
Zadetki iskanja

  • tákšen ➞ tak; suchlike

    tákšen kot such as
    še ena tákšna nesreča another such disaster
    nič tákšnega no such thing
    tákšna predrznost, nesramnost! such impudence!
    kakršen gospodar, tákšen sluga like master, Iike man
  • têči to run; to flow, to stream; (čas) to go by (ali on), to pass by, to roll by; (stroj) to go, to work, to play; (promet) to circulate; (posoda) to leak, to run out

    beseda mu teče gladko he speaks fluently (ali volubly, glibly)
    stvar teče gladko things are running smoothly (ali like clockwork), things are going swimmingly (ali without a hitch), it's all plain sailing, VB žargon it's a doddle
    kri teče blood is (being) shed (ali spilt)
    kri je tekla there has been bloodshed
    kri mu teče iz nosa he has a nose bleed, his nose is bleeding
    têči v prazno (motor) to idle
    zadeva še teče the affair is still continuing (ali is not over yet)
    pusti stvari, da tečejo, kot hočejo! let things take their course!
    voda teče iz pipe the tap is running
    kri, ki mi teče po žilah the blood coursing through my veins
    obresti tečejo od 1. maja the interest runs (ali accrues) from May 1st
    teči, kot da bi šlo za življenje to run for dear life
  • tèšč empty; fasting

    na tèšče on an empty stomach
    biti tèšč not to have breakfasted
    sem še tèšč I have had no breakfast yet
  • težkó prislov heavily; badly; with difficulty; (komaj) hardly, scarcely

    težkó delati to work hard, to toil, to toil and moil
    težkó verjeti to be sceptical
    on se težkó uči he is a backward student
    težkó dostopen hard of access
    težkó izpolnljiv difficult to carry out
    težkó razumljiv difficult to understand
    težkó verjeten hard to believe
    težkó ranjen badly (ali severely) wounded
    težkó dojemati, razume(va)ti to be slow on the uptake
    težkó bolan dangerously ill
    težkó oborožen heavily armed
    težkó je zame I'm finding things hard
    z njo je težkó (figurativno) she is hard to get on with
    težkó mi je (reči) I find it hard (to say)
    njemu je težkó ugoditi he is hard to please
    težkó mi je pri duši it grieves me
    težkó, da bo prišel he will hardly come, it's unlikely he'll come
    težkó, da jo boš še kdaj videl you're unlikely to see her again
  • to this; that; it

    to je (krajšava: t.j.) that is, namely, (krajšava: i.e.)
    o tem about this
    v tem (medtem) (in the) meanwhile
    skozi to through this, on account of this, by it
    razen tega besides, moreover, as well
    kako to? how so?
    (pa) kaj za to? what of that?
    to je vse that's all
    to je možno that may be
    to so oni they are the ones, pogovorno that's them
    ne to ne ono (= nekaj vmesnega, srednjega) neither one thing nor the other, betwixt and between
    pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu for all that
    tega je 10 let ten years ago
    jaz sem za to I am for it, I agree to it
    ni mi do tega I don't care for it
    samó še to bi (se) manjkalo! that would be all we need!, (pogovorno) that would put the tin lid on it!
    pustimo to, kakor je! (pogovorno) let it go at that!
    to mi boš plačal! you'll pay for this!, you'll smart for this!
    koga misliš s tem? whom have you (ali pogovorno who've you got) in mind?
    si to mislil, si to hotel reči? is that what you meant?
    to se pravi that is to say
    iz tega sledi... hence it follows...
    vsi vedó to every one knows that
    poleg vsega tega, (on) še pije apart from all that, he drinks, too
  • tólik tólikšen so large (oziroma big, great, high, tall); of such size (oziroma shape, height); in such numbers

    tólik, tólikšen kot je sedaj such as he is now
    še enkrat tólik, tólikšen as large (oziroma big, high, tall) again
  • tóliko so much (oziroma many); this much, that much; such a number (oziroma an amount, a quantity itd.); as many, so many

    tóliko kolikor as much as
    dvakrat tóliko twice as much (oziroma many)
    še enkrat tóliko as much (oziroma many) again
    še enkrat tóliko dolg as long again
    kolikor tóliko pretty well, fairly
    tóliko bolj (takó) ker... the more so because...
    tóliko bolje (slabše) so much the better (the worse)
    tóliko, da ga niso ubili they almost killed him
    tóliko hujše so much the harder
  • tragédija gledališče tragedy; (tragičen dogodek) tragedy, drama

    tragédija bi bila še večja, če... it would have been (ali would be) much more tragic
  • tréba

    tréba je it is necessary
    kot tréba as it should be, properly, suitably
    napravi to kot tréba! do it properly!
    ni tréba! no need!
    kaj ti tréba več? what more do you want?
    če bi bilo tréba (= v potrebi) if need be
    ne izostani dljè kot tréba! don't stay away longer than you need!
    ni mi tréba tvojega denarja I don't need your money
    tréba mi je I need, I want
    to je tréba storiti this must be done
    tréba je samo reči in... you have only to say the word and...
    še marsikaj bo tréba napraviti there is still much to be done
    ni se ti tréba bati you needn't fear (za for)
    tréba bi ga bilo kaznovati he ought to be punished
    ni se tréba čuditi, da... it is not to be wondered at that...
    ni ti tréba skrbeti you need not trouble
    tréba je delati, če hočeš uspeti you must work if you want to succeed
    če je tréba, bom to jutri naredil I'll do it tomorrow, if it is necessary (ali if need be)
    tréba bo še tri tedne, da končamo to delo it will take us three weeks to finish this job
    pol ure nam je bilo tréba hoditi do postaje it took us half an hour to walk to the station
  • trenútno prislov at the moment, momentarily; for the moment, for the time being, for the present

    trenútno še ne not just yet
    trenútno je to najvažnejša stvar it is the most important matter at the present moment
    trenútno ne moremo napraviti nič boljšega for the moment (ali for the time being) we can do no better
  • vèč more; plus

    vèč kot... more than...
    vèč (od njih) several
    še vèč still more
    vèč kot dovolj enough and to spare
    vèč ljudi several people
    ne vèč no more, no longer
    vèč ali manj more or less
    nič vèč no more
    vèč dni several days, a day or two
    vedno vèč in vèč more and more
    nikoli vèč nevermore, never again
    vèč kot enkrat more than once
    vèč kot teden dni (kot en teden) for over a week
    čim vèč, tem bolje the more the better
    čim vèč dela, tem vèč potroši the more he works the more he spends
    sem vèč kot zadovoljen I am more than satisfied
    on ni vèč nesrečen he is no longer unhappy
    ni ga vèč he is no more
    bil si moj prijatelj, pa nisi vèč you used to be a fiend of mine but you aren't any longer
    imam vèč denarja kot ti I have (ali pogovorno I've got) more money than you
    vèč imaš, vèč hočeš imeti much will have more
    vèč jih je kot nas there are more of them (than of us)
    ne odlašaj vèč! delay no longer!, pogovorno don't put it off any longer!
    nič vèč me ne zebe I don't feel cold any longer
    vèč od njih poznam I know several of them
    nimam vèč denarja I have no money left, I have no more money
    spoznal, srečal sem se z vèč člani kluba I met several members of the club
    ne misli vèč na to! don't think of it any more!, pogovorno forget it!
    nisem mogel vèč molčati I could not remain silent any longer
    ne bom vèč čakal I shall not wait any longer
    ne maram vèč slišati nobene besede o tem I don't want to hear another word about it
    od takrat ga nisem vèč videl I have not seen him since (then)
  • védeti to know; to be aware (of); to realize

    zanesljivo védeti to be positive about
    védeti za kaj to be in the know, to be aware (of something), to be cognizant (of something)
    dobro vedoč za kaj fully cognizant of something
    vem za nekoga, ki... I know of someone who...
    kolikor vem as far as I know, for aught I know (of)
    ne da bi jaz vedel (= kolikor mi je znano ne) not that I know
    pa še kako dobro to vem! don't I know it!
    bojim se, da zdaj nič več ne vem (kot prej) I fear I am none the wiser
    on dobro ve, kaj se je zgodilo he well knows (ali he is well aware of) what happened
    ne védeti za kaj to be ignorant of something
    rad bi vedel I should like to know, I wonder (ali, če whether, if)
    ko bi bil (jaz) vedel! if only I had known!
    védeti o čem to be well aware (ali arhaično apprised) of something
    nihče ne ve, kaj se utegne zgoditi there is no knowing what may happen
    védeti, kaj hočemo (= ne omahovati) to know one's own mind
    kako, da jaz ne bi tega vedel! don't I know it!
    to sam le predobro vem (= komu to pripovedujete?) you are telling me!
    influenca, defterija in ne vem, kaj še vse influenza, diphtheria, and goodness knows what else
    védeti najnovejše (o) to be well up (in), to be au courant (ali up-to-date) with
    človek nikoli ne ve (= nikoli ne veš) you never know, you never can tell
    kako naj vem, kam je šel how should I know where he went
    ali še veš? do you remember?
    ne vem ne kod ne kam I don't know which way to turn
  • védno always; every time, at all times; ZDA all the time; ever; pesniško aye, ay

    skoraj védno nine times out of ten, as often as not
    še védno still; as yet
    za védno for ever, for good, for good and all
    enkrat za védno (vselej) once (and) for all
    védno več more and more
    védno hitreje faster and faster
    védno večji bigger and bigger
    še védno ne not yet
    za védno zapustiti to leave for good
    še védno ga ni he hasn't arrived yet
    védno je bilo tako it was ever thus
    poslovila sta se za védno they bade each other farewell for ever
    védno in védno se vra-, čati to keep coming back
    védno naravnost (naprej)! keep straight ahead!
  • veljáva worth; value; (vozovnice ipd.) validity; currency; pravo operation

    ta zakon je še v veljávi that law is still in force
    ti kovanci so še v veljávi these coins are still legal tender
    biti v splošni veljávi to be current
    ostati v veljávi to remain in force
    stopiti v veljávo to come into operation (ali into force), to be put into operation (ali force), pravo to take effect
    novi vozni red je stopil v veljávo pretekli teden the new timetable came into operation last week
  • véndar yet, still; however

    toda véndarle but yet
    véndarle (vseeno) nevertheless, notwithstanding
    véndarle bo še zmagal he will win yet
    čudno, nenavadno je, a véndarle resnično it is strange and yet true
    véndarle je res it is true all the same; it is true for all that
    véndarle je dober dečko he's a good fellow for all that
    ni hladno danes, véndar bi jaz na vašem mestu vzel površnik it is mild today, still I should take my coat if I were you
    pomagaj mi véndar! do help me!
    saj véndar delam! I do work!
  • vídeti to see; to get sight of; to notice; (opaziti) to become aware, to perceive

    dobro (slabo) vídeti to have good (bad) sight, to have good (bad) eyes
    bežno vídeti to get a fleeting glimpse of
    nič ni vídeti there is nothing to be seen
    na prvi pogled, mižé vídeti (žargon) to see with half an eye
    vídeti je zdrav he looks well
    vídeti je, da... it seems that...
    vídeti v prihodnost to see into the future
    vídeti vse zvezde (figurativno, od udarca) to see stars
    če prav vidim if my eyes do not deceive me
    iz tega se vidi hence it appears
    jasno se vidi it is clear
    na prvi pogled se vidi you can see at a glance, it is self-evident
    vreden, da se vidi worth seeing
    sam lahko vidiš you can see it for yourself
    malo se vidiva we see little of each other
    sam sem to videl I saw it myself
    nič ga ni vídeti he is nowhere to be seen
    konca vojne še ni vídeti the end of the war is not yet in sight
    videl sem smrt od blizu I looked death in the face
    mesto se vidi od daleč the town can be seen from far away
    videl je že lepše čase he has seen better times
    si že kdaj videl kaj takega? did you ever see the like of it?; pogovorno can you beat it?
    naj vidim, da vidim! (naj pomislim) let me see!
    naj te več ne vidim! don't let me see you again!
    rajši vidim, da ne prideš you had better not come
    ne vidiš péd pred nosom! you can see no further than the end of your nose
    vaš prijatelj je, kot je vídeti (kot vidim) starejši od vas your friend, I find, is older than you
    videl sem, kako je padel I saw him fall
    bomo videli! we shall see!, wait and see!
    bomo že videli we'll see, time will tell
    to bomo še (šele) videli that remains to be seen
    rad bi to videl! I'd like to see that!
    videl bo, kdor bo živel live and learn
  • vlák train

    na vláku on a train
    z vlákom by train
    delavski vlák workpeople's train
    jutranji vlák morning train
    potniški (brzi, direktni, ekspresni, posebni, izletniški) vlák passenger (fast, through ali direct, express, special ali extra, excursion) train
    luksusni vlák de luxe train, Pullman
    oklepni vlák armoured train
    lokalni vlák local train; ZDA shuttle train
    mešani vlák composite passenger and goods train
    vlák (jata) rib shoal, school
    redni vlák regular (ali scheduled) train
    odhajajoči vlák (the) train now starting
    vlák ob 4ih the four o'clock train
    tovorni vlák goods train
    vlák ima zamudo the train is late (ali overdue ali behind time)
    vlak ima 10 minut zamude the train is 10 miutes late
    dati v promet poseben vlák to run a special train
    peljati se z vlákom to go by train, to take the train
    s katerim vlákom se boš peljal? which train will you take?
    vlák mora priti ob devetih the train is due at nine
    vstopiti v vlák to board a train, to get on a train
    prestopiti v drug vlák to change
    izstopiti iz vláka to alight from a train, to get off a train
    odpeljati se, odpotovati z vlákom to leave by train
    spremiti koga k odhodu vláka to see someone off
    ujeti, priti pravočasno na vlák to catch a train
    še ujeti vlák to catch a train in the nick of time
    zamuditi vlák to miss a train
  • vozóvnica ticket

    enosmerna vozóvnica single ticket
    povratna vozóvnica return ticket
    sezonska (delavska, dijaška) vozóvnica season ticket, ZDA commutation ticket
    še kdo brez vozóvnica? (v avtobusu) any more fares?
    nedeljska vozóvnica week-end ticket
  • vprašánje question; query; interrogation

    črnsko vprašánje the Negro question
    gornje vprašánje the above question
    indirektno vprašánje gramatika oblique question
    kakšno vprašánje! what a question to ask!
    nujno vprašánje urgent question
    nerešeno vprašánje pending question; question in abeyance
    kritično, odločilno vprašánje crucial question
    odprto vprašánje open question
    pereče vprašánje burning question
    sporno vprašánje question at issue, debatable question, moot question, moot point, point in question
    pravno vprašánje question of law
    sugestivno vprašánje suggestive question
    težko vprašánje (pri izpitu) poser
    vprašánje življenja ali smrti a life-anddeath issue
    to je vprašánje časa (denarja, navade) that is a question (ali a matter) of time (of money, of habit)
    v tem ni vprašánje that is not the point
    to je še vprašánje that is still doubtful
    to nima nobene zveze z vprašánjm this has no bearing on the question
    to je drugo vprašánje that is another matter
    vprašánje je brez pomena (se ne stavlja) the question does not arise
    vprašánje je, kje naj to najdemo the question is, where are we going to find it
    načeti vprašánje to raise a question
    napasti koga z vprašánji to bombard someone with questions
    obsuti koga z vprašánje to shoot questions at someone, to ply someone with questions
    odgovoriti na vprašánje to answer a question
    oddaljiti se od vprašánja to get (ali to wander) away from the point, to digress
    obravnavati vprašánje to discuss a question
    pustiti vprašánje odprto to leave a question unanswered (ali unsolved), to leave a question in suspense
    rešiti vprašánje to solve a question
    ne spadati k vprašánju to be irrelevant to the case
    staviti vprašánje to raise a question, to put (ali to ask) a question
    staviti vprašánje zaupnice to ask for a vote of confidence
    zmesti koga s težkim vprašánjem to puzzle someone
  • vprašljív questionable; doubtful; disputable; (negotov) uncertain

    to je še vprašljívo it is still questionable
    njegovo poštenje ni vprašljívo his honesty is unquestionable, there is no question of his honesty