
Zadetki iskanja

  • to this; that; it

    to je (krajšava: t.j.) that is, namely, (krajšava: i.e.)
    o tem about this
    v tem (medtem) (in the) meanwhile
    skozi to through this, on account of this, by it
    razen tega besides, moreover, as well
    kako to? how so?
    (pa) kaj za to? what of that?
    to je vse that's all
    to je možno that may be
    to so oni they are the ones, pogovorno that's them
    ne to ne ono (= nekaj vmesnega, srednjega) neither one thing nor the other, betwixt and between
    pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu for all that
    tega je 10 let ten years ago
    jaz sem za to I am for it, I agree to it
    ni mi do tega I don't care for it
    samó še to bi (se) manjkalo! that would be all we need!, (pogovorno) that would put the tin lid on it!
    pustimo to, kakor je! (pogovorno) let it go at that!
    to mi boš plačal! you'll pay for this!, you'll smart for this!
    koga misliš s tem? whom have you (ali pogovorno who've you got) in mind?
    si to mislil, si to hotel reči? is that what you meant?
    to se pravi that is to say
    iz tega sledi... hence it follows...
    vsi vedó to every one knows that
    poleg vsega tega, (on) še pije apart from all that, he drinks, too
  • tóbogan (sani) toboggan; (drča) chute, toboggan slide; (v zabaviščnem parku) roller coaster, switchback, slide, chute

    vozač na tóboganu (sankač) tobogganist, tobogganer
    vožnja s tóboganom tobogganing
    voziti se na tóboganu (na sankah) to toboggan
  • tóča hail, (zrno) hailstone; (sodra) sleet

    tóča pada it is hailing (oziroma it hails)
    nevihta s tóčo hailstorm
    škoda po tóči damage done by hail
    zavarovanje proti tóči insurance against (damage by) hail
    udarci so padali kot tóča the blows fell (ali came) fast and thick
    po tóči zvoniti (figurativno) to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
    po tóči zvoniti je prepozno (nima smisla) there's no use crying over spilt milk, it's no use trying to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
  • tók1 current; (vodni) stream, current; drift; (dogodkov) swim

    električni tók electric current
    istosmerni tók direct (ali continuous) current
    izmenični tók alternating current
    poraba (električnega) tóka consumption of electricity
    Zalivski tók Gulf Stream
    sredi, v sredini tóka in midstream
    močan tók (elektrika) power current
    slab, šibak tók (elektrika) low-tension current
    inducirani tók induced current
    močan vodni tók powerful current
    jakost tóka current intensity, strength
    proizvodnja tóka generation of current
    potreba po tóku demand for electricity
    plavati s tókom figurativno (proti tóku) to swim with (against) the stream (ali tide)
    prepustiti se tóku (razmer) to resign oneself (ali to be resigned) to the course of events, to let things drift
    tók jih žene they are carried along by the current, they drift
  • tón glasba tone; sound; note; voice; manner of speaking; (barvni) tint, shade of colour

    obseg tonov diapason
    višina tóna glasba pitch
    s posmehljivim tónom (glasom) jeeringly
    z jeznim tónom (glasom) in an angry tone
    dati tón glasba to give the note
    dajati tón za (figurativno) to set the tone of, to set the style
    prepovedujem si ta tón (od vas)! I won't have you talk to me in that tone of voice!
    spremeniti tón to change one's tone (ali one's tune)
    znižati (zvišati) svoj tón to drop (to raise) one's voice
  • tòp vojska cannon, gun, piece of ordnance; (havbica) howitzer

    brzostrelni tòp quick-firing gun
    daljnostrelni tòp long-range gun
    tòpovi pl cannon, artillery, ordnance
    oblegovalni tòp siege gun
    poljski tòp field gun
    protiletalski tòp antiaircraft gun, (pogovorno) ack-ack gun
    protitankovski tòp antitank gun
    tòp, ki se opoldne sam sproži s pomočjo leče cannon-clock
    domet krogle iz tòpa range of a gun
    v dostrelu tòpa within gunshot
    odporen proti strelu iz tòpa cannon-proof
    hrana za tòpove (figurativno) cannon fodder, (arhaično) food for powder
    grmenje tòpov cannonade, roar of cannon, thunder of the guns
    strel iz tòpa gunshot
    obstreljevanje s tòpovi gunfire
    obstreljevati s tòpom to shell, to cannonade, to bombard
    namestiti tòp to post (ali to station) a gun
    ustreliti iz tòpa to fire, to discharge a gun, (s topovi celega boka ladje) to fire a broadside
    streljati, ustreliti s tòpovi komu v pozdrav to fire a salute in someone's honour
  • tórba bag; (krušnjak) haversack; (tornistra) knapsack

    polna tórba bagful (of)
    tórba za orodje, za potrebščine kitbag
    beračeva tórba beggar's bag
    lovska tórba gamebag
    tórba za naboje pouch
    šolska tórba satchel
    ženska tórba handbag, arhaično reticule, (brez ročaja) clutch bag
    tórba s patentno zadrgo zipper bag
  • tožáriti (v šoli) žargon to sneak, to snitch

    tožáriti se to go to law (s kom with someone); to carry on a lawsuit
  • tôžba complaint; lamentation; pravo charge, suit, accusation

    groziti s tôžbo to threaten with a lawsuit
    vložiti tôžbo to bring an action (proti komu against someone)
    umakniti tôžbo to withdraw a charge
    zavrniti tôžbo kot neosnovano pravo to reject a charge as unfounded
    tôžba je bila zavrnjena tudi v drugi instanci the suit was rejected also in the court of second instance
  • tráčnica (železniška) rail

    skočiti s tračnic to run off (ali to leave) the rails, to be derailed, to derail
  • tráktor tractor; traction engine

    poljedelski tráktor farm tractor
    priključki za tráktor attachments pl
    tráktor-plug tractor plough (ZDA plow)
    amfibijski tráktor ZDA vojska amtrac
    tráktor goseničar caterpillar tractor, ZDA pogovorno cat
    uporabljati tráktor to use tractors
    tráktor s kolesi wheeled tractor
  • trámvaj tramway, tramcar, tram; ZDA streetcar, trolley car, trolley

    peljati se s trámvajem to go by tram, to take a tram ride, to tram (it)
  • tŕčiti to clash (z with); to collide (s kom with someone); to strike against, to knock against

    avtomobila sta trčila the cars collided
    tŕčiti s kozarci, tŕčiti na zdravje to clink glasses (s kom with someone), to chink glasses, to touch glasses
  • trdnjáva fortress; stronghold; fortified place; (citadela) citadel; (pri šahu) castle, rook

    leteča trdnjáva (letalo) ZDA zgodovina Flying Fortress
    zapor v trdnjávi confinement in a fortress
    zavarovati s trdnjávo to protect with a fortress, (redko) to fortress
  • trébuh anatomija belly; abdomen; paunch; zastarelo womb; (ladje) bottom

    poln trébuh bellyful
    s praznim trébuhom with an empty belly
    bolečine v trébuhu bellyache, evfemizem stomachache
    velik trébuh (vamp) pot belly, pogovorno corporation
    ležeč na trébuhu prone
    pristanek na trébuhu aeronavtika belly landing, (žargon) belly flop
    pristati na trébuhu aeronavtika to belly-land, to make a belly landing
    govoriti iz trébuha to ventriloquize
    napolniti si trébuh to fill one's belly
  • trèsk bang, crash, slam; (groma) thunderclap, thunderpeal, clap (ali peal) of thunder, arhaično thunderstroke

    s trèskom zapreti vrata to shut the door with a bang
  • trgóvec merchant, tradesman, dealer; shopkeeper

    trgóvci pl dealers pl; merchants pl, tradespeople, wholesalers pl, commercial world
    veliki trgóvci the big dealers, people in big business, big businessmen
    mali trgóvci small tradespeople
    trgóvec na debelo wholesale dealer, wholesaler, merchant
    trgóvec na drobno retailer, retail dealer, shopkeeper, ZDA storekeeper
    komisijski trgóvec commission agent, commission merchant
    trgóvec z belim blagom (figurativno) white-slaver
    trgóvec s konji horse dealer, VB (zlasti nepošten) coper
    trgóvec z lesom timber merchant
    trgóvec s pisalnimi potrebščinami stationer
    trgóvec s pohištvom furniture dealer
    trgóvec z ribami fishmonger
    trgóvec s sadjem fruiterer
    trgóvec s špecerijskim blagom grocer
    trgóvec z vinom na debelo wine merchant
    trgóvec z zelenjavo greengrocer
    trgóvec z žitom corn merchant, corn chandler
    trgóvec z živino cattle dealer
  • trgóvski commercial; mercantile, merchant; trade; business-like

    trgóvski adresar trades directory
    trgóvski artikel article of commerce, commodity
    trgóvska akademija school of commerce, business school
    trgóvska aviacija commercial aviation
    trgóvska banka commercial bank, merchant bank, ZDA investment banking house
    trgóvsko blago, roba merchandise, ware(s pl), goods pl, articles pl of commerce
    trgóvska borza (goods) exchange
    trgóvski časopis commercial gazette
    trgóvski dobiček trading profit
    trgóvsko dopisovanje commercial correspondence
    trgóvski družabnik business (ali commercial) partner, business associate
    trgóvski duh commercial spirit
    trgóvska hiša (trading) firm
    trgóvski izraz, têrmin commercial term
    trgóvski izvedenec commercialist
    trgóvska kakovost commercial quality (ali grade)
    trgóvski krogi commercial circles pl
    trgóvsko knjigovodstvo commercial bookkeeping
    trgóvski kredit business loan
    trgóvska ladja merchantman, trader, cargo steamer, trading vessel
    trgóvski list trade journal
    trgóvska luka commercial port
    trgóvska marža trade margin
    trgóvska menica commercial bill
    trgóvsko mesto commercial (ali trading) town
    trgóvska mornarica merchant marine, merchant (ali mercantile) fleet
    trgóvski mešetar broker
    trgóvski običaj usage
    trgóvsko podjetje commercial enterprise
    trgóvski pomočnik shop assistant
    trgóvsko pristanišče commercial (ali trading) seaport
    trgóvska pot trade route
    trgóvski proizvod commercial product
    trgóvsko poročilo trade report
    trgóvsko pismo commercial letter
    trgóvski potnik sales representative, pogovorno rep, commercial traveller, ZDA drummer, travelling salesman
    trgóvsko poslovanje trading, trading business
    trgóvski posrednik, agent commercial (ali mercantile) agent, factor
    trgóvska pogodba commercial treaty
    trgóvska panoga, veja branch (of trade)
    trgóvski register commercial register, register of companies, ZDA official register of trading associations
    vpisati v trgóvski register to enter in the commercial register, to register, ZDA to incorporate
    trgóvski sejem trade fair
    trgóvsko središče commercial centre (ZDA center)
    trgóvski stan trading class
    trgóvsko sodišče commercial court
    trgóvski stalež (pogovorno) trading community
    trgóvsko skladišče warehouse
    trgóvski sodnik commercial judge
    trgóvska šola school of commerce, ZDA business school
    trgóvska toleranca commercial limit
    trgóvska vrednost commercial value
    trgóvski vajenec apprentice
    trgóvska zadruga cooperative society
    trgóvska znamka trademark
    trgóvski zakon commercial law, mercantile law
    trgóvski zakonik, kodeks commercial code
    trgóvske zveze commercial relations pl, business contacts pl
    trgóvski zastopnik commercial (ali mercantile) agent
  • tricíkel tricycle

    voznik tricíkla tricyclist
    voziti (se) s tricíklom to tricycle
    dobavni, dostavni tricíkel delivery tricycle, goods tricycle
  • tŕnek hook, fishhook

    loviti s tŕnkom to angle, to go angling, to be an angler