
Zadetki iskanja

  • osprédje foreground, forefront; fore; front

    biti v osprédju politične dejavnosti to be prominently active in politics, to be in the forefront of political activity
    on je rad v osprédju (figurativno) he is fond of the limelight
    v osprédje se postaviti (siliti, riniti) to put oneself forward
    stopiti v osprédje to come to the fore (ali to the front), to stand out
    ne siliti v osprédje (figurativno) to take a back seat, to stay (ali keep) in the background, to keep a low profile
  • ostál left (over), remaining

    ostáli pl the rest, the others, those left
    med ostálim among other things, (latinsko) inter alia
    v ostálem (= sicer) for the rest
    in vse ostálo (drugo) and everything else, and all the rest of it
    in ostálo (podobno) and so on, and so forth; et cetera (krajšava: etc.)
    ostáli od nas the rest of us
    vsi (drugi) ostáli gredó (hočejo iti) all the others (ali the rest of them) are going
    bil je pijan kot vsi ostáli (drugi) he was drunk like the rest
    mi (ki smo) ostáli (mi drugi) the rest of us
    (vse) ostálo (drugo) se je izgubilo the remainder was lost
  • ostáti (bivati) to stay, to remain

    ostáti zunaj to stay out; (vztrajati) to persist in, to stick to, to abide by, to keep to; (preostati) to be left over
    ostáti doma to stay at home
    ostáti v postelji to stay in bed, to keep to one's bed
    ostáti pri predmetu to keep to the point
    ostáti miren, hladnokrven to keep cool; to keep one's temper
    ostani, kjer si! keep still!, stay where you are!
    ostalo bo toplo it wilI stay warm
    ostáti zdrav to remain healthy
    to ostane med nama (figurativno) this is a word in your ear, I tell you this in strict confidence, this is quite between ourselves, this is strickly confidental
    vse ostane pri starem no change will be made, everything will be as before
    kje smo ostali zadnji teden? (v šoli) where did we leave off last week?
    ostanem pri svojem mnenju I stick to my opinion
    ostane pri tem! we will leave it at that!
    nič drugega mi ne (pre)ostane... I have no choice but..., there's nothing for it but..., I have no alternative, it's a case of Hobson's choice
    nič drugega (nam) ne ostane, kot da... there is nothing for it, but to...
    ostanite pri telefonu! hold the line, please!
  • osúplost astonishment, amazement, bewilderment, perplexity, surprise (ob at)

    spraviti v osúplost ➞ osupiti
  • otróčji childish; childlike; infantile

    biti otróčji (figurativno senilen) to dote
    ne bodi otróčji! be your age!
    otróčja igra v primeri z child's play compared with
    to je otróčje lahko it's as easy as pie, (ZDA as easy as falling off a log)
  • otrók child, pl children; (majhen) baby, babe, tot; (nedoleten) infant; (zaničljivo) brat

    zakonski otrók legitimate child
    nezakonski otrók illegitimate child, child born out of wedlock, bastard, natural child
    otrók ljubezni love child
    mrtvorojen otrók stillborn child
    čudežen otrok infant prodigy
    otrók brezdomec waif
    brez otrok childless
    ugrabitev otróka kidnapping
    umor otróka, morilec, -lka otróka infanticide
    varovalec, -lka baby-sitter
    on je pravi otrók he is quite a child
    ona pričakuje otróka she is with child (ali in the family way), she is an expectant mother
    roditi otróka to give birth to a child
    biti (krstni) boter otróku to stand sponsor to a child
    varovati otróka (oziroma otroke) v odsotnosti staršev to baby-sit
    ne biti več otrók to be no longer a child
    on ni več otrók he is no longer a child
    kot otrók se veseliti to be as pleased as Punch
    dobiti (roditi) otróka to be delivered of a child
    nobenega otróka ne več dobiti (roditi) to be past childbearing (ali childbearing age)
    opekel otrók se boji ognja a burnt child dreads the fire
  • otróški infant, infantile, infant's, childish; child's

    otróška doba childhood, infancy
    zgodnja otróška doba babyhood
    otróška soba nursery
    otróški voziček perambulator, VB pogovorno pram
    otróški vrtec infant school, kindergarten
    otrok v otróškem vrtcu infant
    dnevno otróško zavetišče day nursery, crèche
    otróška paraliza infantile paralysis
  • óvca ewe; sheep (sg in pl)

    čreda ovac a flock of sheep
    črna, garjava óvca (figurativno) a black sheep, a carrion crow among the eagles
    črna óvca v družini (figurativno) the black sheep of the family
    izgubljena óvca (figurativno) a lost sheep
    ograda za óvce sheepfold, (sheep) pen, sheepcote
    pašnik za óvce sheep's pasture
    rejec ovac sheep farmer, sheep breeder
    reja ovac sheep farming, sheep breeding
    striženje ovac sheepshearing
  • ovít wrapped

    ovít v veiled in, shrouded with (diskrecijo discretion)
    ovít v skrivnost wrapped in mystery
    ovít v kopreno skrivnosti wrapped in a shroud of mystery
    ovít z bršljanom ivied; ivy-clad
  • ozádje background; back; rear

    držati se v ozádju to stay (ali keep) in the background, (figurativno) to take a back seat
    postaviti v ozádje to put (ali to place) in the rear
    umakniti se v ozádje to recede into the background
  • ózek narrow; (tesen) tight; arhaično strait

    ózki čevlji tight shoes pl
    ózki samoglasniki close (ali narrow) vowels pl
    v ožjem pomenu besede in the narrower sense of the word
    ožji odbor a select committee
    v ožjem smislu in a restricted sense, strictly speaking
    ožja volitev second ballot
  • ozír regard, respect; consideration

    brez ozíra na regardless of, irrespective of
    v tem (nekem) ozíru in this (some) regard
    v vsakem ozíru in every regard (ali respect), in all respects
    z ozírom na with (ali in) regard to, as regards, in consideration of, with respect to
    brez ozíra na starost (na posledice) without regard to age (to consequences)
    z ozírom na njegovo mladost allowing (ali making allowance) for his youth
    z ozírom na to, da... with regard to the fact that...
    ne imeti ozíra do (ne upoštevati) to pay no regard to, not to take into consideration
  • ozíroma respectively; or

    moja otroka sta stara deset ozíroma štirinajst let my children are ten and fourteen years old respectively
    pretekli ozíroma sedanji deležnik the past and present participle respectively
    ta avtomobila sta vredna 5.000 ozíroma 7.000 funtov these cars are worth 5,000 and 7,000 pounds respectively
    gledališče je ozíroma naj bi bilo središče kulturnega življenja the theatre is or should be a centre of cultural life
    spomenik naj bi postavili na trgu ozíroma v parku they should put the monument up in the square or in the park
  • padálo parachute; pogovorno chute; žargon brolly

    avtomatsko padálo automatic parachute
    pomožno padálo auxiliary (ali lift off) parachute, ZDA pull off parachute
    zložitev padála parachute folding
    (od)skok s padálom parachute jump
    svila za padálo parachute silk
    (od)skočiti s padálom to parachute, to jump (with a parachute), (v nevarnosti) to bail out with a parachute
    odvreči s padálom to parachute, to drop
    spustiti se s padálom na ozemlje Slovenije to parachute into Slovenia
    vrvica za odpiranje padála rip cord
  • pádati to fall; to drop; (manjšati se) to decrease, to decline, to sink, to wane, to ebb; (cena) to drop, to fall, to go down

    dež (toča sneg, sodra) pada it rains (it hails, it snows, it sleets)
    cene padajo prices are falling (ali dropping)
    delnice padajo shares are on the decline
    barometer pada the barometer is falling
    droben dež pada (prší) it is drizzling
    megla pada fog (ali mist) comes down (ali descends)
    pádati v oči (figurativno) to strike the eye
    njihovo število pada their number is shrinking, they are fewer in number
    zastor pada the curtain is dropping (ali falling) ➞ pasti (padem)
  • páhniti to push; to thrust

    páhniti koga v bedo to plunge someone into misery
  • páničen panic; panic-stricken; pogovorno panicky

    páničen strah panic (ali unreasoning) fear
    v páničnem strahu in panic fear
    biti, zbežati v páničnem strahu to panic
  • papír paper

    na papírju (tudi figurativno) on paper
    debel papír stout p.
    državni papírji public funds pl, government securities pl, government stocks pl
    brezlesni papír wood-free paper
    cigaretni papír cigarette p.
    časopisni papír newsprint
    pisarniški papír office paper
    pisemski papír notepaper, letter paper
    risalni papír drawing p.
    notni papír music paper
    krep papír crepe p.
    ovojni papír brown paper, packing paper, wrapping p., strong p.
    kopirni papír carbon, carbon paper
    pisalni papír writing p.
    papír za prerisavanje tracing paper
    svilen papír tissue p.
    papír za pisalni stroj, za tipkanje typing paper
    črtani papír lined (ali ruled) p.
    fotografski papír photographic paper
    smirkov papír emery paper, sandpaper, glasspaper
    tapetni papír wallpaper
    papír za tisk printing p.
    toaletni papír toilet paper
    tanek papír thin p.
    odpadni papír wastepaper
    konceptni papír scribbling paper
    pergamentni papír greaseproof paper
    list, pola papírja sheet of paper
    krpa papírja scrap of paper
    izdelovanje papírja papermaking
    tovarna papírja paper mill, paper factory
    trgovec s papírjem paper merchant, stationer
    trgovina s papírjem paper trade, stationery
    tovarnar papírja papermaker
    nož za papír paper knife
    stroj za rezanje papírja paper cutter, guillotine
    papír je potrpežljiv, vse prenese (figurativno) paper does not blush
    na papírju ste močnejši (figurativno) you are stronger on paper
    zaviti v papír to wrap up in paper
  • par (dvojica) pair, couple, two; (psov, divjadi) brace; set of two; (volov) a yoke (ali ZDA span) of oxen; (nekoliko) one or two, some, a few, several

    po parih by twos, by pairs, two by two
    par dni a couple of days, a day or two, (več kot dva dni) a day or so
    v par dneh in a couple of (ali in a few) days, in a matter of days
    par vrstic a line or two
    par rokavic a pair of gloves
    izgubil sem par te rokavice I have lost the companion to this glove
    poročen par married couple, wedded couple
    par zaročencev an engaged couple
    vrsta šolark, ki hodijo v parih (pogovorno) a crocodile
    ni mu ga para (ni mu enakega) there is no one to equal him, he has no equal; he is matchless; he is unrivalled
  • parentéza parenthesis, pl -theses

    dati v parentézo to put in parentheses, to parenthesize