namestíti to place; to set; to put; (imenovati, nastaviti) to appoint, to employ, to give someone employment (ali a post, a situation)
namestíti stole za vse to set chairs for everybody
namestíti pohištvo v sobi to furnish a room
namestíti se to place (ali to establish oneself), to settle
namestíti se v naslanjaču to install (ali settle) oneself in an armchair
Zadetki iskanja
- nanízanka serial
predvajati, objavljati v nanízankah to serialize - nanosíti (prinašati) to bring; to carry; to accumulate
nanosíti vodo v škaf to bring water to the tub
nanosil ji je drv he brought her firewood
nanosila je na mizo vse, kar je imela everything she had she piled on to the table - napàd attack; aggression; raid; impetus; assault; (roparski) holdup; (juriš) charge, onset, onslaught
zračni napàd air raid; (vpad v deželo) invasion, inroad, incursion, raid, arhaično irruption; (izpad iz obleganega mesta) sally; (roparski pohod) foray; (sunek) thrust
nenaden napàd medicina seizure, fit, (srčni) heart attack
silovit napàd attack in force
napàd mraza onset of cold
izvesti napàd to carry out an attack
odbiti napàd to repel (ali to repulse) an attack
začeti napàd to open an attack, to strike the first blow
zatrobiti k napàdu, za napàd to sound the charge
hud zračni napàd blitz - napadálec attacker, assaulter, invader, aggressor, assailant; šport (nogomet itd.) forward, attacker
napadálci attack (s konstr. v sg ali pl); (oblegovalec) besieger
odbiti napadálce to repel assailants, to ward off an attack - napáka mistake; fault; blunder; defect; error; (groba, zlasti pri izpitu) žargon howler
brez napáke faultless, free from fault; correct
govorna napáka medicina speech impediment, speech handicap, speech defect
lepotna napáka blemish, flaw, disfigurement
računska napáka arithmetical error, mistake, miscalculation
slušna napáka defective hearing
telesna napáka physical defect, infirmity, affliction
podedovana napáka hereditary defect (ali fault)
napáka v materialu flaw (ali defect, fault) in material, poor quality of goods
pravopisna napáka misspelling
tipkarska napáka typing mistake (ali error)
tiskovna napáka misprint, erratum, pl errata, typographic error, printer's error, literal
napáka v pisanju clerical error
za napáke ne odgovarjamo! trgovina errors (and omissions) excepted!
delam slovnične napáke I make mistakes in (ali with) my grammar, pogovorno I get my grammar wrong
delati napáke to make mistakes; to commit errors, to blunder
popraviti svojo napáko to make good one's mistake
napáke se rade vrinejo errors will slip in
najti napáke pri kom to find fault with someone
padati v staro napáko to backslide, to be a backslider
mnogo napák je bilo storjenih z naše strani many mistakes have been committed on our side
imeti iste napáke (v značaju) to be tarred with the same brush
na napákah se učimo one learns by one's mistakes
nihče ni brez napák (figurativno) no one's perfect - napét strained; stretched; tense; figurativno exciting; taut
napéti odnosi strained relations pl
napét lok a bent bow
napéto ozračje tense atmosphere
napéto sodobno življenje the strain of modern life
napéti živci taut nerves pl
napéta igra tense game
v napéti pozornosti with rapt attention
prenapét overstrained, highly strung, overwrought
vsi čuti so mu bili skrajno napéti all his senses were strained to the utmost
zgodba je napéto zanimiva it's a thrilling yarn
napéti odnosi strained relations pl - napóta impediment; obstacle
to mi je v napóto that gets in my way
glej, da jim ne boš delal napóte see you don't get in their way - napótje impediment; obstacle
biti v napótje to be in someone's way
delati napótje to get (ali to be) in the way
ni mi v napótje it is not in my way - napótnica
napótnica za bolnišnico doctor's note (directing patient to hospital)
priti v hotel z napótnico potovalne agencije to arrive at a hotel with a note (ali chit, introductory letter) from a travel agency - napredováti to make progress, to progress (v in); to get on, to get along; to be promoted
počasi napredováti to make slow progress; to make little headway
zelo je napredoval he has made considerable progress
napredoval je v čin stotnika he was promoted to the rank of captain
napredoval je za eno stopnjo he has been moved up one rank (ali step)
kdaj je napredoval (v službi) when did he get his promotion?
kdaj bo napredoval na višji položaj? when will he be promoted to a higher post? - napréj (smer) forward, onward, on, ahead; in advance
od sedaj napréj henceforth, in future
v napréj, za napréj in advance, beforehand
od 1800 napréj from 1800 onwards
napréj! (vstopite!) come in!
napréj! forward!, go on!
napréj, marš! forward march!
z vso hitrostjo napréj pomorstvo full steam ahead
iti napréj to go on, (napredovati) to advance; (iti spredaj) to precede, to go before, to go ahead, to take the lead
moja ura gre napréj my watch is fast
napréj! (ne stojte na mestu!) move on, move on there!, keep moving!
šel je napréj he's gone ahead
napréj plačati to pay in odvance
planiti napréj to rush forward
napréj povedati to announce, to foretell
ne pridem napréj s to stvarjo I'm not making much headway with this (matter)
v napréj se vam zahvaljujemo (zaključna formula uradnega pisma) thanking you in advance (ali in anticipation) - naráva nature
po narávi by nature, according to nature, naturally
proti narávi against (ali contrary to) nature, unnatural
ljubitelj naráve lover of nature
muha(vost) naráve (spaček) a freak of nature
opazovanje naráve (opis) naráve observation (description) of nature
otrok naráve a child of nature
plačilo v narávi (v naturalijah) payment in kind
varstvo naráve preservation of natural beauties
urad za varstvo naráve Nature Conservancy
plačati v narávi to pay in kind
to mu je postala druga naráva (figurativno) it has become second nature with him
(na)risati po narávi to draw (ali to sketch) from life
slikan (portretiran) po narávi portrayed to the life
to je proti moji narávi it is contrary to my nature
prerasti, preiti v narávo to grow into habit
naráva dela nature of activity - naráven natural; true to nature; (prirojen) innate; (pravi, pristen) genuine, true, inartificial; (iskren) open, frank, sincere, artless; (neprisiljen) unaffected, unconstrained
narávno čudo prodigy
narávni dar gift of nature
narávne lepote natural beauties pl
narávni nagon instinct
narávni pojav natural phenomenon, pl -mena
narávni proizvod natural product
narávna sila, moč natural force
narávna selekcija natural selection
narávno stanje natural state
narávni zakon law of nature, natural law
portret (kip) v narávni velikosti life-sized portrait (statue)
narávne sile physical agents pl
narávno bogastvo natural resources pl - narávnost1 straight; directly
narávnost kvišku straight up
narávnost naprej straight on, straight forward
narávnost (brez strahu) povedati svoje mnenje (figurativno) to give it (someone) straight from the shoulder
narávnost povedati to tell (someone) straight out
pojdite narávnost! go straight on!
narávnost vprašati koga to ask someone point-blank
povejmo narávnost (bolj odkrito)! let us put it in plain language!
povej mi narávnost, kaj misliš! tell me straight what you think!
povedal sem mu narávnost v obraz I told him straight out
narávnost po nosu me je udaril he hit me square on the nose - naróbe wrong; wrongly; in a wrong manner; the wrong side out (ali up); turned upside down; topsyturvy; inverted; head over heels
vse je naróbe all is wrong, all is in confusion, there is a great confusion everywhere
nekaj je naróbe there is something amiss
vse gre naróbe all goes wrong
vse je naróbe v hiši everything is upside down in the house
kaj je naróbe s teboj? what is wrong with you?
naróbe se lotiti česa (figurativno) to put the cart before the horse
to je naróbe svet it is the world turned upside down
naróbe si je nadel klobuk he has put his hat on the wrong way
narediti vse naróbe to do everything the wrong way round
šli smo po isti poti kot vi, toda naróbe (v obratni smeri) we took the same road as you, but the other way round
pri meni (v mojem primeru) je stvar naróbe (obratna) in my case the boot is on the other foot; with me it's the other way round
nima Ivan Marije na vrvici, ravno naróbe je John doesn't dominate Mary, the boot is on the other foot (ali the reverse is the case) - naročílo order; command; errand; (čezmorsko) indent
ponovno naročílo repeat order
poskusno naročílo trial order
narejen po naročílu made to order
dotok naročíl a flow of orders
poplava naročíl a spate of orders
po naročílu to order, on order
imeti v naročílu to have on order
izvršiti naročílo ekonomija to complete an order
preklicati naročílo to countermand an order - naróčje arms pl; lap
polno naróčje armful
imeti v naróčju to have on one's lap
sedeti komu v naróčju to sit on someone's lap
pasti komu v naróčje to be folded in someone's arms (ali in someone's embrace)
sreča mu je padla v naróčje he has had a windfall (ali an unexpected stroke of good luck, good fortune)
držati roke v naróčju to sit with one's hands folded, (lenost) to be idle
vrgla se mu je v naróčje she flung herself (ali she flew) into his arms
vrniti se v naróčje Cerkve to return to the bosom of the Church - nasedéti se to sit (a considerable time); to have a good sit-down
v ječi se bomo nasedeli pogovorno we'll be doing time (ali žargon bird) - naselíti to colonize; to populate
naselíti se to settle (v Ameriki in America); to establish oneself