nò? well?
nò torej well then
nò, nò (tolaženje) there, there!
nò, in kaj potem? well, and what then?
nò, in kaj ti? and what about you?
glej ga nò! there now!
nò, nò, ne jokaj! there, there, don't cry!
nò, ali ti nisem rekel? there, didn't I tell you?
nò, pa je narejeno! there, it is done!
Zadetki iskanja
- obá obé; obádva, obédve both; the two; either of two; the one and the other
za naju oba for the two of us
obe ti dekleti both these girls
v obeh primerih in either case
na obeh straneh ceste on either side (ali on both sides) of the road
kateri od obeh? which of the two?
obe moji roki both my hands
oba vidva bosta morala to drago plačati you'll both have to pay dearly for it - obžalováti to regret; to be sorry (for) to repent, to rue; to deplore
obžalujem, da ti ne morem pomagati I'm sorry I can't help you
obžalujem svoje napake I regret my mistakes
prej ali slej bo to obžaloval he will rue it sooner or later
treba je obžalováti, da... it is to be regretted that...
ne obžalováti to have no regrets
bridko boš to obžaloval! you'll be really sorry for this!, you'll bitterly regret this!
ničesar nimam obžalováti I have nothing to be sorry for
obžaloval je svojo nehvaležnost he repented (ali felt remorseful for) his ingratitude
obžalováti svoje besede to regret (ali to repent) one's words
kmalu bo to obžaloval he will soon regret it
obžalujem, da sem to storil (arhaično) I am sorry I did it - očí eyes pl; (vid) eyesight
med štirimi očmi in private, face to face
pred mojimi očmi before my eyes, in my sight, in my presence
zaradi vaših lepih očí for your blue eyes
boleče očí sore eyes, (od prenapenjana) eye strain
barva očí colour of the eyes
velike in okrogle očí saucer eyes
plamteče (krmežljave, izbuljene) očí flashing (bleary, blear, goggle) eyes
suhe (solzne) očí dry (tearfilled) eyes
na lastne očí, z lastnimi očmi with one's own eyes
prav pred njenimi očmi before her very eyes
slabe očí weak eyes
z odprtimi očmi with open eyes
ki ima dobre (risje) očí keen-eyed (lynx-eyed)
kot bi z očmi trenil (kot bi mignil) in the twinkling of an eye, in a flash
paša za očí a sight for sore eyes, a delightful sight
očí so mu bolj lačne kot želodec his eyes are bigger than his belly
same očí in ušesa so ga he is all eyes and ears, he is all attention
z očí brati komu to guess by someone's look, to anticipate someone's wishes
to bíje v očí it offends the eye
to bôde v očí that strikes (ali catches) the eye
gledati smrti v očí to look death in the face
gledati na kaj z drugimi (drugačnimi) očmi to take a different view of something
imeti dobre (slabe) očí (vid) to have good (bad) eyesight
imeti pred očmi to have (ali to bear, to keep) in mind (ali in sight, in view)
vse solzne očí je imela her eyes brimmed with tears
imeti stalno kaj pred očmi not to lose sight of something
imeti očí za lepo(to) to have an eye for the beautiful
imej odprte očí! (pazi se!) keep your weather eye open!
očí si izjokati to cry one's eyes out
očí si drug drugemu izpraskati to scratch each other's eyes out
ne hodi mi pred očí! keep out of my way!, arhaično begone!
izgubiti iz očí to lose sight of, to lose track of
ne izpustiti iz očí to keep one's eye on
ne izpustim ga iz očí I keep an eye on him, I don't trust him out of my sight
povsod imeti svoje očí (figurativno) to have eyes at the back of one's head
mencati, meti si očí to rub one's eyes
napenjati očí to strain one's eyes
izgini mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!
nasuti komu peska v očí (figurativno) to throw sand (ali dust) in someone's eyes, to bamboozle someone, to hoodwink someone
odpreti komu očí to open someone's eyes, to undeceive someone
to mi je odprlo očí that was an eye-opener for me
očí se mi odpirajo (figurativno) I begin to see now
očí sem mu odprl (figurativno) I opened his eyes for him
široko odpreti očí to open one's eyes wide, to be all eyes
očí so se mu odprle (figurativno) the scales fell from is eyes
pojdi mi izpred očí! get out of my sight!, arhaično begone!
premeriti koga z očmi to eye from head to foot
to pada v očí that leaps to the eye, that hits you in the eye
pasti očí na čem to feast one's eyes on something
pokvariti si očí to spoil one's eyes
povesiti očí to look down
v očí mi je padlo it struck me
ne pridi mi spet pred očí! don't show yourself here again!
to ti povem med štirimi očmi this is for your private ear
z očmi je preletel vrt he cast a glance over the garden
streljati z očmi (figurativno) to shoot glances (na at)
očí si treti to rub one's eyes
upreti očí v to fix one's eye upon, to look fixedly at
škiliti z očmi to squint, to be squint-eyed
očí se mi solzé my eyes are running
kot bi z očmi trenil in the twinkling of an eye, in a trice, in a flash
svojim očem ne verjamem I don't believe my eyes
komaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes, I can hardly believe my own eyes
stopiti komu pred očí (figurativno) to face someone
vreči očí na to have an eye for
z lastnimi očmi videti to be an eyewitness
na očeh se mu vidi, da je lopov his eyes show him up for the rogue he is, arhaično bespeak him a rogue
od teme se ne vidi prsta pred očmi it is pitch-dark
videl sem mu na očeh, da laže I could see (ali I saw) from his face that he was lying
na lastne očí sem to videl I saw it with my own eyes
zapreti očí to close one's eyes
preteklo noč nisem mogel zatisniti očí last night I couldn't sleep a wink
zavezati komu očí to hoodwink someone, to blindfold someone
zatisniti očí ob, nad (spregledati) to shut one's eyes to, to turn a blind eye to, to condone, to connive at, to wink at
zapirati očí pred čem to close one's eyes to something
vrana vrani ne izkljuje očí one crow does not peck out another crow's eyes
daleč od očí, daleč od srca out of sight, out of mind - očítati
očítati komu kaj to reproach someone with something
očítati komu njegovo neodkritosrčnost to reproach someone with duplicity
nimam si kaj očítati glede tega I have nothing to reproach myself with on that score
daleč sem od tega, da bi ti zavoljo tega kaj očital I am far from reproaching you for it
medsebojno si očítati to recriminate
očital mi je nemarnost he taxed me with negligence - odvézati to unbind, to untie; to undo; to unlace, to unstring, to unloose (ali to unloosen), to unfasten; to release; to absolve (od from)
čevelj se ti je odvezal your shoe has come undone
odvézati koga njegove prisege to release someone from his oath
vino mu je odvezalo jezik his tongue was loosened by drink - ógenj fire; (plamen) flame, blaze; (požar) conflagration; (na prostem, kres) bonfire; vojska fire, firing; (za cigareto) light; figurativno (navdušenje) enthusiasm; (vnema) ardour, zeal, passion, heat
pri ógnju at the fire
óg! vojska fire!
z ógnjem in mečem with fire and sword
bengalični ógenj Bengal lights pl
med dvema ógnjema (figurativno) between the devil and the deep blue sea, between the hammer and the anvil
v ógnju (v plamenih) ablaze
pri počasnem, slabem ógnju on a slow fire
božja sodba z ógnjem zgodovina ordeal by fire
odporen proti ógnju fireproof, fire-resistant
križni ógenj vojska cross fire
umetni ógenj (display of) fireworks pl
varen pred ógnjem fire-resistant, fire-resisting, fireproof
nepretrgan ógenj vojska sustained fire
uničevalen ógenj withering fire
metalec ógnja vojska flamethrower
osvetljen od ógnja firelit
ustavitev ógnja vojska cessation of fire
oboževalec ógnja fire worshipper
bil je ves v ógnju (figurativno) he was glowing with enthusiasm
biti pod težkim ógnjem vojska to be under (ali exposed to) heavy fire
biti ves v ógnju za (figurativno) to be fired (ali to be ablaze) with enthusiasm for; to be enthusiastic about
kjer je dim, je tudi ógenj there is no smoke without fire
opečen otrok se boji ógnja a burnt child dreads the fire
dajte mi malo ógnja, prosim may (ali can) I have a light, please?
imate ógenj? have you got a light?, do you have a light?
vas smem prositi za ógenj? may I ask you for a light?, (pogovorno) got a match, please?
óg slabo gori the fire is going out
koncentrirati óg vojska to concentrate one's fire
iti skozi óg za koga (figurativno) to go through fire and water for someone, to go through a great deal for someone
iti po kostanje v óg za koga to pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
igrati se z ógnjem to play with fire, (figurativno) to play with sharp (ali edged) tools
ógenj je izbruhnil a fire broke out
kuhati na ógnju to cook on a (ali on an open) fire
naložiti premog na ógenj to put coal on the fire
biti izpostavljen težkemu ógnju vojska to be exposed to heavy fire
odpreti (začeti) ógenj vojska to open fire
podpihati ógenj to fan the flame
ógenj poide (je pošel) the fire goes out (has gone out, is out)
izkresati ógenj to strike fire
pogasiti ógenj to put out (ali to extinguish) a fire
napraviti (prižgati) ógenj to make (to light, to kindle) a fire, ZDA to fix a fire
podrezati ógenj to make up the fire, to poke (ali to stir) the fire, to stoke up the fire
prili(va)ti olje na ógenj (figurativno) to add fuel to the fire, to pour oil on the fire
še naložiti na ógenj to replenish the fire
kot ógenj (hitro) se razširiti to spread like wildfire
ógenj je uničil tovarno the factory has been destroyed by fire
ustaviti ógenj vojska to cease fire
ustavi ógenj! (vojaško povelje) hold your fire!, cease firing!
vzdrževati ógenj to keep the fire going
vzeti pod ógenj vojska to fire at
zajeziti ógenj to bank up the fire
zavarovati proti ógnju to insure against fire - okó eye; (na krompirju) eye; (mastno) drop of grease; botanika eye (of a bud)
kurje okó (figurativno) corn
operater kurjih očes chiropodist
stekleno okó a glass eye
magično okó magic-eye tuning
mačje okó (figurativno) (rear) reflector
z golim očesom with the naked eye
s prostim očesom with unaided eye
okó postave je budno the eye of the law is ever vigilant
imeti okó za lepoto (za kaj lepega) to have an eye for the beautiful
kakor daleč seže okó as far as the eye can reach, within eyeshot, within range of sight
dljè kot seže okó farther (ali further) than the eye can see
z očesom ne treniti not to bat an eyelid
niti z očesom ni trenil he did not even wince
on ne vidi več na levo okó he lost the sight of his left eye
vidim stvari z istim očesom kot ti (figurativno) I see eye to eye with you
pazi na okó! mind your eye!
zamižati na eno okó to wink an eye (ob at), (figurativno) to connive (at), to shut one's eyes to
zatisnil je eno okó ob mojem kajenju he turned a blind eye to my smoking
ne zatisniti očesa (figurativno) not to sleep a wink
nocoj nisem zatisnil očesa I did not get a wink of sleep last night
okó za okó, zob za zob an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - ólje oil; (= slika v olju) oil painting
bučno ólje pumpkin oil
eterično ólje attar; essential (ali volatile) oil
hudičevo ólje vitriol
kurilno ólje fuel oil
lahko (težko) ólje light (heavy) oil
leskovo ólje (figurativno, tepež z jermenom) the strap, strap oil
laneno ólje linseed oil
kameno ólje petroleum
makovo ólje poppy-seed oil
mineralno ólje mineral oil
namizno ólje salad oil
olivno ólje olive oil
rožno ólje attar of roses
plinsko ólje gas oil, diesel oil
poslednje, sveto ólje religija extreme unction
strojno ólje lubricating oil, engine oil, machine oil
ribje ólje cod-liver oil
ricinusovo ólje castor oil
terpentinovo ólje oil of turpentine
neprepusten za ólje oiltight
dovod ólja oil feed, oil supply
kuhanje na ólju oil cooking
poraba ólja oil consumption
portret v ólju portrait in oils
ročka za ólje oilcan
ólje na ogenj fuel to the flame
namazati z óljem to oil
prili(va)ti ólja na ogenj (figurativno) to pour oil on the flames, to add fuel to the games
slikati z óljem to paint in oils - oprijé(ma)ti se to cling (to); to grasp (at)
oprijé(ma)ti se upanja to cling to a hope - písati to write; (beležiti) to take down, to make a note (of), to make notes, to note down, to set down; (črkovati) to spell
písati po nareku to write from dictation
napačno písati besedo to misspell a word
písati čistopis to make a fair (ali clean, final) copy
písati koncept to write out a rough draft (ali copy)
písati čitljivo (nečitljivo) to write legibly (illegibly)
písati knjige to write books, to be an author
ona lepo piše she writes a nice (ali good, bold) hand
on grdo, nečitljivo piše he writes a cramped (ali niggling) hand
písati note to copy out music
písati na stroj to typewrite, to type
še enkrat, ponovno písati to rewrite
pravilno písati besedo to spell a word correctly
kako se piše ta beseda? how do you spell this word?
ta beseda se piše z -i- this word is spelt with an -i-
slabó písati to write badly, to scrawl
on ne piše, ampak čečka he writes an awful scrawl
písati pismo s črnilom to pen a letter
písati beležko s svinčnikom to jot down a note in pencil, to pencil a note
kako se pišete? what is your name?
kako pišete svoje ime? how do you spell your name?
pisal se je Brown kot ti he was surnamed Brown like you
obsežno, podrobno písati to write extensively, in detail
písati o slovstvu to write on literature
písati v običajni pisavi to write longhand
písati stenografsko to write shorthand
ne zna ne písati ne brati he is illiterate (ali analphabetic)
piši mi par vrstic (ob priložnosti)! drop me a line (occasionally)!
že dva tedna mi ni pisal I haven't heard from him for a fortnight (že pet tednov these five weeks)
písati komu v dobro to put down to someone's credit
dal mi je, reci in piši, 8 tolarjev he gave me precisely 8 tolars
piši me v uho! (žargon) go and fly a kite!, let me alone!, leave me in peace! - pláčati to pay
pláčati v gotovini to pay cash (down), to pay ready money, (takoj) (žargon) to pay on the nail
vnaprej pláčati to prepay, to pay in advance
pláčati račun to settle (ali to balance, to square) an account, to pay one's score, to pay one's reckoning
pláčati menico to honour a bill
ne pláčati to leave unpaid
pláčati v obrokih to pay by instalments, (v majhnih obrokih) to pay by driblets
pláčati v naturalijah to pay in kind
preveč (premalo) pláčati za delo to overpay (to underpay)
predragó, mastno pláčati to pay through the nose
pláčati previsoko ceno to pay a fancy (ali an exorbitant, an extortionate) price, to pay through the nose
preveč pláčati za blago to be overcharged
ogromno, debelo pláčati to pay a fantastic price
plačati račun, stroške za druge (figurativno) to pay the piper
takoj pláčati to pay cash on the spot, to pay spot cash, to pay cash on the nail
pláčati ob prejemu to pay cash on delivery
preveč sem plačal I was out of pocket, I was overcharged
pláčati za nazaj to repay, to refund, to reimburse
pláčati do zadnjega tolarja (pare) to pay to the last farthing
pláčati stroške to pay (ali to defray) expenses
pláčati pred rokom to anticipate payment
pláčati globo to pay a fine
pláčati upnikom to settle with one's creditors
pláčati komu njegove usluge to reward someone for his services
toliko ne morem pláčati I cannot afford it
za to je treba pláčati carino (ni treba pláčati carine) this is dutiable (dutyfree)
ne morem pláčati I am unable to pay, I am insolvent
vedno sem ti točno plačeval I have always paid you on the nail
plačal sem mu buteljko vina I treated him to a bottle of wine
kdo bo plačal zapitek? who will stand treat?
vsak od naju bo plačal zase we'll each pay his own share, we'll go dutch
za uro sem plačal urarju 50 funtov I paid (ali I gave) the watchmaker fifty pounds for my watch
zmago je plačal s svojim življenjem he paid with his own life for the victory
dragó sem jim plačal za to they made me pay through the nose for it
to mi boš plačal! (figurativno) I'll see you pay for this!, you shall smart for this!
pláčati milo za drago to pay in kind, to repay tit for tat, to get one's own back, to have one's revenge (on), to get even (with)
kdor muziko plačuje, tudi ukazuje (figurativno) who pays the piper calls the tune
natakar, plačati, prosim! waiter, the bill, please! - pléšast bald, bald-headed; hairless
pléšasta glava bald head, bald pate
nekoliko pléšast balding, baldish
popolnoma pléšast as bald as an egg (ali a coot, a billiard ball)
posta(ja)ti pléšast to grow bald (ali hairless), to lose hair - plítev shallow; low; not deep, shoaly; figurativno superficial, platitudinous; (oseba) shallow, shallow-brained
posta(ja)ti plítev to shoal - pobrígati se
pobrígati se za kaj to take care of something, to see to something, to look after something, to take something upon oneself, to attend to something, to provide for something
pobrigal se bom za vstopnice I'll see to the tickets
ti bi se bil moral pobrigati za to you ought to have seen to it
pobrigaj se, da bo to narejeno! see to it!, see that it's done!
pobrigajte se, da bo vse nared, ko pridejo! see to it that everything is ready before they come! - podáti to hand; to give; to pass; to administer; (ponuditi) to offer, to reach; to extend
podáti roko to offer (ali to hold out) one's hand
podaj mi knjigo, prosim! reach me that book, will you?
podáti se (iti) to go (k to), arhaično to repair (to); (pristajati) to become, to suit, to fit
klobuk se ti lepo poda the hat suits you well
podáti se na potovanje to undertake a a journey, to set out on one's journey - podóben resembling, similar, alike, like
podóben kot jajce jajcu as like as two peas
na podóben način likewise, in like manner
podóbni trikotniki similar triangles pl
bolj podóben bogu kot človeku more like to god than man
podóbna sta si they are cast in the same mould
biti podóben to be alike, to look like, to resemble, to bear a likeness (ali resemblance) (komu to someone)
podóbna vsota a similar sum, a like amount
biti komu zelo podóben to bear (ali to have) a strong resemblance to someone
fant je podóben očetu the boy takes after his father
podóben ti je kot jajce jajcu he is the dead spit and image of you
niti najmanj si nista podóbna there is not the slightest resemblance between them
to mu ni prav nič podóbno that is very unlike him
to je (čisto) njemu podóbno that is just like him
portret je čisto podóben originalu (osebi) the portrait is a speaking likeness
in (ali) podóbno and (or) suchlike, and (or) the like
briga se le za (mar so mu le) karte, biljard in podóbno he cares for nothing but cards, billiards and suchlike - podpóra support, aid, help, relief, sustenance; assistance; (miloščina) charity, alms; (dotacija) subsidy, (denarna) subvention
s podpóro with the support (of)
državna podpóra state support
brezposelna podpóra dole
dobivati brezposleno podpóro to draw the dole, to be on the dole
prošnja za podpóro application for support
podpóra industriji bounty, allowance
da(ja)ti podpóro to grant support
imeti krepko podpóro to have the staunch support (of)
živeti od javne podpóre to live on public assistance
potreben podpóre needy
brez podpóre unassisted, unaided, unsupported, unseconded
dobivati socialno podpóro to be on relief
prejemnik podpóre person on benefit - pogódu after one's own heart
to ni pogódu it goes against the grain
biti pogódu to please, to be agreeable, to suit
ti je pogódu, da prideš jutri? does it suit you to come tomorrow? - pokázati to show; to demonstrate; to indicate; to point (na at); to expose to view, to exhibit; to manifest, to display
pokaži mi to! let me see it!, show it to me!
ti bom že pokazal! I'll teach you!, I'll show you!
pokázati s prstom na koga to point one's finger at someone
pokázati svoje načrte, namere to show one's plans, intentions
pokázati svoje dokumente to show one's papers
pokázati svoje karte to show one's cards (tudi figurativno)
pokázati pête (zbežati) to show someone a clean pair of heels
pokazali so mi sobo I was shown the room
pokazal je veliko spretnost he displayed great skill
pokázati svojo strahopetnost (figurativno, arhaično) to show the white feather
pokázati svojo zlobno naravo (figurativno) to show one's cloven hoof
pokázati slab okus to show bad taste
pokázati znake utrujenosti to show signs of fatigue
pokázati (opozoriti) na kaj to point out something
pokázati zobe to show one's teeth (tudi figurativno)
pokázati komu vrata to show someone the door
pokaži, kaj znaš! do your stuff!
pokázati se (v javnosti) to show someone; to appear, to turn up; to become manifest, to come to light; (izkazati se) to prove (oneself)
pokazal se je (prišel je) šele ob desetih he didn't show up until ten
pokazal se je hvaležnega he showed himself grateful, he proved to be grateful
on bi rad pokazal, kaj zna he wants to show off
se bo že pokazalo! time will show!
pokazalo se je, da... it turned out (ali it became evident, it was found) that...
kmalu se bo pokazalo, ali imate prav we shall soon see if you are right