljati novo módo to set a new fashion
kupila si bo klobuk po módi she will buy a smart (ali stylish, modish) hat - motíti to disturb; to inconvenience; to intrude (koga on someone); to trouble; (spanje) to interrupt; (radio) to jam; (posegati v) to interfere with; to violate; (nadlegovati) to inconvenience
motíti se to be mistaken (v kom in someone
v čem about something), to err
kaj vas moti? what is troubling you?, what is upsetting you?
vas moti, če kadim? do you mind if I smoke?
zelo se motiš you're badly mistaken
ne pustite, ne dajte se motíti! don't let me disturb you!
oprostite, da vas motim! excuse my disturbing (ali troubling) you!
upam, da ne motim? I hope I'm not disturbing (ali bothering) you, I hope I'm not in the way
obžalujem, toda moram vas še enkrat motíti I am sorry, but I shall have to trouble you again
nekoliko se motite you are slightly mistaken
če se ne motim if I am not mistaken, unless I am mistaken
ne daj se motíti! do not inconvenience yourself!
motíti se je človeško to err is human
motiš se! (si na napačni sledi!) you are barking up the wrong tree
ali motim? am I in the way?, am I intruding? - móž man, pl men
velik (visok) móž a tall man, (figurativno) a great man; (soprog) husband
kot en móž (enoglasno) as one man
móž proti móžu (bližinski) hand-tohand
borba móža proti móžu hand-to-hand struggle
slamnati móž (figura, statist) man of straw, dummy
divji móž wild man of the woods
povodni móž water sprite
do zadnjega móža (= vsi) to the last man, (all) to a man
padli so (v boju) do zadnjega móža they perished to a man
pravi móž na pravem mestu the right man in the right job (ali place)
vsi možje brez izjeme every man jack
priti, naleteti na pravega móža to come to the right man
biti le pol móža (figurativno) to be only a half man
izkazati se za móža to play the man, (ne se ustrašiti) to stand up to it like a man
dvigniti se kot en móž to rise like one man
pokaži, da si móž! show yourself a man!, show us what you're made of!
govorita kot móž móžu! let us have a man-to-man talk!
biti móž beseda to keep one's word, to be a man of one's word
on je móž beseda he is a man of his word
ladja se je potopila z vsemi móžmí na krovu the ship went down (ali sank) with all hands
móž jo tepe, kadar je pijan her husband (ali man) beats her when he is drunk - mŕšiti to tousle, to touzle
mŕšiti si lase to tousle one's hair - mŕtev dead; (umrli, rajni) deceased, late
mŕtvi pl the dead; (brez življenja) lifeless, inanimate, inert; (brezčuten) insensible, benumbed, hardened (za against); (ugasel) extinct; past; (neproduktiven) idle
na pol mŕtev half-dead
mŕtev kot hlod stone dead, as dead as a doornail, dead as mutton
bolj mŕtev kot živ more dead than alive; more than half-dead
ves mŕtev na kaj dead keen on something, crazy about something, pogovorno into something
že davno mŕtev dead and gone
stoj, ali pa si mŕtev! stop, or you're a dead man!
mŕtev jezik dead language
mŕtva barva dull (ali lifeless) colour
mŕtev kapital unemployed (ali frozen) capital
mŕtva kopriva dead nettle
Mrtvo morje the Dead Sea
mŕtva sezona dead (ali off) season
mŕtva tišina dead silence
mŕtva oseba the deceased, dead person; vojska casualty
mŕtev tir dead-end siding
mŕtev kót dead ground, shielded angle, blind spot
mŕtva veja dead branch
mŕtva teža dead weight
mŕtva straža vojska forlorn hope
mŕtev prostor dead area
mŕtva točka tehnika dead centre, dead point, (figurativno) deadlock, standstill
mŕtev tek tehnika lost motion, šport dead heat
kraljestvo mrtvih kingdom (ali realm) of the dead
sežig(anje) mrtvih cremation, incineration
smo na mŕtvi točki (figurativno) we are at a standstill
stvar je prišla na mŕtvo točko it came to a deadlock
pogajanja so prišla na mŕtvo točko the negotiations have come to a deadlock (ali to a dead end, to a standstill)
denar mu leži mŕtev v blagajni his money lies dead in a safe
biti ves mŕtev na kaj to be mad (ali crazy) about something, to be dead (ali mad) keen on something
delati se mrtvega to feign death, to sham dead
pretepsti do mŕtvega to beat black and blue
proglasiti za mŕtvega to declare someone dead, to officially pronounce someone dead
zbuditi (vstati) od mrtvih to raise (to rise) from the dead
zgruditi se mŕtev to drop dead, to die in one's boots, ZDA to die in one's tracks - nabáviti to purchase, to buy (in), to acquire; to obtain; to work as a buyer; to procure; to get; (živila) to cater
nabáviti komu kaj to provide something for someone
nabáviti si zemljevid to get oneself a map
nabáviti denar to raise money - nagrábiti to rake; to scrape together; (bankovce skupaj) to scoop; figurativno to accumulate, to hoard
nagrábiti senó to rake hay
nagrábiti si (premoženje) to amass - nakloníti (nagniti) to incline; (upogniti) to bend
nakloníti si koga to win (ali to gain) someone's favour, to find favour with someone
(podariti) nakloníti kaj to make a present of something, to present (someone) with something - nakopáti to get by digging, to dig out
nakopáti sramoto komu to bring shame on someone
nakopáti si kaj to incur something
nakopáti si bolezen to contract (ali to catch) a disease
nakopáti si sovraštvo to incur the hatred (of someone)
nakopáti si dolgove to incur debts
nakopáti si odgovornost (dolg) to burden (ali to saddle) oneself with responsibility (debt)
nakopáti si globo to incur a fine
nakopáti si na glavo (figurativno) to burden oneself (with)
nakopáti si sramoto to bring shame on oneself
sam si si nakopal te nevšečnosti you have made a rod for your own back, you have brought this on yourself - nalíti to pour (in), to fill (kozarec a glass)
nalíti si kozarec to pour oneself out a glass - napáčen wrong; false; incorrect
napáčno prislov wrong, wrongly
napáčno ime false (ali fictitious) name
ni napáčno! not bad!
napraviti napáčen korak to take a false step
ura gre napáčno the clock is (ali goes, is going) wrong
napáčno uganiti (nepravo zadeti) to guess wrong
napáčno razumeti to misunderstand
napáčno me razumete you misunderstand me, you mistake me
kaj se ti zdi napáčno pri tem? what do you find wrong with it?
na napáčnega je naletel (figurativno) he had come to the wrong shop
peljati se z napáčnim vlakom to take the wrong train
napáčno je držal knjigo he was holding the book the wrong way up
napáčno delati, narediti to act wrong, to do wrong
napáčno izgovoriti (obvestiti, pisati) to mispronounce (to misinform, to misspell)
napáčno peti to sing out of tune
napáčno (pre) soditi to misjudge
zelo napáčno je od tebe, da ga podpiraš it is very wrong of you to support him
zaiti na napáčna pota (figurativno) to take the wrong path (ali turning)
ne bi bilo napáčno, če bi to poskusili it wouldn't be a bad idea to try it, we see no harm in trying it
obrnil si se na napáč naslov (osebo) pogovorno you've come to the wrong shop
napáčna ideja a false idea
napáčen pojem a mistaken notion
napáčen odgovor a wrong answer
napáčen podatek, napáčna navedba false statement, misrepresentation
napáčna (telefonska) številka, napáčna zveza! sorry, wrong number! - naprtíti to burden (ali to saddle, to load) (komu kaj someone with something); to impose a burden (komu on someone), to impute something to someone; to charge someone with something
naprtíti komu neprijetno nalogo to charge someone with an unpleasant task
naprtíti tatvino nedolžnemu človeku pogovorno to pin a theft on an innocent person
naprtíti si kaj to saddle oneself with something
naprtíti si breme to take upon oneself a burden
naprtíti komu odgovornost to saddle someone with responsibility
naprtíti si odgovornost to saddle oneself with responsibility